Jerusalem – Head of Religious Air Force Recruitment Program Resigns


    Jerusalem – Following an official announcement yesterday by the Israeli Defense Forces not to exempt religious soldiers from official events which include singing by women, the chief rabbi of the Israeli Air Force has resigned his position as head of a program which recruits religious Jews into the air force.

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    In a letter or resignation published by, Rabbi Moshe Ravad stated that newly revised Air Force regulations no longer contained necessary clauses that would protect the religious rights of observant soldiers and that he could no longer be affiliated with a program that could potentially force soldiers to go against their religious beliefs.

    “In the last few months a decision was made to examine the rules and regulations of the Air Force,” wrote Rabbi Ravad in his letter. “I had been part of these discussions and I tried to ensure that the religious rights of our soldiers would be protected. At the last moment, I noticed that not only had certain sections, which had been included to preserve the yiras shomayim of our soldiers, had been removed, but other portions which could potentially violate their religious beliefs had been added. Under these circumstances, I can no longer continue on as the Rav and spiritual advisor for this program.”

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    12 years ago

    Kol Hakavod to him…..

    12 years ago

    That is actually a positive development. The clearer it is to the confused “religious” zionists and misguided modern so called orthodox that they must not join zionist causes, especially not to serve in their military, the better.

    12 years ago

    Kol Hakavod. The secular coercion is despicable just like with the Yemenite kids.

    12 years ago

    finaly a Rabbi who made a kiddush hashem,and he didn’t come from the chreidei section

    12 years ago

    And we thought that they only hate the extremists who don’t go to the army

    12 years ago

    That’s how a jewish state/government/military looks like before Moshiach is here, Erliche Yiden wait for Moshiach to get us out from this Gulis and get rid of this filthy Medina

    12 years ago

    Isn’t this called leaving Military without permission for which he can be put to Military trial?

    12 years ago


    12 years ago

    Very nice of him. But we got to copy him in other ways. Being an open minded person. Let’s say it loud and clear. The old satmer rabbi was right from the beginning ….

    12 years ago

    I just hope that while all of you so called “Erliche Yiden” wait for Moshiach to free you from Gulis, you stop taking money from our State of Israel – doing nothing for the State and committing Chilul Hashem after Chilul Hashem. Try getting a job!

    12 years ago

    I hope that while the Erliche Yiden wait for Moshiach, they stop taking money and subsidies from the State of Israel. No reason to pay for people who hate us. Go get jobs.

    12 years ago

    Notice he managed to make his objections known without spitting on anybody. Satmar has much to learn.

    12 years ago

    Notice he managed to do it without spitting on anyone. Satmar has much to learn from such people.

    12 years ago

    May he be an example for rabbi blau, metzger, yosef and sons. You dont put your career ahead of your responsibility as a rav who must be guided by the torah.

    12 years ago

    LIMike, LionofZion, what with double posts? When I call “religious” zionists and modern so called orthodox confused, you don’t have to rush to prove me right.

    12 years ago

    I have 3 words. Decent , ehrlich , mentch.

    12 years ago

    I respect him for clearly stating his beliefs even though I think he is wrong. Everyone living inEY relies, whether frum or frei, relies upon the IDF for their security and survival. Any citizen that would fail to serve their country because c’v they might hear a women sing is clearly someone who has the priorities upside down and doesn’t deserve the z’chus of living in EY.

    12 years ago

    The zionists started the problems – and they now prevent innocent Jews from falling victim to the terror that they started.

    Chelm, anyone?

    B”H I was not born in EY and have no obligations there – I don’t even want to visit anymore with all the strife and polarization. If I want kivrei tzadikim, I can go to Eastern Europe, or even to Morocco, and be treated like an honored guest (except in Uman, thanks to all the pushtakim from EY who turned it into Zooman.) I’ve been to both as well as to EY many times and I know of what I speak – only in EY did I ever get any lip from anyone for my (modern) haimish levush.

    Now, with the non-Jewish immigration from the former USSR, no one can be sure that a secular Israeli will be Jewish in two generations. That makes the medine a total wash and a rodef which endangers Jews inside of it and outside of it physically and spiritually.

    Reb Yoilish, Reb Ahrele and Reb Amram were right.

    12 years ago

    How do you think the leftists and seculars got to rule the Medina? By getting involved. Religious Jews can do it too. Slowly but surely. Not by resigning, but by changing hte system from within.

    12 years ago

    wow!! im blown away!! this is what a yiras shamayim/ kanai looks like!
    im saddened that on this article….some commenters still find a way to cause machlokes….if you have nothing nice to say than say nothng. why must people always express their thoughts??? all one should be commenting on this particular article is positive things- as this person stood up for what he believed in. that is certainly applausible whether you share the same beliefs with him or not.
    it is people like him who will bring mashiach and cause a kiddush HaShem and not people that always seek to publish their negative thoughts and feelings in the form of a comment…..for once …please just say something nice. kol hakovod to him! may HKB”H reward him with an abundance of blessings untill 120 BE”H!!

    12 years ago

    May I beg just a little more space, please? I would like to bring a little-known (and long forgotten) bit of US/Jewish history to your readers.

    We all know of the various “resettlement” plans for the Jews, from Uganda onwards. But did you know that there was a serious American plan to resettle European Jews in Alaska?

    In November 1938, two weeks after Kristallnacht, US Secretary of the Interior Harold L Ickes proposed the use of Alaska as a “haven for Jewish refugees from Germany and other areas in Europe where the Jews are subjected to oppressive restrictions.”

    Resettlement in Alaska would allow the refugees to bypass normal immigration quotas, because Alaska was a territory and not a state. That summer Ickes had toured Alaska and met with local officials to discuss improving the local economy and bolstering security in a territory viewed as vulnerable to Japanese attack. Ickes thought European Jews might be the solution.

    The plan won little support from leaders of American Jews, with the exception of the Labor Zionists of America. The plan was killed off when Franklin Roosevelt told Ickes that he insisted on limiting the number of refugees to 10,000 a year for 5 years.

    12 years ago

    #4 you are mamosh a Kvetch

    12 years ago

    Just curious, the Israeli public is alway complaining that chareidim don’t join the army, at the same time they make it harder and hader for a chareidi to join….someone explain.