New Haven Rabbi Sentenced To 20 Years In Abuse Case

Rabbi Daniel Greer

NEW HAVEN (VINnews) — Judge Jon Alander has formally sentenced Rabbi Daniel Greer to 20 years in state prison. Greer was accused of repeatedly abusing students at his Norton Street boarding school.

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Greer was sentenced Monday morning in State Superior Court at 235 Church St. Judge Alander stated his hope that the sentence would serve as a powerful message to other victims who have previously been afraid to come foreward and out their abusers, particulary within the Orthodox Jewish community.

Greer’s originally scheduled sentencing date was delayed, as his lawyer alleged that the state intimidated defense witnesses. However on November 20, Judge Alander declined to allow a new trial, paving the way for the sentencing to move forward.

Greer reportedly sat in court and covered his forehead with his hand while listening to testimony. He declined to make a statement in court, as his lawyers plan to file an appeal.

As the Judge was anouncing that the sentence would include priosn time, a court marshal was cuffing Greer’s hand behind his back. Greer’s face reportedly turned red and he began shaking.

The judge ordered Greer go directly to jail, rather than remain free on bond, because he considers Greer to be a flight risk. Alander said Greer is facing the “cold realization” that at 79 years old he will likely be spending the rest of his life behind bars.

“Why does society view these crimes as particularly deplorable? Why have they garnered such significant media and public attention? Because they involve a colossal violation of trust,” Alander said, as reported by

“When, as parents, we send our children to school and take them to houses of worship, we entrust the leaders of those with the care of our children. We share an unspoken promise in understanding that our children will grow and prosper under their tutelage. When a teacher or religious leader breaks that promise, they betray that trust. It is both unexpected and deeply disturbing.”

“It is important that a statement be made, to be heard by others in positions of authority who might be tempted; to be heard by the victims of sexual abuse who may find some solace in it,” Alander continued. “The Talmud teaches that there is hope for a man who is capable of being ashamed. It is my hope that someday you will truly feel ashamed for your actions and thereby embark on the road to redemption.”

Greer’s victims testified and told their stories throughout the trial.

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4 years ago

I hope that the truth comes out on appeal.

I don’t know any of the people involved, but from what I’ve read, over the years, the alleged victim gave R’ Greer various positions of honor (kibbudim”), which make it difficult to give credence to his allegations. He designated R’ Greer to be a witness (“eidus”) at his wedding, and also honored him to hold his child (“sandek”) during his son’s circumcision ceremony.

Halachically, if the rabbi had sexually assaulted the alleged victim, he’d be disqualified as a witness, and the wedding would be invalid.

4 years ago

How come people who commit actual murder may be sentenced to community service.

Voice of Reason
Voice of Reason
4 years ago

The judge stated, “When, as parents, we send our children to school and take them to houses of worship, we entrust the leaders of those with the care of our children. We share an unspoken promise in understanding that our children will grow and prosper under their tutelage. When a teacher or religious leader breaks that promise, they betray that trust. It is both unexpected and deeply disturbing.”

I find this statement missing something important. Our clergy, including practicing rabbis, mechanchim, etc. are entrusted in maintaining our children’s safety. They have not just failed to protect them, but they themselves were the perpetrators of the most horrible forms of crime.

Does anyone think that 20 years is enough?

4 years ago

I have read transcripts of the trail. The testimony was very damning. But as is usual in these cases, there was no “proof” other than the victims testimony. But the various accounts seemed to jive with each other. What also came out in court is that Greer was a dynamo. He single handedly built the orthodox Jewish community of New Haven. I don’t think the community can recover from this. That community is bound to deteriorate and disappear.

One lesson we could take from this, if Greer can be guilty of these things, anybody can.

Hate Hashems Haters
Hate Hashems Haters
4 years ago

I find it very troubling that someone can be put behind bars for 20 years based on the testimony of the victim itself, without any other proof. anyone can accuse, and anyone can be accused. and you cannot prove a negative!
Our Holy Torah states that you cannot convict someone based on an “Eid Echod”, especially not on the Eidos of the victim itself.

“One lesson we could take from this, if Greer can be guilty of these things, anybody can”

eton mizrachi
eton mizrachi
4 years ago

why is aid echad not good here ???

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
4 years ago

I have no clue what this man really did or didn’t do. If he did it he deserves this and more. if he didn’t its a sad day. I d think that in general we need to better protect all sides. We need to place strong guidelines on rabbbeim and community leaders whereby if one follows them, its both nearly impossible to hurt a child g-d forbid and it would be a clear proof protection that if accused one can point to that guideline and say look this is proof its not me.

Things like a rebbe never in a room alone with a boy etc….

The aguda should sit down and think this thru. it for the rebbe benefit too

4 years ago

antshuldig mir, but exactly what is the rabbi accused of??? sex with minors?? beating minors?? not giving them food??
what ???

Avrohom Meir Gluck
Avrohom Meir Gluck
4 years ago

An open letter to the Jewish media:

I see an “Olam Ho’fuch” in the general omission of Jewish reporting on the civil and criminal conviction of a former Yeshiva principal and educator. Let’s not be confused. It is not Loshon Horah or Chillul Hashem to report criminal activity; it is criminal not to report it. It is not sinful to use the word, “molester”; it is sinful to commit molestation.

Daniel Greer is guilty of abusing his power over his students and taking advantage of many innocent children. Multiple victims testified about his extended evil behavior of over a dozen years. He never proclaimed his innocence, instead pleading the fifth amendment again and again. In one inadvertent outburst, he implicated himself in open court. His entire community, including closest family, have distanced themselves from him since his crimes became public.

Most of the time it is prudent to be silent. Sometimes it is necessary to speak out. Sefer Chofetz Chaim speaks multiple times about a case exactly like this one, (כלל ד-ז, ד-ס”ק ל”ג, ח-ז, י-י, י-ס”ק ל’ ) concluding that there is no prohibition of speaking or believing Loshon Horah; no obligation to rebuke the sinner or judge him favorably. On the contrary, it is an obligation to speak out: לפרסם את החנפים מפני חילול השם.

Why the silence? Many publications are family oriented and hesitate to sully their pages with such doings. Nevertheless, as Torah journalists you publish many things out of a sense of obligation rather than preference. If readers cannot separate the divinity and truth of Toras Hashem from evil individuals who appear to be righteous, we have a problem bordering on bankruptcy.

If we continue to sweep these horrific problems under the rug and make believe they didn’t happen, they will continue to happen. It is disappointing and frightening that somebody who taught Torah in a Yeshiva high school used his power to molest his students. Perpetrators and those who watched silently, must know that their crimes will be publicized, and they will be humiliated and punished. Victims must know that the Jewish community cares about them and stands with them. The Torah aggressively publicizes the misdeeds of our greatest ancestors so that we learn from those failings. For this same reason, the conviction of Daniel Greer should be publicized.
Daniel Greer destroyed his victims’ innocence, his own family and the families of these children. We should learn this lesson once and not again and again. Let’s eradicate this shameful behavior from our community.
Your courageous publication of this letter will not solve the problem. However, it will ensure that the conversation begins and continues to provide every single parent and child with age appropriate information. Children must feel comfortable reporting any uncomfortable behavior and have their report taken seriously. While it is very hard for schools to “early detect” such problems, they should make sure that educators do not have the ability to be in “Yichud” with students, no matter their gender.
Break the cycle. We may be held accountable for not preventing repeat occurrences when we choose to remain silent.

4 years ago

I’m so proud of the huge Talmidie Chachamim that post big Lomdess here. I feel like I was already Koivaya itim fot today.

Susann Codish
4 years ago

Big Yasher Ko’ah to Avrohom Meir Gluck. Agree with him and Nachum above.

4 years ago

Don’t be an arrogant ass!

David Martin
David Martin
4 years ago

Don’t be an arrogant ass!

David Martin
David Martin
4 years ago

Sorry but my reply posted in triplicate. Is ther no way to delete my own redundant commentary?

4 years ago

Everything with kedushin and gittin needs 2 kosher aidim

4 years ago

Mr. Greer was charged and convicted by a State criminal, i.e. not halachic, court. What the halacha says here is therefore irrelevant. He was convicted by a jury. Anything more to say?

Ken Zein
Ken Zein
4 years ago

All the chachumim who think this man is innocent and that “the truth” will come out on appeal:

First, as someone said, that isn’t how appeals work. Second, the transcripts of the civil and the criminal case are all public record, and I’ve read some of them. The testimony is damning. The victim testified, and told police, that Greer had a distinctive scar on his groin in an area that would not have been visible unless naked, and red pubic hair. He also testified that Greer undressed and dressed in a very unusual way- he kept his shoes on while he took off or put on his pants. The police obtained a warrant to inspect and photograph Greer’s body, which was introduced into evidence. The two detectives witnessed exactly what the victim described- the scar, the red pubes, and the strange undressing procedure. And before you come up with some ‘klugshaft’ like “maybe the victim saw it at the mikvah”, the victim never went to the mikvah with Greer.

The man did it, and he deserves every second and more in jail.