Jerusalem – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Slams Maverick Shas MK Amsalem


     MK Rabbi Haim AmsalemJerusalem – Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef slammed MK Rabbi Haim Amsalem (Shas) in his weekly Saturday night sermon in a first public reference to the maverick lawmaker, who on Wednesday announced that he wouldn’t return his mandate despite the growing animosity in the party’s leadership toward him.

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    “There are those who speak about yeshivot, as though they were created solely for great Torah scholars who will become rabbis and rabbinical judges, and if that doesn’t suit the person, he should go to work,” Yosef said of Amsalem’s doctrine, without naming him.

    “These are not the voices of Torah, but against it; Torah learners sustain the world,” Yosef said.

    “Whoever tells yeshiva boys to go to work is lacking faith in our Torah,” he said later in the talk.

    The senior Sephardi adjudicator also responded to Amsalem’s claim that he is barred from speaking directly with him, and consequently his stances are presented in a distorted manner.

    “There are people who talk against my family, my son David and Rabbi Zvi [Hakak, his son-in-law with whom Yosef lives], as though they prevent people from coming to me. That’s not the way it is. I determine who comes to me and who doesn’t. Anyone who wants to can come, pray, and we’ll meet. I never refused to meet anyone,” he said.

    Yosef’s clear sentiment, expressed to an anticipant public after two weeks of an aggressive smear campaign against Amsalem bassed on rumors, speculations and correspondences, might indicate that the Shas Council of Torah Sages, which Yosef heads, will convene to decide on the official ousting of Amsalem from Shas. A meeting on the issue had been set for last Tuesday, but was called off, perhaps to hear what Amsalem would say after returning from a week in Canada.

    Amsalem on Wednesday said that he had no moral right to return his mandate to Shas, since “My place in the Knesset belongs to the public that chose me and supported me.” However, a direct imperative from Yosef would be very problematic for him to refuse, especially after his spiritual patron Rabbi Meir Mazuz told the MK in a letter that his future in Shas was in Yosef’s hands.

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    13 years ago

    Good job Rav Yosef!

    13 years ago

    Of course kick him out of the kneset – work is a crime

    13 years ago

    you know, never did I ever hear of R’ Moshe Feinstien ‘slamming’ anybody

    13 years ago

    Many people make the same mistake as Amsalem. They compare Torah study to other mundane subjects, where if one is not accomplishing a degree or career one is wasting their time. Torah study is an end into itself, not only to “graduate” or become an ordained Rabbi or even an accomplished Talmid chacham. Rather just sitting on the bench and learning is upholding the world that was created bishvil hatorah.
    This was the hashkofa of Reb aharon Kotler and other Roshei yeshiva for generations.

    13 years ago

    I guess the only way for things like this not to happen is to make sure rabbi yosef clearly expresses his opinion publicly,otherwise many people will continue questioning the parties (shas) authority.

    13 years ago

    Its a shame the rav has to deal with this stupidity,what a waste of time. But then again he has no choice but to state his opinion about this issue.

    13 years ago

    Rabbi Amsalem is someone with real vision and is the only talmid chacham amongst the Shas MKs.

    13 years ago

    Yosef only confirms what most have us have long suspected…”WORK” is a chilul hashem to these orthodox rabbonim. They much prefer that their kollel bochurim beg for tzadakah and become a burden on society. What, c’v should they live a balanced life where they might work for a few hours a day to support their families and learn the rest of the day. That would be too extreme. Let others work on their behalf and the rest of us “working slobs” just will have to follow Rav Obama’s psak to “spread the wealth”.

    13 years ago

    Before running to egt on the bandwagon, all should look up Midrash Rabba on vayetze – on the Pasuk “lulei” that Lavan says to Yaakov. Even zchus avos could not save yaakov’s life but only his possessions. His life and that of the others were saved in the merit of his WORK – HONEST AND GOOD

    13 years ago

    Pirkei Avos Chelek Bais, Mishna Bais: Rabban Gamliel the Son of R. Yehuda the Nasi said: Excellent is the Study of Torah with a Worldly Occupation for together they keep away Sin. All study of Torah where there is no worldly occupation the end thereof is that it comes to nothing and brings sin.

    This is the Mishna. The Mishna.

    Work is good with Talmud Torah.
    Talmud Torah without any work is bad and leads to sin.

    The Mishnah.

    13 years ago

    Work Is a Mitzva D’Oraisa. If Rabbonim would advocate for most people (except for those who show us that they are truly yechidey segulo with great kishroines) to get up and learn a few hours every morning before davening and a few hours at night after davening and work in between to sustain their families b’chavod ( just like my grandparents and parents did) maybe there would be less chilul Hashem and Sinas Hadatiim.

    Also we must find a solution to the problem of being mishtatef in the Army. If the Charedim are afraid of bad influence in the Army they should establish another Charedi organized unit in the Army similar to what Gush Emunim has done.

    All throuout History Jews served either in a Jewish Army (look and learn the T’nach) or unfortunatly under a Goiyishe Army. My own Father z’l had to serve in the Hungarian Army, Gerer Chasidim had to serve in the Polish Army.

    The time has come to adress this problem realistically and not just to label everyone an Apikores. Our Tora is Darkeo Darkei Noam.

    13 years ago

    To no. 15 — what separate unit did Gush Emunim establish? In my 22 years in (intermittent) service in the IDF, I never encountered one.

    13 years ago

    From this article (I don’t have direct quotes) it seems to to me that Rabbi Haim Amsalem’s words could mean that only those that show promise early on should go to learn in yeshiva. I have 2 problems with that. 1) Some people don’t show promise until later. Their accomplishment and contribution would be lost with an early cutoff. 2) Torah belongs to every Jew – Morasha Kehillat Yaacov.

    Besides which, I did not hear Rabbi Ovadya Yosef say that one cannot pursue a career when one feels it’s time. He said that one should not tell those learning to stop learning. Let them (the learners) decide their learning and career paths.