Ukraine – More Than 20,000 Chasidic Pilgrims Coming to Uman for Rosh Hashanah


    Uman, Ukraine – Breslov Chasidim pilgrims began to arrive in Ukraine not only to traditionally celebrate the Jewish New Year in Uman (Cherkasy region, center of Ukraine), but also to mark the 200th anniversary of the death of their spiritual leader, Zadik Nachman, one of the greatest thinkers of Hasidism.

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    According to local authorities, more than 20 thousand pilgrims are expected to arrive, newspaper Delo reported. 

    The majority of the pilgrims must come from Israel.

    Hasidim are coming for the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the New Year on the Jewish calendar, which will be marked September 5-9. Last year, Zadik Nachman’s grave was visited by about 25,000 Hasidim.

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    13 years ago

    We have this migration every year as if we don’t have enough tzadikim whose kevoirm are in EY. Two days ago we had this story about the sad state of kevorim in the cemetery at Har Ha’zaisim. If these 20,000 ehrleche Breslover chassidim would have spent the time and money they wasted flying to Uman to daven at the kever of one yid to cleanup the kevorim of hundreds of equally great tzadikim, their reward from the ebeshter would be much greater. They could have sent a few shellichim to daven for them in Uman and the other 19,900 stayed home and done such a great mitzvah rather than simply demonstrating about kevorim. Oh well, such logical and common sense actions never happen.

    13 years ago

    Did you notice that the number of people going is way down from last year? I understand the emotional high of this event, but I agree with others that the expense of it is too much. I also find that many of those attending have gone to raise the money or are on someone elses chshbon. It’s simply not right. Not to make it elitist, but if you can’t put bread on your table the rest of the year, maybe you should consider not doing this.

    I have heard that some rabbeim are already advising not to go, more for being away from family over RH.

    13 years ago

    Breslovers have been going to Uman for Rosh Hashanah since the rebbe died . That’s their choice, and they are entitled to it. Just as long as they don’t ask me to help pay their way.

    13 years ago

    Reply to #3:

    At least liberals believe that people should get paid a living wage, unlike conservatives who want to keep all money for themselves. Also, I have never met a conservative who didn’t believe that they had the G-d-given right to tell everyone what to do.

    13 years ago

    It may make these simple Breslover chassidim feel good to run away from their families each Rosh Hashana to daven amidst some of the biggest anti-semitim in the world but there is no special yichus to daven at the tomb of this rav (who I assume is important to their chassidus) versus all the gadolim and tzadikim that are buried in Israel . Other posters have noted the much greater yichus they would derive by staying home and doing mitzvot and maasim toivm with that money.

    13 years ago

    Answer to #1 - Breslovers happen to be THE ones who are rebuliding Har HaZeisim, as well as kivrei Tzaddikim throughout the world, through their org. Ohaley Tzaddikim.

    To #4 : No, the numbers are actually up by 50% from last year. Get your

    Answer to #6 : Regarding how it&#8 217;s muttar to faven in a beis hachaim on yomtov:
    A: The tradition is not to daven by the kever of Rebbe Nachman but to be in Uman.
    B: The beis hachaim was destroyed by the Nazis, and thereby lost the din of a beis hachaim. The present-day Tziyun was built in 1998.

    To #8 : There IS special yichus to davening by R&#8 217; Nachman, for Breslover chassidim who accept the mesorah of the past 200 years from him until today&#8 217;s Breslover rabbanim. He explicitly said he wanted his chassidim (which he explicitly said would apply to his talmidim&#8 217;s talmidim also until Moshiach) to come to his kever and to be in Uman for RH.

    To everyone:
    People waste money on every new car, blackberry, home furnishing, phone, etc.,
    but the only comments you will find on frum sites about wasting money is on Uman. What&#8 217;s your problem? If people are spending $1400 on sheitles and $350 a month on their SUV leases, why can&#8 217;t someone spend $1000 to go to Uman?

    13 years ago

    You got it wrong No. 3. Nobody is “telling other people what to do with their money”. And that’s because often it is not THEIR money, it’s MY money. Many of those going to Uman are on the dole, i.e they are being paid by MY tax money. (I work.) I also have been approached personally to support Breslavers being able to buy tickets to Uman. (I turned ’em down; I am willing to pay for chickens in the pot, not for plane tickets.)

    13 years ago

    People , can spend their money anyway they wish, unlike liberals who think the money you earn, belongs to them. One can’t help but notice the cult like enthusiasm and fanaticism with which these ‘chasidim’ view their ‘pilgrimage’ to UMAN or LISHENSK or MERON for that matter. The idea originates outside Halacha and takes on a cult-like life of its own.