Flatbush Teens Steal Multiple Cars from Shul Parking Lots on Shabbos (VIDEO)


FLATBUSH (VINNews) — A group of off-the-derech teens have been carrying out a disturbing string of car thefts in Flatbush.

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The thieves enter shuls, take keys that were left Erev Shabbos, then steal cars that have been parked in shul parking lots for Shabbos. (They’ve also stolen tzedakah funds from pushkas.)

Due to their frum upbringing, the thieves know Hebrew and can read codes on the shul locks to let themselves in. Numerous vehicles have been stolen. At least one car was crashed, and another recovered by Shomrim after it was caught on video, and the thief apprehended.

In total, at least two members of the crime gang have been arrested, thanks to collaboration between Flatbush Shomrim and the NYPD.

According to Shomrim, one of the thieves, just 16 years old, has a long criminal history, including two gun arrests this past month, in addition to numerous past arrests. Yet presumably due to ludicrous bail reform policies, he was promptly released and free to commit more crimes.

Shomrim added, “We need to be very careful with these kids. They are fearless.”

Flatbush Shomrim has recovered a large percentage of vehicles, and reports that a number of the teens –no surprise–have long rap sheets.

Flatbush Shomrim has boosted their Shabbos patrols manned by retired NYPD officers. They urge people not to leave valuables in shtenders or any other unsecure areas.

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2 years ago


Hurts to see our boys fall like that.

That is absolutely correct
That is absolutely correct
2 years ago

The good news is that all the issues that arise in life that probably contribute to having frum boys turn out like this were all raised and dealt with at the agudah convention and many solutions were put forward because clearly this was the forefront issue on everyone’s mind there. Speech after speech at the convention were focused exactly on these issues and there weren’t any pointless hashgacha pratis stories or hour long speeches about nothingness. They really tackled issues with homelife and how parents are clearly failing their kids and how our schools are clearly failing these kids, but mostly the parents. It truly was uplifting to hear how these issues were delved into so deeply and throughly and with so many experts and so much research behind it and with so much practical advice for parents. Truly beautiful.

2 years ago

Broken hearts do not operate as they should. They were broken, by a failed yeshiva system.

2 years ago

It all started with mixed concerts. NOT

2 years ago

It’s obvious from the tone, the language used to describe the boys and the contempt he has for these kids, that the author of this article has never experienced having a child or sibling like them. When he does, he is in for an awakening. Hopefully he will learn how to handle it then. These boys are our children, siblings, friends, close relatives etc and are going thru things in their lives now that could have been caused by people like our author here who clearly shows his contempt for them.

Voice of reason
Voice of reason
2 years ago

What ever happened to the “just shower them with love” never criticize them? I guess everything stops with the buck

Leah z
Leah z
2 years ago

This article reads all wrong. You’re talking about our kid brothers – Why keep labeling them as “thieves” and “off-the-derech kids?” This is very unfortunate and extremely sad and, while I feel bad for the victims, I feel worse for the perpetrators who are clearly in too much pain and anger to realize what a terrible mistake they are making (besides the obvious breach of shabbos and Halacha, they WILL get caught ultimately and the local authorities won’t be as kind, loving and forgiving as their community, and certainly Hkb”h might be ).

2 years ago

It is critical that every Shadchan[it] receives a complete list of every one of these teenage savages {with picture & full name & D.O.B.}, so that no innocent person falls prey to becoming spouses with one of these wicked savages.

Der Rebbeh
Der Rebbeh
2 years ago

Potches for all of them!

2 years ago

Interesting how everyone knows exactly whose fault this is?
It’s an extremely sad situation and none of us know what these kids have gone thru to end up like this. It’s not our place to point fingers at anyone. This could happen to the best parents.
We live in a world where a lot is not in our control and the fact that kids from our own have fallen to this level should pain us all and make us realize we can all improve in how we care for our youth.
Judging is easy, but it won’t help anyone.

2 years ago

A couple of questions for one of the commentators here, who wrote:

They are criminals because that is their nature and only H”KB can fix them.”
“Perhaps a couple of years in jail might help …”

Oh. But if it’s their nature, then why should they be punished at all, let alone spend “a couple of years in jail”?
They should be punished because of how H”KB made them?

And if “only H”KB can fix them,” ditto.
Why should they spend “a couple of years in jail”?
Does H”KB need a jail in order to “fix them”?

2 years ago

the truth is there is so much fakeness in todays Yiddishkeit that many feel no connection anything real, I know Chabad has many kids going off as well.

2 years ago

This was happened when you have mixed dancing!

2 years ago

Same thing has happened in Lakewood several
Months ago The Friday night joy ride and crash left an owner with a totaled suv

2 years ago

This shows a common pattern of crime. Ethnic criminals prey upon their own ethnic group. You see it all the time with “affinity scams.” It is just easier to steal from people who trust you, who speak the same languages, who are part of your own group.

Look at the number of Jews who sell non-Kosher foods.

2 years ago

The OTD kids have long rap sheets with weapons charges?
And we are advocating against bail for them?
Just try to ascertain the facts.

2 years ago

Same thing happened in Montreal recently

2 years ago

We can’t underestimate the value of tefila that parents can use to help their children grow up as Torah observant Jews. Especially the first brocha in shmoneh esrei and the last paragraph, elokai netzor. See books on tefila how to benefit from good kavana during these tefilos. B’HATZLACHA

Strongest weapon
Strongest weapon
2 years ago

The strongest weapon to deal with these kids is LOVE LOVE AND LOVE
Absolutely NO judging!!!

Sol leb
Sol leb
2 years ago

According to Avi Fishoff they’re the biggest צדיקים go figure!

2 years ago

I think that most of this juvenile behavior will dissipate once the heimisha community realizes and acknowledges that they’re full of it like everyone else. The worst middah is arrogance and the heimisha olem with all their chesed (for their own) is guilty of being big balaiy gaivaniks. Hamaivin yavin..

2 years ago

Stop blaming the cell phone or mixed concerts or parents for that matter the problem stems from yes our yeshiva system the boys are there for 10- 14 hours a day. And parents have lost control of their children to a broken system. They don’t know who their friends are and yeshivas don’t tell parents there’s a problem.

2 years ago

Walk to shul.

2 years ago

It’s all starts from bad influence from their close friends . Lately I have seen a lot of Jewish teens hanging outside smoking and cursing and acting like goyims . Times changed and parents have to take control of who they with and what they friends like!!!

2 years ago

A good beating will do the job.