Vizhnitz Admor: The Destroyers Of Religion Want to Bring A ‘Holocaust’

    Rabbi Yisrael Hager of the Vizhnitz Hassidic Dynasty prays at the burial site of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Meron, Northern Israel, May 30, 2019. Photo by David Cohen/Flash90

    Jerusalem- At the huge rally Sunday night in support of United Torah Judaism (UTJ), the Admor of Vizhnitz spoke out forcefully against Blue-And-White leader Yair Lapid and Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman who have spent their entire election campaigns villifying Chareidim and attacking them.

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    On one occasion Lapid accused the Chareidim that “extorting money from the state” is all that interests them. He also falsely claimed that Yeshiva students receive three times the sum of senior citizens pensions and reiterated that he would initiate more public transport on Shabbat.

    Lieberman said that he plans to legislate a law forcing all children to study basic secular subjects, even though the Chareidim are bitterly opposed to this attempt to restrict their educational autonomy. He also promised to reduce child support – a clear attempt to hit both the Charedim and the Arabs who have larger families, and hinted that “even the dead vote in Meah Shearim.”

    The Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yisrael Hager, spoke in Yiddish and noted that the election falls on the 17th of Elul which is the 80th anniversary of Hitler’s entering Poland, sparking the Second World War. The Admor added that we should not take the words of secular politicians at face value and should realize that they truly intend to uproot Torah, adding that “People didn’t want to believe Hitler either.”

    He added that “People didn’t want to believe it. Unfortunately for us, the destroyers of religion, the demolishers of religion, want to bring a holocaust .” The Admor was clearly referring to a spiritual holocaust which would be as disastrous as physical destruction.

    In response, Yair Lapid tweeted “These are Netanyahu’s “natural partners”? I demand Bibi condemn the Admor’s remarks. Hitler murdered my grandfather in a gas chamber. There’s a limit to the violent incitement.”


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    Charedi Yid
    Charedi Yid
    4 years ago

    The Rebbe is losing it. To compare Lapid to hitler is plain nuts.

    4 years ago

    This is there normal viznitzer too

    4 years ago

    In the heat of the elections and the fear of losing power, funding and special deals, must have forgotten about sinas chinam.

    4 years ago

    Elyeh sorry there is no excuse
    His hatred and victrial is evident
    Now I’m no fan of b & w or it’s leader
    But hitler sorry that’s over the top

    4 years ago

    I’m reading the article and I don’t see any reference to lapid as Hitler ימש
    Unless if this article is missing something
    All he was saying is that יז אלול can potentially be a spiritual disaster for yidden in Israel .
    Also warning that when a rasha says something you take them seriously.

    4 years ago

    Lapid and Liberman are correct. Why can’t charedim go to the army and work ? Don’t sell me the shmad nonsense because I don’t believe it . If the charedi rabbanim wanted they can work it out so that the charedim can enter the work force and /or the army . They have no interest in working it ou . They prefer to keep everyone locked in a kollel box . The system is unattainable. We should be adopting jobs not kollels

    4 years ago

    Unfortunately for all Jews, the ‘charedim’ are hated in the US and in Israel. Why is this so? And internally, they hate each other. Go ask the Satmar brothers….

    4 years ago

    Sad,that in these few days left before Rosh Hashana, we must be subjected to an election with all its attendant name calling and divisiveness. Religious,secular, leftist and settlers – have we all already forgotten cattle car transports that were not divided by politics or shtible memberships?
    Worse yet, is the needless name calling in these comments. Nothing is gained from it all but empowering haters by noting the self hate and self doubt.
    May H-shem look past it all, and deep into our hearts, and bring us the leader we need and yearn for- Moshiach Tzidkeinu bimheira!

    Not suprised
    Not suprised
    4 years ago

    I love all my Jewish/Yiddishe brethren. I just wish they did as well

    Not suprised
    Not suprised
    4 years ago

    I love all my Jewish/Yiddishe brethren. I just wish they did as well and support each other regardless of any differences.

    4 years ago

    “The Destroyers Of Religion Want to Bring A ‘Holocaust’”??

    According to R. Avigdor Miller in the book ‘Divine Madness’, the holocaust was a direct result of the Destroyers of Religion! The atheists, the reform movement, the socialists, etc.

    I recommend reading the original book. It is mind blowing.

    4 years ago

    As a side note; Only Trump can be compared to Hitler?
    Hello big Rabbi: Your worried of the distruction of our Torah and Yidishkeit but Sitting in the Treife Kenesset with Apikorsim is ok? So you people all take money from the medinah but dont wanna serve in their army of lawlessness? You pick and choose. Nice try. You love the Zionisit Medina? So You get everything that comes with it. All Apikorsim have one goal and that is to sanitize Jews from Yidishkeit.
    All you voters out there, I wonder how it feels to pull a lever for an atheist. Its beyond comprehension and theyre still playing it holy. Its a mitzvah to vote. ITS A SIN TO VOTE IN THE ATHIESTIC MEDINA. May Mashiach come now.

    4 years ago

    elul. but I guess that does matter

    4 years ago

    If not for the nazis and Hitler, what names would jews insult one another with?