US: Israel Killed a Third of Hamas Terrorists


    (JNS) – Israel has eliminated only around a third of the Hamas terrorists and tunnels in Gaza since the start of the war on Oct. 7, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing U.S. intelligence estimates.

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    “Although Hamas’ communications and military abilities have been degraded, only 30 to 35 percent of its fighters—those who were a part of Hamas before the Oct. 7 attack—have been killed and about 65 percent of its tunnels are still intact, U.S. intelligence indicates,” the Virginia-based news outlet stated.

    According to Western officials, thousands of Hamas terrorists have been able to evade the Israel Defense Forces by hiding in Gaza’s vast subterranean tunnel network, while others have mixed into the civilian population.

    Gen. Joseph Votel (ret.), who headed U.S. Central Command during the peak of fighting with Islamic State, was one of several former top officials quoted by the publication who were critical of Jerusalem’s war strategy. He urged the Israeli government to consider long-term plans for the Strip and its population.

    “Everybody gets the fact that you have to destroy Hamas …, but then what?” asked Votel.

    “What’s the plan to take care of the 2.5 million Palestinians that are left behind? What’s the plan to deal with the remainder of the Hamas fighters? It seems incomplete and I just don’t think that they have communicated or have thought through that as well as I would’ve hoped they would’ve.”

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    24 days ago

    You can’t destroy Hamas only by fighting. Hamas is an ideoligy of the Gazan “civilians” who are in reality all terrorists. Israel must give these “civilians” the option of relocating to other countries and for those who stay, Israel must make sure their education system is revamped and they must make sure that the “civilians” know that there will be severe consequences if they engage in terrorism. Their ideoligy must die, Hamas, as well as other terrorist organizations operating in Gaza (and the West Bank) is only the outer shell of an ideoligy that glorifies the killing of Jews.

    24 days ago

    They are rats. You can try exterminating them in one location and they run to a different place to multiply.

    24 days ago

    B”H!!!! 2/3 more dead soon IY”H!!!

    24 days ago

    There are 2 options, 1. carpet bomb gaza since the general population are also terrorist, 2. kill all members of hamas and ship the rest of the population off. Just 2 options.

    Alta Bubby
    Alta Bubby
    24 days ago

    Problem is, is that in the Koran, it is written Akeidat Ishmael !
    Muslims truly believe that E.Y belongs to the Muslims!
    You need a New Koran !
    Then , with the New teachings, the Muslims will be civil to Jews

    24 days ago

    These are just estimates which are a few notches higher than the prevailing estimate of 13-14 thousand killed which is closer to 40-45%, This is what Israel believes plus another 10-15% who have been crippled for life.

    Educated Archy
    Educated Archy
    24 days ago

    Everyone knows the goal isn’t to kill all of Hamas. Its that its too damaged to reorg and that its infrastructure is gone. Furthermore, some of those numbers include new recruits who are less seasoned. from the old, its probably roughly half.
    Re the tunnels,65% may still be intact but how many are still livable. You can’t desrory whole tunnels easily but you can weaken it in ways such as sealing its opening and ventilation systems etc. Yet another pointer, some tunnels are more vital than others. So for example, at the Egyptian border tunnels are vital. This is how they sneak in goodies. On the other hand a tunnel that goes from one side of Gaza city to the other, while it should also be destroyed , it only gets you that far. And then there are key tunnels where you can drive cars through, hold hostages, build Hamas command centrers, build weapons etc while others are just intended to crwal through. So how many of the vital tunnels were destoryed or ruined? I’d bet far greater than 35%