Borough Park, NY +Israeli Court Approves Mondrowitz Extradition To U.S.+


    Borough Park, NY – Alleged child molester Avrohom Mondrowitz can be extradited to the United States, the Jerusalem District Court ruled on Sunday.

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    Mondrowitz, a member of the Ger Hassidic sect in Brooklyn who posed as a rabbi and psychologist specializing in treating troubled children, fled to Israel in 1984 as New York law enforcement authorities were preparing to arrest him.

    In 1985 he was charged with sodomy and other crimes against five minors.

    Israeli Justice Ministry spokesman Moshe Cohen said the Jerusalem District Court approved the extradition order, but Mondrowitz has the right to appeal.

    Court spokeswoman Tal Rosner said the state would make the final decision about whether to extradite Mondrowitz, who could appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court against Sunday’s ruling.

    In Sunday’s court decision, Judge Nava Ben Or ruled that since legal reasons prevented bringing Mondrowitz to justice, the statute of limitations on the crime with which he was charged stopped running the moment Mondrowitz arrived in Israel.

    With the statute of limitations still valid, she ruled, he can be extradited to the U.S. [Haaretz]

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    16 years ago

    What about the family of the deceased victims? They need this all reopened so u can satisfy your curiosity?

    Here is the deal. You put up your full name and address and then ask for the info.

    16 years ago

    actualy if they are dead cause of him it wouldnt matter to say who they are cause they are dead. but if it never hapened then you cant give names

    16 years ago

    No, let the powers that be in Rikers Island deal with him exclusively. Remember a large percentage of criminals doing hard time blame at least partialy the path they took in life to having been molested as a juvenile.

    16 years ago

    let the victims take a stab at this guy when he arrives back in the States. Pure justice. no phoney baloney with courts, judges, parole officers, etc.

    16 years ago

    Too bad New York State law does not allow the death penalty for these crimes. We could sell raffle tickets for the right to throw the switch and balance the federal budget.

    I wonder how the victims feel knowing that the only reason he ran away and stopped molesting young boys(here in America, at least) was because non-jews filed charges. If it were left in the hands of our own leaders he’d still be running loose in our yeshivos. One thing his trial will not do is restore anyone’s faith in our leadership.

    I’m wonderiing if his liar, oops, I mean lawyer, will argue that he was suffering from a mental illness and no matter how many times teachers and principals were warned they did nothing to stop him.

    It is not only Ger that is tzitering right now. There are plenty of people in plenty of mosdos who knew and did nothing. It might all come out if he goes to trial.

    16 years ago

    Nobody comes out a winner in this type of strugle for justice but justice must be served and since he never stood before ANY form of court religious or secular he is past due to face the judge and jury. Let the process begin….

    16 years ago

    If this scum gets Internet access, you can bet he isn’t watching The Weather Channel.


    16 years ago

    2:07 –

    It would be wholly inapprotiate to say their names here. It was not 1 individual suicide but, 3 documented ones. Two had left notes, and family members of the third at the time, insisted were a result of the niftar’s torment & anguish over what happened. The authorities in NY know this & the blood of these 3 is on Mondrowitz’s hands.

    2:20 –
    Let me guess, you’re a graduate of YTT…..

    16 years ago

    Anonymous said…
    Its all made up crap!

    February 11, 2008 2:20 PM

    If you really believe that, respond to 12:38 PM.

    BTW, when did prisoners in Israeli jails get internet access?

    16 years ago

    Its all made up crap!

    16 years ago

    i have a question who is this guy they claim comited suicide cause of him

    16 years ago

    I have an innocent question:

    If he is so inoccent, can you simply explain to me why he RAN to Israel and remained there?

    16 years ago

    Tzvi, you don’t know the mindset of a typical scheming child molester. They all plead not guilty initialy, dragging own family and victim thru the mud. Even when they cop a plea they will always insist they were realy innocent, and this was all the work of jealous people. At this very time that is exactly what he is claiming. However, any thinking person knows that child victims in such large numbers don’t make these things up, and jealousy (whatever the hell that means in his case) is not enough incentive to shame oneself to come out with the disgusting details of what this man did to them. He may have been just a young man with a devilish urge at the time, but thats not even close to justification for the HUNDREDS of lives he has so affected. “KOL DEMAI ACHECHO TZO’AKIM EILEI MIN HA’ADOMO”(from the kayin havel affair) is a very apropriate quote here, literaly). G-d bless this guys victims and families of victims with peace in this world and for those who have sadly not survived the torment with peace in that world. Just imagine the anguish of the relatives of those whose lives were ended on account of the misery this man created in his victims minds.

    16 years ago

    Rabosai- Look at the facts, this man was accused, this man fled. Decades pass, many more people accuse him, he comes back to face trial.
    What are the odds that so many people would accuse him of such a terrible crime and not be telling the truth? This is not like saying he owes them $10,000. They must state what a menuvaldike thing happened.
    I think this trial should be quite interesting.
    But my guess, he will plead guilty to a lesser crime and avoid the shame of trial.

    16 years ago

    I still don’t understand the ruling. Who said the clock stops because the Israelis didn’t have a proper law of exradition? There is no precedent for this ruling and she is legislating from the bench. But thats normal in Israel.

    I hope that they send him back quick, but I wonder how this rule (clock stopping) will be used on other people who do not have molestation charges against them. Like what about all the people who have an IRS issue etc.. (Any citizen of the US has to pay taxes on any money they make no matter where in the world they make the money. How many people move to Israel and get a job yet report/dont report the money earned.)

    Just wondering

    16 years ago

    Moishe Rabbenu got already the order to judge the people. Shemoth 18, 13. Also, to judge, is one of the seven Noachidic laws. So, Mr. Mondrowitz has to pass judgement.

    16 years ago

    One can only assume that if the trial is televised that there will be many drawn shades among gerrer chasidim so that the neighbors don’t see the flickering blue lights.

    16 years ago

    One thing I forgot to mention in 7:43 post is:
    A HUUUUUGE YASHER KOACH goes out to Attorney Michael Lesher. An anov who has made it his personal mission and has spent years, & countless hours tirelessly pursuing justice for Mondrowitz’s victims. He also was very instrumental in bringing Colemar back.

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Chazak Ve’ematz!

    16 years ago

    anonymous 5:08PM

    with a comment like that you are not better than him.

    16 years ago

    For those of you that have any chashash that this monster is innocent of the charges against him, take a step back & think for a second how much additional tzar you give his victims when they see people defending this evil creature.

    I speak and know from personal experience that this ROSHA MENUVAL is GUILTY of the crimes he is accused of. Today is a good day for me & his dozens of victims (With the exception of some of whom unfortunately, commited suicide R’L in the 80’s) who can FINALLY see that we’re one step closer to possibly seeing justice served in this case & to maybe be able to have some closure to that horrible chapter of our lives.

    16 years ago

    Anonymous said…
    On whom you pass judgement, judgement may pass to you. Be careful how you judge others

    February 10, 2008 5:08 PM

    misplaced tzidkus, at best.

    16 years ago

    anonymous about passing judgement-why dont you speak and listen to one of his victims and see what lives were ruined-your worried about passing judgement!

    16 years ago

    On whom you pass judgement, judgement may pass to you. Be careful how you judge others

    16 years ago

    The Gerrer Chassidim should pay his flight out, he’s an embarrassment to them, & to all frum Yidden.

    16 years ago

    atleast in israel he is in jewish hands
    let them take care of him

    15 years ago

    To the one who denies that there were suicide victims caused by Mondrowitz:

    One of the suicide victims is the first cousin of my husband. I know the story and of course,the family, personally. So don’t make light of the situation when you have no idea what you are talking about.