READ: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Releases Statement About Ukraine


NEW YORK (VINnews) — The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America has released a statement in support of Jews in Ukraine. They are asking Klal Yisrael to say extra Tehillim. In addition, they are asking the public to donate to the Agudah’s relief fund for Ukrainian Jews.

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Here is an excerpt from the statement: “There are hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine (among them, many Orthodox Jews), who are in peril as a result of the Russian invasion into Ukraine. They face the dangers of war, as well as the danger of increasing antisemitism….The Jewish Nation is one organism; when one limb of a body hurts, the whole body is in pain… Therefore, we ask that all of us – living in peace – should gather in our shuls to say Tehillim for the merit of Ukrainian Jews; particularly, after each tefillah to recite chapters 130, 142 and 121, followed by אחינו כל בית ישראל וכו’. We should hold the tefillos of Yom Kippur Katan this Wednesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh.”

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2 years ago

Why is it anonymous? Not one name attributed to it. Written by chaskel or zwiebel or goldenberg or werdyger.

2 years ago

Where’s the link to their fund?

2 years ago

During WWII, the German women used to sit home and agonize over all the pain and suffering the war was causing. To whom?
About whom were they worried?
Only about German people. Because they felt that the German race is one organism; when one limb of a body hurts, the whole body is in pain.