New York – Hamodia: Holocaust Display Demonstrators Are Inciting Secular Media Against Charedim


    The boy's appearance in Jerusalem echoes that of the youngster (right) in this image taken in 1943 in the Warsaw Ghetto when terrified Jewish families surrendered to Nazi soldiers.New York – A scathing editorial that appeared on the front page of today’s New York Charedi English Daily Newspaper Hamodia strongly condemns the actions of those who dressed in Holocaust garb at a Motzei Shabbos rally held in Kikar Shabbos.

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    Calling the use of concentration camp uniforms, yellow stars and the word “Jude” “outrageous and reprehensible actions of a small minority”, the editorial charges ‘those involved with both dishonoring the memory of those who died during World War II and causing tremendous anguish to Jews everywhere.’

    The editorial continues, “Those Rabble-Rousers are playing into the hands of the Secular media that is actively seeking to incite the public against the charedim”.

    Mrs. Ruth Lichtenstein, publisher of Hamodia, is also the founder and director of Project Witness which serves to educate the public about the Holocaust and a noted author who has written extensively about World War II.

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    12 years ago

    Its amazing how charedim always make themselves out to be the victims. The same is true of the settlers.

    12 years ago

    Kol Hakovod to Hamodia. There is probably no Jewish newspaper who has done more than Hamodia to commemorate the Kedoshim.

    P.S. To all those who are wondering where were they yesterday; please realize that Hamodia doesn’t have a Sunday edition.

    12 years ago

    i didnt see the Hamodia strongly condemns the actions of those who dressed in Holocaust garb at the disengagement of gush katif protests….
    am i the only one who sees what hipoctrites thay are????

    12 years ago

    According to the Jerusalem Post, there were 1,500 demonstrators. Despite what the apologists say, the extremist Haredim are not a minority.

    12 years ago

    Hamodia starts off condemning the action, but then ends off, as do so many others, by saying it’s only a few that represent only themselves. Either they are in denial or are trying to cover for the chareidim.
    The gemora says that not only is the “mocheis” guilty, but also the rest of his they cover for him. At this despicable scene there were 1,000-1,500 people demonstrating along with these low lives. They too are guilty. Trying to clean ourselves by claiming that only a few are guilty is merely trying to sweep the problem under the rug.
    Until the Rabbonim, chassidish and Litvish actually see this as a real problem and not just a problem of poor “PR”, the problem will continue to grow and the animosity between the chareid and chilonim will increase until the majority finally do away with any regulations, Shabbos, marriage, etc., that are part of Eretz Yisroel. Then it will be too late.

    12 years ago

    i buy weekly the hamodia kol akavod to them.

    12 years ago

    It needs to be published IN HEBREW in the Israeli version. Otherwise they are just preaching to the choir.

    12 years ago

    Kudos to Hamodia!!!!!

    12 years ago

    I’d be more impressed if they condemned it for being disgusting, period, and left off the condemnation for feeding into the secular media’s hatred of the poor innocent charaidim.

    Wrong is wrong, even if the media doesn’t publish your actions.

    12 years ago

    It is still nighmares to me and it will be 67 years on 4/11/12 that the 3rd U.S. army liberated me in Buchenwald

    12 years ago

    I want to see Hamodia call for slashing all State funding for Chareidistan whack jobs, as well as a recommendation for all of us outside of Eretz Yisroel to not support any mishulochim or mosdos from Beit Shemesh and other hotbeds of Charidei fascism. Saying you don’t support something is not enough, all of us not to actively NOT support these actions, and $s (or the lack thereof) do get heard.

    12 years ago

    Homodia sometimes gets the story right. In this case, they failed to initially denounce the obcession with Tzinius that has been the focus of some of some fo the most disgusting attacks and abuse of women by the extremists. In this case, they figured out that they had to express the revulsion of the tzibur against the Ediah and the rabbonim who sanctioned this holocaust mockery.

    12 years ago

    Hamodia is ger’s rag. They are just trying to get back at the sikrikim.

    12 years ago

    any references made by the gush katif settlers about the nazis was more of an isolated tongue-in-cheek reaction by the younger protesters towards an extreme circumstance. In Mea Shearim, however, it was a staged and organized event which took time and planning.

    12 years ago

    According to the torah taking away someones home which is only something in olam hazeh is not as bad as taking away his purity by reuies asuros.

    12 years ago

    chaos in the street,
    were a little innocent girl has been mistreat,
    entire nation on their feet,
    men women children defeat,

    a group of extreme fanatics,
    with radical agenda tactics,
    armed with semiautomatics,
    anarchy peril and dramatics,

    to impose the taliban way of life,
    segregate men and women they strife,
    its their way or a knife,
    no respect for human life,

    they claim to be the oppressed,
    its their country and everyone else is only a guest,
    when in fact living in israel they should be blessed,
    to the country they contribute zero but have constant requests,

    in the name of a false god,
    force people back to the gulag,
    protesting in striped WW2 garb,
    isolate its people into wire barb,

    12 years ago

    I disagree with Hamodia, for three reasons:

    (1) I’m secular but recognise that Israel has a long history of prosecuting haredim. Secular Israel needs to be shocked (by the partially-accurate comparison) into admitting it persecutes haredim just as did anti-Semites.

    (2) If the Israeli society and media continue to incite hatred of haredim, calling haredim every possible libel including calling them Taliban, then why should the hilonim be surprised if some haredim call them Nazis in return? The hilonim sought, and got, a taste of their own rhetorical medicine.

    (3) Why in Israel does “freedom of speech” apply only to secular leftists?

    12 years ago

    stop fooling yourselves.
    this whole situation is constitutes the greatest chillul Hashem in Jewish history.
    d’rocheho darchei noam. (mishlei 3:17) why can’t supposedly ehrliche yidden behave? why do we have sikrikim fighting with other yidden? why can’t a little innocent girl go to school in peace?
    yiddishkeit is not about forcing people to do things. its about bettering ourselves and becoming perfect avodei Hashem.
    if we want people to have higher standards of tznius, kashrus whatever we should be showing them the beauty of it not behaving like this.
    ahavas yisroel opens doors unimaginable.
    sinas chinom destroyed the beis hamikdosh

    12 years ago

    Doesn’t this sound Interesting? a girl was insulted in Israel, and the police couldn’t handle it themselves locking up the guy who did it, they made sure the entire nation goes crazy, and at the other end for years hundreds and thousands of torah learning Jews are insulted daily on TV and news papers in Isreal and no one screams Chilull Hashem

    All what The Charidi people are asking for is let us observe the Torah and our customs that we inherited from our parents and grandparents we want to do that in our close areas were we live, we didn’t ask to change anything and we did not go to Tel Aviv or to other areas were chilonis are living to try changing their customs.