JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The “Brothers In Arms” organization held a contentious demonstration on Sunday in Kikar Shabbat near Meah Shearim, demanding that charedim enlist in the IDF. The protesters came carrying drums and loudspeakers and berated the charedim passing by. Police arrested several charedim who staged a counterdemonstration at the scene.
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Some of the “Brothers In Arms” members even used violence against the locals, including one who started hitting people with a stick but then ran away after a mob started chasing him.
מאוד בעד גיוס חרדים, מאוד בעד שיוויון בנטל, אבל כשאני רואה חבר במחאת אחים לנשק או חבר במחאה נגד הממשלה מגיע לריכוז חרדי במאה שערים עם חבריו, בפרובוקציה ומתחיל להרביץ עם מקל לחרדים מזדמנים, זה גורם לחלחלה ולגמרי סלידה מתנועות הפוליטיות נגד הממשלה, שמשיגים בכך בדיוק את האפקט…
— Yossi Eli יוסי אלי (@Yossi_eli) March 31, 2024
הפקירו אותו לבד בשטח.
עם כאלה “אחים לנשק” עדיף לדפוק נפקדות.— igal_malka (@igal_malka_5G) March 31, 2024
Violence from “Brothers in Arms
The provocative actions of the Brothers in Arms were condemned by a wide range of Israelis, including those who favor a charedi draft but who saw this demonstration as counterproductive for the goal of reaching an agreement over the issue.
Brother’s in arms is an organization of Assklowns . Basically antifa .
Not one of their members a brother to anyone.
All they want is to divide the country again and destroy it from within like a Cancer
Can you say, seanas chenom! Come on Man don’t we have enough out side haters that we now fight amongst ourselves.