Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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Watch: ​Shpy is the top secret agent at Tzivos ​Hashem and does all he can to stop the ​Yetzer ​Horah

  Heeeeees baaack! Gather around boys and girls! The spy is now headed to the big screen! The Shpy is the top secret agent and together with is sidekick Feivel do all they...

Dear Merciful Nation!

My name is Avraham Finkel. Up until this year, I was able to support myself with a business that was doing very well. Also, I was able to fund a Tomchei Shabbos  for needy families...

Rebbi at Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal, Canada Left in Debt

Aron Schweitzer is a choshuve member of the Belzer kehila and beloved kindergarten Rebbi in Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal Canada. We were all shocked and saddened when his wife sudden...

College Campus Secured for Bochurim Planning to Learn in Eretz Yisroel for Elul Zman

The  Bais Horaah of Lakewood has just secured a campus just out of the tri-state area for אלול זמן for bochurim who are planning to g...

URGENT: Family of 9 at risk of losing their home due to foreclosure

Dear Friends, I'm writing this letter to you with much pain and embarrassment. My name is Moshe B., a long time Brooklyn, NY resident. I've B"H been blessed with a beauti...

Eruvin Is Here – Download The Free All Daf App Now

Why Is Maseches Eruvin different? Why are so many people hesitant about learning the Masechta and ultimately drop off the daily Daf? Well, the primary reason is, the new and s...

Chassidim worldwide are uniting in a coordinated and consistent regimen of learning Likutei Sichos every week.

What would be a unique way to mark the forthcoming siyum on masechta shabbos in the Daf Yomi cycle? What is something that increases in achdus during these difficult times, and she...

Catskills Hatzalah launched an unprecedented campaign.

They always rush to answer our call, now is the time for us to rush and answer their call. Hatzalah! Hatzalah! The cry, although chilling, has a reassuring ring to it. We rel...

WATCH: ​Shpy is the top secret agent at Tzivos ​Hashem and does all he can to stop the ​Yetzer ​Horah

Heeeeees baaack! Gather around boys and girls! The spy is now headed to the big screen!The Shpy is the top secret agent and together with is sidekick Feivel do all they can to stop...

WATCH: ​Shpy is the top secret agent at Tzivos ​Hashem and does all he can to stop the ​Yetzer ​Horah

Heeeeees baaack! Gather around boys and girls​!​​ The spy is now headed to the big screen!For the first time ever, the popular ​Moshiach ​Times charac...

WATCH: ​Shpy is the top secret agent at Tzivos ​Hashem and does all he can to stop the ​Yetzer ​Horah

Heeeeees baaack! Gather around boys and girls​!​​ The spy is now headed to the big screen!For the first time ever, the popular ​Moshiach ​Times charac...

Join us live for the Siyum on Maseches Shabbos this Motzaei Shabbos at 10:30 PM!

What better way to celebrate the completion of Maseches Shabbos than by elevating the meaning of Hanhagos, Halachos, and Tefillos of Shabbos?Ki Heim Chayeinu invites you to join us...

WATCH: ​Shpy is the top secret agent at Tzivos ​Hashem and does all he can to stop the ​Yetzer ​Horah

Heeeeees baaack! Gather around boys and girls​!​​ The spy is now headed to the big screen!For the first time ever, the popular ​Moshiach ​Times charac...

Episode 3: Bringing Masechtes Eruvin to LIFE with All Daf!

Why Is Maseches Eruvin different? Why are so many people hesitant about learning the Masechta and ultimately drop off the daily Daf? Well, the primary reason is, the new and somet...

Let’s get him back to Yeshiva!

He found himself one day without a yeshiva. E. a smart, intelligent boy all of 16 years old, from a nice frum family was facing an array of personal challenges. A great yeshiva spe...