Green Bay, WI – Rabbi Organizes Minyan with Tallis & Tefillin on the Football Field


    Pinned News Oct. 15 2007

    Green Bay, WI – Yesterday Rabbi Shais Taub of the Chabad Lubavitch of Wisconsin led a group of 10 Orthodox Jewish football fans on a pilgrimage from Milwaukee deep into Green Bay Packerland.

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    They tailgated across the street from Lambeau Field, in a grass-covered parking lot, next door to Kroll's West, where butter burgers – definitely not kosher – are a specialty.

    They prayed, with some of the men and their sons donning a prayer shawl called a tallit and phylacteries, two small leather boxes containing verses of Scripture.

    They stood out amid the familiar green-and-gold sea. And they showed that people can find or express their faith at a house of worship or a house of sports.
    You recite morning prayers in Hebrew, even if a rock band is on a nearby stage blaring "Brown Sugar."

    "What's the point?" Rabbi Taub said. "Number one, Judaism is not relegated to the synagogue or the study hall. When you're a Jew, you're a Jew everywhere. If a group of Jews want to go to a Packer game, we do it like Jews."
    "Number two, Jewish pride," he added. "Some Jews should see this and say, 'You know what, there is nothing to hide.' I can be openly and boldly Jewish and do that anywhere on earth and go where I want to go." [sportsfanmagazine]

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    16 years ago

    Wasn’t there a problem some time ago on the highway at a particular rest stop on the way to Monsey or upstate. If I remember correctly, the yidden who stopped there to daven mincha and have a little snack were making a huge chillul Hashem, leaving litter and making a general problem there.

    I sincerely hope that those who are spouting the sinah here are cursing out the people involved in that case (It wasn’t just in the paper, but was on the evening news!!!!!)

    the fact is, you need to learn chassidus, understand you are not all that and give credit where credit is due……..

    Go Shais, Great Job

    16 years ago

    Wow, I never knew there were so many sonai yisroel in one place?

    I laugh because I know so many of the people bashing Chabad here now are the same Misnagdim bringing Gemarahs to Yankee Stadium.

    Nu!! Feh! How could you bring something as holy as a Gemara to a baseball game!! Nu Feh!!!!!

    There also those same people trying to find out the playoff scores on Yom Tov. lol.

    Let those morons ignore all the unreiglious and live in thier own world. The statistics alreayd prove they will die out over the next 100 years. As thier children fry out and they just write them off as am haratzim and run back to Kollel.

    Keep it up. Have a laugh, until it’s Chabad bringing YOUR children back to frumkeit.

    16 years ago

    hi…ummm….wow. there’s a lot of seroious “expertise” going on over here. so like, not to change the topic but if you were say stuck in an airport shabbos and you really had to GO…what are you supposed to do about the electronic flushers in the toilets??? you can’t let the toilet flush, you can’t cover the sensor cause then…again… it’ll flush. you can’t hold it in and daven. plus, sometimes you just really can’ know…hold it. you can’t bring another dude in the stall with you like you do to open those pesky automatic doors…cause that would be like…”gay”(or officially known as chillul hashem.)has anyone out there had this problem??? i’m scared to travel. please help!

    16 years ago

    to bigwheel, you will find a fabrengen and shiur in sichos/tanya faster than a daf yomi shiur. &after the vodka….

    16 years ago

    Anon. 10:21AM
    I second the (e)motion. Except for the nazi-symp. web-sites, that twist everything around to be the fault of the Jews, to the point of absurdity. In which case, I’m afraid they also have the help of some so-called Jews who have their head screwed on wrong.

    16 years ago

    Next, we’ll bring the Artscroll Gemorahs and the Vodka (for a L’chaim when we have a Touchdown) to the Football field. At half-time we could have a Shiur in Daf-Hayomi.

    16 years ago

    hey “October 16 11.53 a.m.”
    1. Chabad shluchim are not living in non Jewish communities. they are sent where there are Jews (everywhere)that’s the whole point to go where Jews are and bring them back to yiddeshkeit.
    2. I grew up in Perth Australia and myself, sister and brother would not be frum today if it weren’t for the Solomon family who had young teens over every Shabbos and brought alot of us back to yiddeshkeit. There son Marcus wo has smicha from 770 is now a rabbi in Perth and has mekarved a huge number of people there as well as the chabad shluchim who are there.
    Go chabad!!

    16 years ago

    Kudos Anon 1:39pm
    Chabad has done more Kiruv than any other org. by far.

    16 years ago

    How dare any of you who sit in Williamsburg, Boro Park Flatbush etc. talk like this.

    How many of you have been at Chabad Houses for a Shabbos and seen the tremendous mesiras nefesh the shluchim have for another Yid.
    These shluchim know a din in shulchan Oruch or know how to call a Rov to give a psak.

    How neshomos did Lubavitch save including some of your own brothers and sisters? There are dozens of those around the world who are shomrai torah and mitzvahs again thanks to the Shluchim.

    The shluchim have the Rebbe and all the previous rabayim down to the bal Shem Tov standing behind them to see that every Yid does Torah and Mitzvahs.
    Yiddishkeit is more then wearing a nice shtreimel and Vayser Zoken and eating 2 kugels and a nice heavy cholent on shabbos.
    Thats all nice and good. But sometimes we have to all “put our finger in cold water” and help another Yid.

    Thank you rebbe for showing us the right way to have ahavas Yisroel.Thank you shluchim for your tremendous work.
    Thank you from the frummer world who help financially when you visit the shluchim. You are helping to bring Moshaich

    16 years ago

    Anon 12:09,
    I think that someone who dedicated his life to torah and halacha. Someone who used every possible moment to study and not waste time should be addressed as ‘Rabbi’. While I am sure that he would not have cared, I believe it would be proper to pefix his name with ‘Rabbi’. Yes, Rabbi Moshe Fienstein ZT’L

    16 years ago

    In generoul, Moshe Fainshtain has never written against this, although their has been severoul letters written to him about this matter.
    From what it seems their is a mokor in Halacha to what chabad does.

    16 years ago

    Its intresting, because half of your food in your kitchen is made Kosher by Chabad, which means, if you say what chabad is doing is wrong, and you have doubts, then perhaps check out your kitchen!

    16 years ago

    Question: If I do not believe in G-d or doing mitzvos is putting on Teffilin because someone else requested me to, considered a mitzvah or am I just a friendly monkey?

    Lubavitch may have success stories but what is the price that they are paying by raising families all over the world? It is certainly not appropriate for all families especially children. My family would not be where they are today if we lived in a non-jewish community.

    16 years ago

    To the fellow who commented about the brothel:

    A Yid must behave like a yid, exercising the utmost tznius and middos even at a house of ill repute…

    16 years ago

    Al Hagualah V’al Hat’murah CHap. 88 is the source.

    16 years ago

    >They do envy us. All the way
    >back to Yaakov and Esav. And
    >that is why there are pogroms
    >and swastikas

    Being the ignorant Lubavitcher that I am, I thought it had something to do with keeping mitvas like it says in the toocha’chah. So here I find out it has nothing to with that and the reason there was a holocaust was because the Goyim were jealous that Yidden in the shtetlach put on tefillin and carried lulavim and esrogim. And it had nothing to do with the 42% intermarriage rate in Germany in the early 30s. Very enlightening.

    As far as Zaidy’s advice concerning keeping a low profile when putting on Talis and tefillin
    at a ball game, who goes to ball games? Is it the same person who worries about guf naki and all the other halachos quoted above and this same guy goes and is mevatal Toirah for a few hours to watch Goyim beat up on each other? That is Yiddishe entertainment? You teach your children to machshiv these Goyim that are regularly arrested for assault, drugs, solicitation, etc? Many newspaper have “Sports blotter” (as in: police sports blotter) Google “sports blotter” and see who these animals are. Baseball is toifes makom? Football is toifes makom? This what you think is important to teach your children? The gemara in Yerushalmi ta’amis (4:5) Says the city of Tur shimon was destroyed because they played ball, i.e., they were OISEK B”HEVLEI OILAM V’LO OISKU BATOIRAH- Karbon Ha’adah, shom. It’s obviously not one of the “bavustah yerushalmis!” that the litvishe are always quoting, because if it were they wouldn’t go to ball games.
    As far as doing mitzvas “shtilerheit” The Chofetz Chaim praised the Chasidim for doing mitzvas B’pumbi B’koma zikufa, not like the litvishe who do it like their ashemed. (Darkei avi zal – l’reb Aryeh Leib ben haChofetz Chaim Zal)somewhere around siman 40

    Agav, I would have grown up to me a good misnagidm but I had a hate spewing Rosh Yeshiva that couldn’t let one day pass without saying something nasty about Lubavitch, including the attacks on The tefillin campagin, “Let THEM put on a Talis with the frei Yid, and THEY should make the brocha on the Talis.” While he was doing nothing for kiruv. I got tired of listening to his anti-semitism and went to the only other Yeshiva in town- Chabad.

    As far as I know “al hageulah V’alhatamurah” does not attack the tefillin campaign.

    As Far as Tinok she’nishba is concerned, this was addressed by the Kol Yehuda, the Marshag’s father, an alteh Ingrisha kana’ee, 100 years ago, and he ruled a child who’s parents did not give him a yiddishe chinuch is a Tinok she’nishba. It’s not a Lubavitcher chiddush.

    Sorry for confusing you with the facts, now you can go back to your football game.

    PS I also posted the original comment on pogroms above.

    16 years ago

    >Anon 11:34
    >Listen guys, Im all for Kiruv.
    > But to put on Tefilin you need
    >a Gif Nuki, #1 In a physical
    >way #2 spiritually as well!

    Another misnagid,…
    Wake up and smell the coffee. I hate too inform you, but all these attacks, yes that is what they are, attacks on Lubavitch, where answered, each and everyone of them, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe 30 years ago. For example Hirhurim: You ask this guy to tie himself up with these wierd boxes and straps. he’s asking you who what where and when. He looks at you like you’re from Mars, and you think that during those few minutes he’s thinking about his girlfriend? His machshovos are probably cleaner than yours during that time. As far as guf naki, most people try to contain themselves in front of strangers (Yes I know, now you’re gonna tyna he’s oiver baal tshaktzu.)
    Regarding guf naki, I’m sure that you go to the mikvah everyday like it says in shailos and tshuvas min hashamayim (a rishon) (This is, aside from Tevilas Ezra)

    16 years ago

    I write with a pain in my heart, as I detect, a not so subtle “Sinas Chinum.” I smell hatred to Chabad, for no reason.

    One fellow writes that it is less than “Novol Bershus Hataorah.” The other writes, “Why not make minyanim at brothels?” What kind of a comparison is it? First of all, sports is not forbidden, it’s an outlet. And the fact is that some Jews will be there, although maybe not the same Jews who normally would be delving into a difficult “Reb Shimeon Schkupp” or an intricate “Birchas Shmuel.” So, Lubavitch Chabad, always known for innovation will make a minyan there “Lezakos es Horabim.” I am certain that this will cause an awakening by many hidden Jews.

    Gevald! stop the “Sinas Chinom.” To the fellow who compares it to “Novol B’rshus Hatorah”, is he “Mufrash” from earthly desires. Is he pure? Let him dig a little deeper into his own soul, and perhaps, he might discover that “Mecaf Regel Ad Rosh Ein Bo M’som.”

    I am convinced that this “Sinas Chinum” is preventing the “Geulah” for which we are all waiting for.

    16 years ago

    a Lubavitcher Chassid got him and put together an ad hoc Beis Din of 3 shluchim and “converted”…

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe was against the Shluchim being involved in Geirus. There may be Shluchim that dont follow this directive, (are they shluchim?)however the logic behind it is very clear.

    16 years ago

    my fatherin-law became frum through putting on Teffilin in the street with a Lubavitcher names Rabbi Raichik of California. My father in law subsequently raised a beautiful Frum family and several of his siblings followed all raising frum families.

    I persoanlly have seen countless people become true Frum people thanks to being asked to put on teffilin by a Lubavitcher.

    Enough theorizing, get out of your holes and be Mekarev Yidden to Hashem and Torah.

    Parsha Lech Lecha

    Al Tikra Vayikra Kel Olom Ela Vayakri

    16 years ago

    Rabbi Shmuel Rappoport of Atlantic City.

    16 years ago

    “If we looked into your yichus would we find that your mother’s mother’s mother was Jewish? I doubt it.”

    My great grandmother a”h (mother’s mother’s mother) was the first cousin of the Gerrer Rebbe ztl so her yichus is well documented back 250 years or so. Also my g-grandmother is buried in an Orthodox cemetery and the yichus is on file in the archives of the Beis Din of that community as well.

    Most Jews I have met, religious or not know their yichus back at least to their great grandparents. If for some reason they don’t, most can ask relatives or know where their mother’s mother’s mother is buried.
    If its an Orthodox cemetery they will have genealogy information on file in the office or archived somewhere in the community records.
    If for some reason there are no additional records, most Rabbeim will accept the fact that the maternal ancestor was buried in an Orthodox cemetery.

    Even for places like Cuba or Russia, I have not had any difficulty finding records, they are archived in several different places.

    I have helped a number of people provide proof of their Jewishness for either shidduchim or marriage in Israel, aliya etc and it has not been difficult in any case to prove that someone is a Jew for at least three generations. That is, if they ARE a Jew.

    16 years ago


    You are a LIAR. Now that you were motzei shem ra, you better back up your statement. If what you say is true then it is a MITZVAH to tell us who were the rabbis involved. Name names.

    But you won’t because it’s all made up.

    16 years ago

    “Suppose your son went off the Derech R’L’ and a Lubavitcher Chassid catches him and puts on Teffillin on him and he thus was Misorer B’Teshuva -will you still scream “Asur – Asur”? or will you be thankfull from all your heart?!”

    My youngest brother DID go off the derech and a Lubavitcher Chassid got him and put together an ad hoc Beis Din of 3 shluchim and “converted” the shiksa he married so now he is a card carrying black hat Lubavitcher Chassid.

    Of course he is intermarried, eats treif (everything cooked by his Gentile wife is treif) and the wife still takes the kids to Church and they all go to Italy to spend Xmas with her family.

    Did I mention that my brother is rich and give a lot?

    The rest of the family cannot figure out how he is not still “off the derech”. But according to the Rabbis of Lubavitch, he is a great success story. Did I mention that my intermarried, treif eating, Shabbos violating brother who was disowned by my parents for intermarrying is also learning in a Lubavitch smicha program for Balabatim? He is not the only intermarried Lubavitch “rabbi” I know of.

    And THAT is why I AM screaming ASUR, ASUR. In my heart of hearts I believe that if Lubavitch had NOT “kashered” my brother’s intermarriage with a bogus “conversion” 15 years ago, he would have divorced this shiksa and come back by now. And if he didn’t, at least his little goy kids wouldn’t be walking around thinking they are Chassidim, let alone Jews.

    16 years ago

    how appropiate this story is at this time during the week of lech lecha .this makes the possic ‘ves hanefesh asher asoo becharan’ have a clear meaning

    16 years ago

    Just by the way, 50 years ago Lubavitch was criticized for creating the first Baal Teshuva Yeshiva. And so on… Same thing by general Kiruv until like 1970 Chabad was majorlie criticized for it. And in 20 Years you will be also putting on Tefilin with people. Actually on the Oorah chinese auction pamphlet I saw a NON FRUM JEW just shaking the Lulav .,

    A disgusted Lubavitcher

    16 years ago

    Anonymous said…

    They do envy us. All the way back to Yaakov and Esav. And that is why there are pogroms and swastikas.

    So when you have something that others envy, do you wave it in their faces in a football field until they destroy it??

    Only Chabad thinks so. Chabad is the first to bring 40 ft menorahs into airports in a Christian country. Before that we just lit the menorah in the house or shul. We put on tefillin in shul and not at rock concerts, nightclubs or football games. And no one thought it was necessary to drive around with a 4 ft menorah or a portable sukkah on the car.

    Somehow Judaism survived for 3000 years without Chabad marketing.

    October 15, 2007 4:52 PM
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is so true. It’s just that you would have been killed, maimed, sent to harsh potentially fatal labor or sat years in camps for doing you know what… being mechazek klal yisroel.
    Attention fellow frum Jews: Though your grandparents had %100 full reason to be scared of displaying their yahadus in public, those days are over. Yes there is still wanton anti-semitisim raging the world over. But should one be so selfish that a nasty look or a shout should deprive a fellow Jew from being oisek b’tora and doing mitzveh’s?

    16 years ago

    and the whiners and kvetchers are at it again. Give credit for a change. You don’t have to participate. No one asked you.

    16 years ago

    Anon 5:32,
    My zug was never meant to persuade anyone. Out of curiosity,though, what don’t you agree with?

    Rabbi G Atlanta, GA
    Rabbi G Atlanta, GA
    16 years ago

    I’m looking for a minyon Mariv at tonights Giants game anyone here that’s coming to the game?

    Also I have a kosher grill, and who ever is by minyon could join us after Mariv

    16 years ago

    go chabad i am i chabad rabbi in miami fl, and do the same at the football,baseball,basketball,and many more places i dont see any one els doing things like this all i see people do is say not nice things if you dont like what chabad does lets see you do something better
    go chabad
    rabbi eli
    time 5:54 pm

    16 years ago

    To Anon 3:45

    Kol Ha’poisel, Be’mumoi poisel.

    who knows, maybe you are a descendant from the Givoinim or so.
    Rambam Hilchos Isurei bia 16-17

    16 years ago

    5:19, I find your diatribe unpersuasive and must agree with Milhause’s assessment, even if they were somewhat harsh.

    16 years ago

    Anon of 3:45pm, you are a liar. There has never been a single case of a fake conversion by Chabad shluchim. It simply never happens. Every conversion by Chabad shluchim has been 100% kosher, and the person is more certainly a Jew than you are. If we looked into your yichus would we find that your mother’s mother’s mother was Jewish? I doubt it.

    16 years ago

    As a poster who took the position that this event was a positive, indeed an allowed event, I take offence at you using the term ‘idiots’ to the fine people of this blog who do not agree with your view. Simply stating that the dissentor’s view is not the Rebbe’s or the SMAg’s view shows how little you know of this issue. The Rebbe was the first person to encourage this type of project (putting tefilin on the masses). In doing so he went against the standard that had been held for over 3000 years. Codifiers who lived hundreds of years ago seemed to not agree with this project. These were much greater than the present generation, as we have a tradition the closer one’s generation was to sinai the more holier they were. At that time the poskei hador (very great men whom the Rebbi respected very much) annouced that this was wrong and he should stop at once. He continued the project but took their concerns into account. So you see milhouse the people who write on this blog that tefilin shouldn’t be put on the uninformed masses have many ions of tradition, time and great people who agree that they are right.

    That said, let me explain why I believe the Rebbi started this campaign and why in this case its the correct action (even according to almost all of the codifiers)

    The tefilin campaign was launched a few days before the 6 day war. It was intended to increase ones jewishness and help find a zechus for klal yisroel at that time. For, if the 6 day war did not go as it did we (all of klal yisroel, in chutz l’aretz too) would have felt its consequence. Remember that chazal state that through the mitzva of tefilin we were zoche to inherit the land. At a time when Eretz yisroel was in terrible danger and most of the land did not put teffilin on one could only conclude that the war would not have gone well.

    Think about it. How it looked up in shamayim the two sides (Arab-jew) coming before the heavenly court and arguing over shlitas haaretz (ruling the land). The arabs argue that they are true inheritors of the land. They meet most of the criteria.
    1) They are descended from Avraham (yoresh)
    2) They believe in hashem – one god(alla)(family of avraham avinu)
    3) They have lived in the region a while (chazaka)

    The jews argue the following as well.
    1) They descended from Avrohom-Yitzchak-Yaakov
    2) They too believe in hashem – echad (one god)
    3) They were taken out of mitzraim with the hand of hashem
    4) They received the torah on Har-sinia. Hashem had promised Avrohom avinu that he would give them the land of canaan-eretz yisroel.

    The arab side quickly jumps on this arguement (4) and states as follows: “you received the tora on har-sinai?” What does it say? It says that you should bind yourself in tefilin. Do you do this? (meaning if you don’t keep the torah you can’t claim the land) Our side immediately says yes of course. (Who could dream of not putting tefilin on) Their side points to rov jews in the world and says look at the world this is not true. Most jews do not put tefilin on (chalila). Our side looks around and yells back what do you mean rov jews, these are jews? They are tinuk shenishba which you have caused. You have caused this do to your hatred and your utter disregard for humanity. You have persecuted us for over 1400 years as yishmael and many more as other entities and nations. These people have run away from their countries and have fallen away from the true religion because of you. You can’t argue that their action of not wearing tefilin causes us to lose the claim to this wonderful land.

    The heavenly court weighs both sides and debates the issue. The debate goes both ways, pro and con for a long time. Each side has a valid argument. Each side could end up winning. All cases are brought up for review. Each case is researched. Did this person become not frum and decide to not wear tefilin becuase of religious persecution? On most days the answer is yes. The jews look like they are winning.

    Then some new evidence is introduced. At the present time religious persecution doesn’t exist as in yesteryear. In Eretz Yisroel you could put tefilin on. Yet, some choose to stop that practice. Yes, some of our brothers have decided to stop puting tefilin and keep other laws in the present. The jewish position doesn’t look good. In fact, it looks bleak. It looks like the arabs may win this one.

    There is a commotion in the court room as a bunch of new evidence is being let in. Huge black bags are being dragged in. They contain huge amounts of tefilin mitzvos. They quickly swamp the court and the ruling is that the yidden get eretz yisroel now and forever! They have started to put on tefilin enmass.

    Meanwhile everyone is wondering where these zeklach (bags) came from? They are from the tefilin campaigns that were started then.

    Now while the above ‘story’ could have taken place we will not know the true story until machiach comes. What we do know is that Klal yisroel needed a yishua at that time. This campaign started and they won the 6 day war miraculously.

    Lets attack the main issue of putting tefilin on people who are unoffiliated.
    1) Traditionaly we never put it on people who have strayed.
    2) You need a guf naki both in machshava and maaseh

    The first problem we can address by stating that we have never had a klal that has so many tinuk shenishba as we do today. Usually in years past if someone strayed they either totally left our fold or returned. In the last century and half there have been so many persecutions on our people that we have trully become am haprazos (spread out). With the opening of the ‘new land’ (america etc.) to our coreligionists, we have migrated to these shores in record numbers. Yes, some of us, in the beginning, threw our religion off due to archaic ideas (no hashem, athiesm etc) but most were raised without religion and in a sense were ‘lost’ to us through time. The prodigy of these people now live on these shores. Many of them are jews in name only. Some are not even halachik jews, but they all share a status. That is that they didn’t cause this to happen to them. The fact that their parents lost-threw off, the yoke of hashem is not their fault and they shouldn’t be penalized fore that. Normally, you don’t allow a meshumad to put on tefilin because of the fear that they will trample on them. We fear that they will debase the very idea of this unique mitzva. Could we apply that reason to these people? Do they even know that there is a din kedusha on these objects. Do they even know what kedusha is? Do you think that they could plan a project that will mock these objects? No of course not they are truly tinokos in this field. Using the above argument I could even venure to argue that its not even mechze kishikra (looking like a liar). (Since the tefilin house sacred texts that state the jews will keep the mitzvos and these people do not keep the mitzvos yet how can we allow them to put them on.) I could answer that perhaps they do not keep the mitzvos, now. But they are so lost that they are not even aware of them. True tinokos shenishbu.

    Concerning Guf naki.
    Originaly tefilin were worn the whole day. (Some select few still do this today) But due to the fact that we have fallen, spiritually, we wear them for morning prayers only. Think about it. We admit that we can’t have this guf naki the whole day in the present day, yet one can’t understand how someone could put tefilin on a person for a minute or two? What I mean is we know that our ability to maintain that special spiritual status is severly limited yet we do it each day for a short time. Why can’t one presume that the average person can maintain both focus and bodily cleanliness for 1-5 minutes??

    Still, I tremble before the gedolim who opposed this campaing. I do not even stand at the level of their respective toenails in both learning and spirituality so I would never have proposed this drastic idea. But the one who did knew as much if not more than most of our gedolim (Not that I’m stating that he knew more than all the gedolim – thats a ludicrous idea, to presume that one person knows more than anyone else in the world.) in both nigleh & nistar, gemara – halacha, kabala and esoteric studies as well. Who are we to belittle this practice?

    But Milhause to call them idiots, only lowers the power of your arguments both in their eyes and mine.

    16 years ago

    מודה אני לפניך ה’ אלהי ששמת חלקי מיושבי בית המדרש ולא שמת חלקי מיושבי קרנות שאני משכים והם משכימים אני משכים לדברי תורה והם משכימים לדברים בטלים אני עמל והם עמלים אני עמל ומקבל שכר והם עמלים ואינם מקבלים שכר אני רץ והם רצים אני רץ לחיי העולם הבא והם רצים לבאר שחת

    Next stop unfortunately is Beeir Shachas

    16 years ago

    They do envy us. All the way back to Yaakov and Esav. And that is why there are pogroms and swastikas.

    So when you have something that others envy, do you wave it in their faces in a football field until they destroy it??

    Only Chabad thinks so. Chabad is the first to bring 40 ft menorahs into airports in a Christian country. Before that we just lit the menorah in the house or shul. We put on tefillin in shul and not at rock concerts, nightclubs or football games. And no one thought it was necessary to drive around with a 4 ft menorah or a portable sukkah on the car.

    Somehow Judaism survived for 3000 years without Chabad marketing.

    16 years ago

    To 4:19 PM
    Where is your Gaon Yaacov.
    Even if it’s true that goyim, cleaning ladies, illegal aliens etc. laugh at us do we really care?? We’re serving the Ribono Shel Olam !!! We’re keeping Torah and being mekayem Mitzvos !!! Who cares what someone else thinks.
    But for your golusdike self, you should know that intellegent goyim respect a person who believes in Hashem and serves him WITH GAON YAACOV.
    About the Tefillin on a football field ? What do you think Hashem created a football field for if not to bring Yidden closer to Him.

    And to those who write in their blogs comparing the football field parking lot to other places !!!! your thoughts reveal where you are. Time for YOU to do Teshuva. Go to your closest Chabad House and start learning Chassidus.

    16 years ago


    16 years ago

    Make no mistake the guy is no ‘rabbi’.

    16 years ago

    Have you seen the number of synagogue arsons, bungalow burnings, swastikas, vandalisms and violent incidents against Jews all over the country recently?

    Contrary to what Chabad would like to believe, Moshiach is NOT here yet and we ARE still in Golus.

    I’ll take the advice of my grandparents and keep a lower profile than wearing tallis and tefillin in the parking lot of a crowded football stadium in the Midwest.

    And yes, the goyim who work in our shuls, schools and restaurants ALL ridicule us and THAT is a Chillul Hashem. Learn Spanish and you will hear it too.

    16 years ago

    Notice for all you Misnagdim: Suppose your son went off the Derech R’L’ and a Lubavitcher Chassid catches him in a football field and puts on Teffillin on him and he thus was Misorer B’Teshuva -will you still scream “Asur – Asur”? or will you be thankfull from all your heart?! Think about it.
    Eventhough (for some reason) you don’t love Lubavitch – but Lubavitch… does love you. Every Yid is “our son”.Sorry.

    16 years ago

    wow I am horrified by the dumb anti-chabad comments. I hope it is from one poster using 15 different computers b/c I’d like to think the least you can do is shut up about what chabad is doing. I mean like putting on teffilin to unaffiliated is like wow ..hello? You guys are insane for knocking them.

    SOmething very wrong with this picture when a bunch of folks knock a group doing tons of chesed and all. How sad indeed.

    Chabad keep it up – most of us are trully proud and grateful for all you selflessly do for ALL OF US!

    ohev yisrael
    ohev yisrael
    16 years ago

    To anonymous 2:15pm

    you wrote:

    “Can a person participate in a “conversation” with Hashem with any sort of kavana at all on a football field? with a rock band blaring in the background? With thousands of Goyim standing around pointing, laughing or ridiculing? (I cannot imagine).”

    It’s nice to know that this is what you think of how a Jew looks when he’s davening. Nice Jewish pride.

    Besides that.. YOU who were not there say that the goyim were pointing and laughing. The REPORTER says that the goyim didn’t care at all. And the TORAH says (Berachos 6a) “v’rou kol amei ho’oretz ki sheim H’ nikra olecicho V’YEIROU mimcho – elu tefilin sh’brosh.”

    So who’s right? You, the reporter or the Torah?

    16 years ago

    “I can bet you that the meat was glat”

    If the meat came from Rubashkin, I wouldn’t take that bet if I were you.

    And of course hopefully the chasid who was cooking it was not the product of a Gentile mother “converted” by 3 shluchim so she could “marry” a Jewish man because then the food would also be Bishul Akum.

    Hey, but that’s what Chabad is all about, bringing the Torah down to the people instead of bringing Jews up to the Torah. Especially if it provides a nice upper middle class standard of living for the shaliach .

    16 years ago


    They were not davening ON THE FIELD! Who would let them do that? They were davening in a parking lot next to their bus as is clear from the picture. Have you ever davened at a highway rest stop? It’s about like that.

    For all you frumyaks, they didn’t daven after the zman tefillo because the game started at 12:00 noon and they were already eating for a long time before they went in.

    Anyway, when’s the last time YOU were mezakke yidden with kosher food and be mamosh mafrish them from an isur of achilas treifos uneveilos?

    I can bet you that the meat was glat and the grill was brand new and toiveled (btw – that’s a BIG grill they bought.)

    16 years ago

    The source for opposotion to the position of Chabad putting T’fillin on people at large because of inability to keep a Guf Naki is Al Hageula Val Hatmura from the Satmar Rov Zt’l. ( This is in addition to the problem of many of the Tinok Shenishbu talking while putting them on, as well as the requirement to be Yotzei the mitzvah of T’filin as stated in O.C. Siman 60)

    16 years ago

    i like seeing men outside of a shul, on shabbos shmoozing and during the weekday, on the cell phone(sometimes with the tefillim)…did they get G-d on the cell? kewl

    16 years ago

    What a bunch of idiots. Do you really think these rabbis are such football fans, that they went to see the game? They went to rescue yidden from eating treif, to get them to put on tefilin, or at least to get a thought about yiddishkeit into their heads, by having seen a yid in tallis and tefilin, and maybe they’ll start thinking about their own neshama.

    As for whether someone like that should put on tefilin, your tayna is not against some rabbi in Wisconsin, it’s against the Smag, who went around France campaigning for each Jewish man to put on tefilin at least once a day. Everyone can keep a guf noki for a few minutes. And your tayna is against the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself, who explicitly ordered his chasidim to go out and put tefilin on people like this; do you really think your puny learning can stand up against his and the Smag’s? What chutzpah!

    16 years ago

    …Look it up in Mishneh Berureh that if someone cannot control his Hirhurim he is NOT PERMITTED to put on Teffilin. Its the Hepich of a Mitzveh……. RM”LZ….

    In that case nobody can put Tfillin.We all have hihurim.