Eilat, Israel – Haredi MDA Volunteers Outraged Over Pork in Station Kitchen


    Eilat, Israel – Dozens of religious Magen David Adom volunteers suspended themselves today after learning that pork had been eaten at the local station.

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    The move was made after one of the workers informed the religious volunteers that he had seen others eating pork at the station's kitchen several times about a month ago, as well as other MDA personnel eating milk together with meat.

    The information sparked an outrage among the station's religious and haredi volunteers. "The worst thing," a volunteer said, "is the fact that this has been done knowingly, while concealing the information from the religious and haredi volunteers." "If this indeed took place, they must be suspended because it is illegal to eat pork in public places, and the MDA is a public organization."

    Dozens of religious and haredi volunteers in MDA station, have announced that they would boycott the station until all the kitchen utensils are replaced and the people involved are dealt with. "The life-saving activity won't stop, but we won't be able to enter the station until these incidents are solved. [Y-net]

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    16 years ago

    The private kitchen of a public organisation is not a public place. It’s not as if the kitchen was supposed to be kosher: the religious volunteers have always known it wasn’t kosher, and would never have eaten there anyway. So vos geit zei on what kind of tarfus was eaten there by the hilonim?

    Anon 28-Mar 5:20pm: There is a large religious community in Elat.

    16 years ago

    Can you imagine the outrage if pork was being eaten instead at a Red Crescent station? I think its disgusting that the moslems show more attention to their (much similar) dietary laws than Jews do in their own Holy Land (which includes Eilat),why ask “what are frum guys doing in Eilat? you can ask every Pesach- what are frum guys doing in Katmandu??

    16 years ago

    what are frum guys doing in eilat?