Israel – Update: At Conference Orthodox Women Choose Title for Female Rabbi


    Israel – The Religious Women’s Forum Kolech decided at their conference to choose a Hebrew title for a woman ordained as a rabbi by an Orthodox institution, although no woman in Israel yet holds this position.

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    The title chosen by a majority of conference participants is “rabba.”

    A few months ago, a woman was ordained by the Orthodox rabbinate in the United States and was given the title “maharat” – an acronym for the Hebrew words spiritual, Halacha, and Torah teacher.

    The decision to create a name for the controversy-loaded position in Israel grew out of a desire to encourage women to strive to reach such a level in their Torah learning.

    “The women’s learning revolution has existed for quite some time,” said Rachel Keren, chairwoman of Kolech’s Board of Directors. “Women are advancing in Torah study, but there is a glass ceiling hindering their advancement. The glass ceiling was already shattered in the course for female halachic advisors and on the issue of female legal counselors, but still hasn’t been shattered in the field of rabbis and religious judges. This issue is of prime importance.

    “There is a threefold interest that this ceiling is shattered – the interest of the woman who wants to advance and gain recognition, a societal interest, and the interest of the Torah world that there be as many Torah studiers as possible. By choosing a title, we wanted to raise public awareness to this need. We believed that the public discourse (on the subject) would encourage women to continue learning.”

    Now that a decision was made on the title, the women of Kolech intend to discuss making the word official with the Academy of the Hebrew Language.

    During deliberations at the conference, other names that came as options were “maharat,” “rav,” and “hachama” or wise.

    “Cooperation with the Hebrew Language Academy is very important,” explained Keren. “There is a need for this word, and the roll of the Academy is to fill this need. We just now approached them, and they are very pleased by the initiative.”

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    jew from jerusalem
    jew from jerusalem
    14 years ago

    God help us

    14 years ago

    give me a break

    ...........the checkbook
    ...........the checkbook
    14 years ago

    these are important issues that must be addressed now….we can no longer delay or our heritage will be at stake…history will judge we must be jusded right…

    14 years ago

    פרה ורבה — the cow and the Rabba
    זעקת סדם ועמרה כי רבה – A scream of Sedom and Amorra because of Rabba
    רבת בני עמון – Rabba the Ammonite
    Etc. etc .etc.

    Plus, if I remember correctly, this word means a “slavewoman” in Russian. So much for שפחה

    14 years ago

    How low will kllal yisroel sink how many tragedies will happen till we will wake up to see that a womens job is not to be a man rather to stay home take care of the kids and the man has to go to the Rav to ask the sheilos

    Jewish Woman
    Jewish Woman
    14 years ago

    Though these women appear quite sincere, many of them do not cover their hair, or cover it improperly. Many wear short sleeves and pants.

    Before becoming a rabba, a rabbi, a maharaba or a maharashi, let them first begin by properly following the mitzvot that have – time immemorial- been the hallmark of true Jewish femininity.

    Yes, there are issues that have to be addressed, such as agunah, women having more of a voice in a beth din, etc, but I am turned off by seeing women in short sleeves and pants, not even covering their hair properly lobbying to become leaders when they can’t even follow the Halacha.

    14 years ago

    Is there a female term for someone who is “ingantzen meshigeh”?

    14 years ago

    I wonder if this will fizzle out or become mainstream in 20 years..I personally hope the former, and women focus on being better wives

    sea gate zaidy
    sea gate zaidy
    14 years ago

    What do you call a Husband of a Rabba—a Rabbatzyn…..

    14 years ago

    We learn from the word קולך that קול באשה ערווה, how ironic.

    14 years ago

    REBELech, feh.

    but enough with the sexism, though this is a strange thing, its not that women must “be in the kitchen”. contrary. usually the women won the bread so men stay in kollel etc. the oldest daughters took care of the kids, then the boys went to cheder. but the wife worked.

    dont let 1950’s non-jewish america (i.e. womens domestic duties) dictate your mind.

    14 years ago

    This is terrible!!! Nashim Daatin Kalos!

    14 years ago

    What a bunch of miserable fuddy dudy misanthropes. I’m betting Hashem is smiling as he gets ready to welcome the first Rabba and frustrated and annoyed at the fossilization and over legalistic childishness that has befallen his great gift.

    14 years ago

    They’re on the way to reform…

    14 years ago

    what do u call the husband of a reform rabbi? shlepper, if she made it in life 
    so what do we call the husband of a rabba? loser?

    14 years ago

    I think “Rabbette” sounds better.

    14 years ago

    And you think it won’t happen in the Bais Yaakovs? In Baltimore, the principals (wannabee Roshei Yeshiva) think that they are running a yeshiva. They already have declared zemanim for the school year and focus on the highest level of Torah learning for the girls to achieve. They forget that BY was started to keep the girls from being devoid of halacha, not leaders of the community. And of course not to such 25% of a person’s salary.

    14 years ago

    #15 what are you worried about , the crowd they are from, MO and down, are datom kalos anyway…the ones who are ehrliche yidden, shomrei torah, dont recognize them anyway just like teilung was made bet. reform and down…and mesorah yidden

    14 years ago

    An earlier post by Jewish woman in 100% correct. Let these women do easy mitzvot such as covering their hair and dressing properly before they seek to take on mitzvot that they are not obligated to do.

    14 years ago

    I don’t know why everyone is getting so excited. These women want to get involved in their yidishkeit. They are the sarah schnerer of todays generation.

    14 years ago

    im waiting for the days we will have a feemale rebbe. then it will be a real rebbetzin..

    14 years ago

    I’m really disappointed. I had my heart set on the title “Rabbette”.

    14 years ago

    The name they chose sounds perfect. Yashar Koach to them for their hard work in making this possible….finally.

    14 years ago

    I am hoping that this will continue on to the chassidish world as well -there are to many topics within halacha that NEED and SHOULD be addressed by a woman Rabbi.

    14 years ago

    Whenever there is a change….even good change – there are always those who appose…..Throughout the generations – even some of our greatest Chachomim and Gedolim had many people who did not agree with them…in time we see their truth. About time the learned woman get the title that they deserve, this is long overdo…….soon we will all realize its importance.

    14 years ago

    I find it quite interesting that alot of women in this group point to women in history who had great importance in Halacha. Isn’t it interesting that these very women who are their roll models chose not to create a title for female Rav?

    14 years ago

    Wrong name. It should be Rabbit. Let them chew on lettuce (which presumably they know how to check.)

    Stupid, stupid, stupid! As a real feminist influenced by my feminist (but FRUM!!) mother who was a feminist long before it was even mooted let alone fashionable, this is insane! I am quite happy to have my exalted role in raising fine Jewish children & I don’t feel the need to be equal to my husband (I actually surpass him in many areas anyway! LOL!!) Point is, true liberation & equality comes from knowing your place in society & being comfortable with yourself. I am, so I have no need to prove anything or to compete with men.

    I leave that to little boys & insecure women.

    14 years ago

    These women are to be applauded and respected for their mesiras nefesh on behalf of yiddeshkiet. They will be among the leaders of Klal Yisroel in our generation. I suspect they will also achieve a level of torah and halachic knowledge equal to any of the gadolim and talmeidei chachamim within the next few decades.

    14 years ago

    I remember that even the very conservative Millhouse (who used to post on VIN)presented a very detailed and elegant argument as to why women would make excellent poskim and dayanim. I’m not sure how they would function in a shul or bes medrash but I’m sure we can find some accomodation. This is wonderful that frumme yiddeshe women are seeking to expand their role in leading shomrei torah and mitzvot to the next generation.

    14 years ago

    In a hundred years it will be the norm

    14 years ago

    When a woman studies many years in seminary, she has the knowledgements and can teach and guide other women, why can’t she be equal in denomination and status than a man who studied and is called a rabbi ?
    her work isn’t that important ?
    does she have to marry a rabbi to be recognized like a rebbetzin and known, appreciated and respected ? Can ‘t she be the same without a man ?
    If they graduate and are called “rabba” or else, it’s not because they are going to take men’s place (don’t worry guys), they are going to have a name on their fonctions, why just being called rabbi’s wife ?

    14 years ago

    I can’t wait to go to tish, just emagin the rabba and her gabu’im walking in to tish on high heels. and the best will be when to sisters get in to a fight over there mothers chasiddus!!!

    14 years ago

    It is more than time for Women to have a voice in Halachah and jewish viewpoints. Why have women taken the sexism against them for so long?

    We have seen (especially on this VIN site) daily, how men and ‘rabbis’ are involved in scandal after scandal… Stealing money, kashrut scandals… and abuse cover ups.

    We have seen how ‘men’ are blatantly ignoring Halacha, as well as Civil Law in Upstate NY, as well as Israel.

    We have seen the unfounded public ridicule of ‘concert ban rabbis’.. It is time to rip out this cancer, and allow Women who are the Voice of Reason to be prominently involved in Halacha and other important decisions!

    Ariella Marcus
    Ariella Marcus
    14 years ago

    Personally, I see this as a fad, but one that may encourage a trend, then a movement – and ultimately, a shift in Orthopraxy. If Devorah could be a shofetes, women can surely take greater leadership roles in/with/for Klal Yisroel.

    I don’t believe we would see the kinds of sexual abuse of students, of financial games, and of street violence among chareidi youth if women had more influence.

    What is it that men are so afraid of?

    14 years ago

    what do the rabbas say about the chazal that says kol kvuda bas melech pnima, or was that written by a man?

    Chazon Ish
    Chazon Ish
    14 years ago

    2 girls came to the Chazon Ish with a question on the Ramban of the week, he called his wife to please bring him the cake she baked this morning, he then asked the girls if they would know how to bake this same cake, which they said no, he told them to first go learn how to bake then come back to him…
    I guess he was also old fashion… well I’m looking for and old fashioned girl that will bake me cakes and cookies and will bring her the money to buy the ingredients….

    14 years ago

    A bunch of miserable women who will never be happy.It would have been fun watching Reb Avigdor Miller dealing with this psycosis.

    14 years ago

    I can’t wait to see what their Kol Huoilum Kuloi will look like

    14 years ago

    thge torah clearly states that a woman can *not* be equal to the man so even if she wanted to “advance” her torah knowledge let her in he proper jewish way frum way

    14 years ago

    I understand that women want to have a title but the fact that the article states, “The decision to create a name for the controversy-loaded position in Israel grew out of a desire to encourage women to strive to reach such a level in their Torah learning.” If the women were really serious about their Torah learning they wouldn’t just do it for a title.

    14 years ago

    …….seems clear to me that if the rabba stands up there and says “I appeal to you”…I might just agree…..gevaldig

    14 years ago

    I can’t wait to see what their Kol Huoilum Kuloi will look like

    14 years ago

    Even if these women learn torah they don’t get the same schar as a man.The schar is just like any other mitzvah. A man gets “kneged kulam”. The only way they can get the same schar as a man is if they send their husbands off to learn. This is the way its supposed to be. These women should send their husbands to learn and work on their job of running a household.

    14 years ago

    I guess they do not listen to (or understand) kaddish.

    In Kaddish it says yehay shemay (male) rabba, not shmoh (female).

    Just shows the ignorance of those selecting the title. (I know it is not loshon hakodesh, but if they were aware, they would have considered what is said every day.)

    Sammy Sosa
    Sammy Sosa
    14 years ago

    Yesterday at 09:41 PM
    Charlie Hall Says:Reply to #20 Show Quote
    Anonymous Says:
    “An earlier post by Jewish woman in 100% correct. Let these women do easy mitzvot such as covering their hair and dressing properly before they seek to take on mitzvot that they are not obligated to do.”

    Women are obligated to learn about all mitzvot that they *are* obligated to do, which includes most of the shulchan aruch. Women learning about these at an advanced level was instituted by the unquestioned American gedol, Rov Soloveitchik. I am sure he would be pleased to see how what he started has been embraced so enthuiastically by so many.

    I am curious as to your ‘undisputed American Godol’s’ view on women covering their hair?

    14 years ago

    #82 among other problems, a major one is of tznious&#82 30;would rabba(it) sit or come into kabboles ponim sit there discuss with rabbonom, rebbes the procedure( of course its only hypothetical question, as those advocating these reforms, yes &#82 16;REFORM&#82 17;, are usually mix , mix everything, mix seating, mix dancing, mixed swimming, mixed marrigages {some of them for sure}).

    14 years ago

    #26 with all due respect to, he was unquestioned gadol by the MO, he was far from accepted poisek in our circles

    14 years ago

    i thought that women had no obligation to get married. why is everyone saying that a womans job is to take care of her husband. what if she doesnt get married?

    14 years ago

    at first these woman wanted women’s prayer groups,now this.avairah gaoreres avairah takeh.

    14 years ago

    #99 … first, you mean about 80 years ago, second you can say that about chillil shabbos that was rampant and of course other avairous so are you going to say it wasnt a big deal. what you say about provocative dressing in flatbush your 100% right. tznious means not short or long dress but modest, not raisig eyebrows etc and holy children are products of tznious. many samples mentioned in shas. and when they have children on the border they will always blame the yeshivah, rebbe principal etc but not this factor,or bringing into home tomene magazines even slut. you can hideit from human but noy from the one above. ‘velo yiyah becho ervas dovor veshov meachraycha’. but in anycase 2 wrongs dont make you right to go with uncovered hair is a issur deoiraise. and even with shaitel holy tzaddikum assured it .