Israel – 13 of 22 Emmanuel Moms Exempted from Prison


    Israel – The High Court of Justice exempted on Tuesday afternoon 13 of the Emmanuel mothers from the two-week prison term it had ruled upon them, but at the same time upheld its decision regarding nine of the mothers, who will still have to serve the time, but only after their husbands are released.

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    The names of the mothers in question, who were originally sentenced to prison time beginning Thursday, were being withheld by the court, due to the personal nature of the their requests.

    In its decision, the court noted that its ruling followed the recommendations of the Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein, the National Council for the Child and the welfare services – all of whom recommended against having two parents imprisoned at the same time. Most of the women in question showed up for the hearing that was held earlier that day and closed to the general public, and seemed encouraged upon exiting the courtroom.

    “The court gave us the impression it would take into account the mothers’ requests and waive the imprisonment, a stance backed by the professional welfare factors and even the petitioners,” Mordechai Green, the attorney representing the Emmanuel parents, said immediately after the hearing.

    Yoav Laloum, who along with his Noar Kahalacha NGO filed the petition against the parents for holding the court in contempt by not returning their daughters to the Beit Ya’acov school once the separation walls were removed, had with his attorney Dr. Aviad Hacohen on Friday requested of the court to release the imprisoned fathers and not incarcerate the mothers, since that measure proved inefficient in enforcing the court ruling.

    The court also acquiesced to the request of two fathers to postpone their imprisonment, and ruled that they will begin serving their time on July 4. The wife of one of these fathers, Yehuda Fuksman, gave birth to their 12th child on Thursday.

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    Charlie Horse
    Charlie Horse
    13 years ago

    this is good news…there is no reason to imprision these women…what did they do???nothing. just nothing…so set them free.

    13 years ago

    Yemach shemmum. You isreali so called justice system/farce

    13 years ago

    & its still a jewish land?

    13 years ago

    The Supreme Court wants to appear humanitarian. No one is going to buy it. Why should those that are pregnant be exempt any more than mothers with children? At least the ones expecting would be together with their future child in prison. That can’t be said for the mothers who will be torn from their children. If the Supreme Court can exempt pregnant mothers, there is no reason not to exempt them all. Selective compassion is no compassion at all. Shame on them.

    13 years ago

    it seems protesting works. no wonder these men never get a job

    13 years ago

    One important lesson here and in the Rubashkin case is the Chareidi community must not overestimate it’s influence and strength. We are stll a minority and we don’t represent wealth and power. The Emmanuel parents didn”t believe they’ll go to jail and were confrontational.

    13 years ago

    Wow! Very different from previous information. I thought yoav wasn’t letting go of this and of course everyone blasted him for being such a רשע. Now we see that he actually asked for release of the fathers and the mothers shouldn’t go to jail. I think this story has had enough publicity and we should stop spewing our venom on which side we take. Its not simple and maby facts have been distorted. Maybe some good will come out if we just close our fat traps.

    13 years ago

    The 9 Mothers will Nor report to prison and if the police will come to get them just wait what’s going to happen

    Ich shaym zich oych nisht
    Ich shaym zich oych nisht
    13 years ago

    No one listened months ago when I said “the failure by many (bnei Brak Rabbonimexcluded!) leaders to denounce the violence in the Hareidi demonatrations will cause severe backlash in Israel’s society”. The recent kollel funding rulings (although years in litigation) stipends cuts finding
    approval in the majority of Israel. The recent Tel Aviv mayor’s comments and Livni rallying the masses against Chareidim are just the beginning. Chareiii leaders must begin to educate their children prop[erly, vote and fight secular discrimination as well as rteach out to their chiloni brothers. The sephardim have done this and are gaining all over. Otherwise the circumstances of Hareidim will continue to get worse as with this gezeira . Never before have religous women been sentenced to jail en masse in the history of the medina with most Israelis approving regardless of 100,000 protesting. haredim have to move intto the govt en masse but must unite ranks to do so.

    13 years ago

    Does Lalum live in Emmanuel, or is he just trying to destroy a community?

    13 years ago

    One of the mothers of 12 whos husband is in prison, collapsed yesterday and had a miscarriage today. Nurses at the hospital say this is due to the pressure of the mother thinking about todays courtcase! The court are refusing to let the father out to be at his wifes side!

    13 years ago

    While it is heartbreaking to see mothers going to jail for two weeks and children crying ,we must remember all the pure Jewish children and their parents who cried bitter tears over the last thirty years because they were discrminated against and not accepted into schools. The same Gedolim who are now supprting Slonim wrote countless letters and issurim against the widespread discrimination of schools towards the sephardim.
    These children cried alone and soaked their pillows at night without a big challah , music and dancing and candy photo ops. We should be introspective and honest enough to know we can’t say “Yodenu lo shofchu es hadam haze”.
    The Gedolim were against the discrimination for years. The support for Slonim now is based on the dangerous precedent of the Supreme court getting involved.This danger could have been mitigated with a decent agreement between brothers instead of “Am keshei oiref ” obduracy.

    13 years ago

    Actually this shows the rachmanus of the court

    13 years ago

    Why aren’t you acknowledging the fact that they were segregating from sphardic children? So much so that they put up a physical wall. Does anyone remember what happened with yaldei teiman? The discrimination sphardim have faced in eretz yisroel? I dont feel bad for these jailed women one bit.

    13 years ago

    The reason is that the judges are afraid of:
    1- heavenly punishment will catch up with ’em as did with Cheshin for years of acting ‘cute’ against the Torah and its observers
    2- widespread Charedi violence which could lead to a significant reduction of the power they wield and currently enjoy

    13 years ago

    I side with the courts, the pregnant women should finish out their sentence after they give birth. When will everyone learn a Jew is a Jew. There is no such thing as Ashkenazim if you truly believe you are from Avrohom. If you believe you are from Russian and Hungarian and German then fine, call yourself Ashkenazi. Don’t tell me about different nusachs when the most important thing we share is the Torah and “supposedly” Dna.

    13 years ago

    Good job ,brave mothers,both ashkenazi and sephardi.You stood up against that bolsoveik court,and didn’t show up on thursday.And you didn’t suffer because of it.

    13 years ago

    This is not going to end until the chareidim are forced to either acknowledge the rule of law in eretz yisroel or they are allowed to peacably relocate to whatever country they feel will provide a more receptive environment to their religious practices. While many chareidim can trace their ancestry to EY many generations ago, they still must reconcile with the reality of a secular state that seeks to accomodate daas torah and halacha wherever possible. Otherwise, they will be under constrant stress and their families will know no peace.

    13 years ago

    We suffered” reverse discrimmination” in Yerushaylim 15 years ago in a Bais Yakov in Yerushalayim. We are both Askenazi & American- tarsei lerusua. So had to take out three year old to a different Bais Yaakov in the next neighboorhood!

    So it cuts both ways.

    and what about the Seminars where only an Avrech’s daughter can learn? If Chas Ve’Shalom you work, well that school is “not for your kind…”

    On the other hand , a “takanon”, or school rules are legitimate, as long as they are based on “religious levels”, not ethnicity or working status

    13 years ago

    If the Ashkenazim in Israel would welcome and accept Sephardim as regular people and as regular Jews, none of this would have happened.

    13 years ago

    as a mother myself of young children, i feel very bad for these “veiblach” going to jail. no matter what the reason, mothers in prison will be difficult for the entire family, and a nightmare for the mother.
    that being said, however, this is a fight that must be fought, and should have been fought long ago. i am american bais yaakov girl, and didn’t really notice discrimination in my schools when i was younger (although that could just be because i wasn’t one of them) however i remember my father and brothers speaking very derogatorily about their sfardic friends. my fathe used to go daven at a morrocan shul on friday nights because it was right next door, and he always came back saying, “they might be amaratzim but they sing well.” i always thought my own family alone was “racist” but as i got older i started noticing “down talk” with regard to sfardim. even the compliments were degrading “she’s pretty for a sfardi girl”, “he seems really nice, for a sfardi.”
    i feel that the only shame in this case is that it took so long for someone to start th is fight. although we frown upon machlokes, in the words of country yossi, sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a jew.

    13 years ago

    The state of Israel has become a Joke all around the world, because at most difficult times of the state of Israels history, heading towards war etc. they are busy throwing a few week Haready WOMEN in jail.

    Who cares about them? ignore them, why are we giving it so much negative attention? it’s anyway NOT going to change their attitude towards the state, ignore them and leave them alone. Stop publicizing every time these women sneeze.

    The Emmanual women are stronger then we think, they have always been listening to the Haready giant Torah leaders, this has gone on for thousands of years, and Haradim have been in Jail, killed, tortured… but in the end Hareadim NEVER give in.

    A good heading for this would be; “Emmanuel mothers are like eggs, the more you boil them the harder they become”
    “Haredim are like eggs, the more you will boil them the harder they will become”

    Time for the State to wake up and loosen up, it will save millions of Shekel of tax money, OH YES Israel has become a big joke, all caused internal by the Zionist leaders and judges of the state of Israel.

    Lets wake up and smell the coffee.

    13 years ago

    The average American jew cannot imagine what are the incredible things that a sephardi jews must face in their own land. Ever since the creation of the state sephardim were banned from many areas and good jobs, during the last 15 years, there are more and more sephardi doctors lawyers etc, anyone can be admited to any university college and apply for a good paying job. By the charedi society, this does not happen and every school who respects itself imposses a quota of or at the worst case 0 of sepahrdim, there are litteraly hundreds of good students or frum benei Torah families which are denied access because of this racial profile policy, the less sephardim a mosad has, the more desired and prestige it gains, this does not happen in nazi germany, it is a daily occurance in the most frum institutions, every ashkenazi institution accepts but the best sephardim leaving the medium students to the sephardi institutions, and than they complaint: “why do you insist on coming to my ashkenazi yeshiva/seminar”? the Emanuel case has been in the news for more than two long years, the principals and heads of the chinuch atzmai were requested to create a bet din which will decide each case seriously and fairly, but they denied any cooperation since we are dealing with matters of spiritual life and death, rabbi yaacov yosef decided to stop all this nonsense and appeal to the supreme court, after many attempts of arbitrations which all failed in the name of Torah of course, the judge has decided what he has decided. Of course as sephardi frum jews we are against any punishment which is against Torah law, however they left us no choice but to use the secular system. note that according to israeli law any school which is financed by the state, is obligated to follow the rules of anti discrimantion laws, they could have just open a private school without any gov aid like satmar but they decided to use government property, split it in two with a fence, and create a new superb school, of course they needed a fig leave in the form of the 0 sephardi students which gives them a hechsher, and it is wide spread in this part of the globe, after reading the frum media trying to paint it as a religious war, I must clarify and invite every non-bias american reader to try and register a sephardi name student, and understand that sepahrdim are fighting for their future generations

    Big Masmid
    Big Masmid
    13 years ago

    It seems that Judge Edmond Goldstone has lost his touch with reality.

    The majority of the mothers he is sending to jail are of Sephardic descent.
    And they are going to jail for being discriminating against Sephardim.
    Do you understand the logic? ??????????????? ??????????

    I suggest the judge should quietly take leave from the High Court before being forced out.

    13 years ago

    This is liberalism at it’s finest. What have these parents done to deserve this??!!! These rotten judges need to be thrown off the bench! My heart goes out to the chassidishe yidden that are being persecuted by this rosha mirusha.

    13 years ago

    As someone who has relatives in Emmanuel, the real story is as follows:

    the school was orginally majority sephardic and many people moved away and there was a influx of Chassiddim in the area who came in and took over the school and strted discriminating against the Sephardim there already.
    Some were able to stay and dissassociate themselves from anything Sephardic.

    Noeone is asking the Chassidim to lower their standard in Yiddishkeit in any way.
    If they want they can open their own schools and their own life but to build walls and fences and change uniforms treating fellow jews WORSE THAN ARABS then all those people deserve to sit in JAIL as long as it takes fro tehm to realize that Sinas Chinam is what destroyed our Beis Hamikdash.
    This is not Lsheim Shamayaim.

    To all those people bashing Lalum, he is just another Sephardi sick and tired of being trated worse than arabs.

    13 years ago

    I certainly have no love for Israel’s Supreme Court, which i consider nothing but a bunch of Leftist hacks who would destroy, c’v, Judaism and Israel. However, I’m really getting sick and tired of the immature antics of Chareidim — both here and in EY.

    13 years ago

    Continuing my post about trusting judge levy.R’ alimilaech answered him,you didn’t let us talk till now(alimalech said this in public),but levy didn’t even adress this in his ruling.Or do you trust a judge who has complaints why they sang in the court room.Or do you trust a court who tells a attorney to come to coirt,and then doesn’t let him in,because he came to argue against it!.The secular lawer said its russia here(this is on video)The JP is unreliable and biased.In the video of the rally,they cut out any pictures of the sephardim heading to jail.And still won’t point out that 6 of the mothers sentenced to jail today are sephardim.I was following this case on the chreidi sites including one pro lalum one,and they have it in detail,not half stories.

    13 years ago

    I continue,there was not “some” sephardim who met this criteria,it was a large 30%!And your missing the whole point of the court case.The court said the school is racist as sephardim are not allowed!that the school is segregated between ashkenazim and sephardim.Which is clearly a complete lie.As for rav vosner’s tznius rules,if that’s true.Face it chinuch atzmoi raises alot of money to have their independence,and they are entitled to make rules.If not for their support,the school would be a public school,not a chareidi one.So their posek has the right to make the rules.

    13 years ago

    Continuing.Parents in chinuch atzmoi have a right to demand tznius,those are the rules of the game in their schools.If you don’t like it,find a public school.If you protest and say but the govt. gives funding and they don’t agree with that.Then let their parents open their own private school(with 30% sephardim,which knocks off this whole trying to weed out sephardim story,as they could have said since slonim is the mainstay of the school,let the sephardim beat it)),which they did,but the govt. shut it down!,with lalum’s support.Imagine you cannot educate your children as you see fit at your own expense!to be cont.

    13 years ago

    Continuing.You must remember each parent is accused of not heeding the court because of racism.Now you really think sephardi parents plotted frumer rules to get rid of sephardim!?(they are not converts,they are proud sephardim.Their women will not wear wigs which is the norm in slonim,and i saw a video of family ling,mrs. ling is a very proud sephardi).As for havarah these parents obviousl chose ashkenazi chinuch for their children.To help them be matzliach in their school years,they must not be allowed to be difrent in talking then the rest of the children.A very important be cont.

    13 years ago

    Cont.finnaly i will say that the story you qouted must be a story by lalum,or a jerusalem post twisting of a story.One sephardi parent after another has said clearly there was no racisn,they said this in public!.And such a story would have singled out their kids as their kids are dark.These parents went to jail,you know!They didn’t go to support racism against themselves!Probaly it was some type of activity,if the story is true at all.Finished.