Is Marijuana Death Overdose Possible?


Regardless of the hype surrounding marijuana and its acclaimed benefits, the fact that it is a psychoactive drug will always be looming in users’ minds. Seeing that people use different types of marijuana, there are conflicting ideas about how harmful each type is to the body. The Sativa, hybrid, and Indica debates argue that some kind is safer than the others and vice versa. 

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Research on the potential harm that marijuana use poses deals with different factions of information sourcing. While some target its potential to cause a deadly overdose, others stick with the effects of abusing the drug. This research produces information contrary to the common myths and misconceptions about marijuana use.

The Possibility of a Death Overdose

Every once in a while, there is that nagging thought that has you wondering can marijuana kill you? It is reasonable considering that many drugs people use often lead to their demise. While this can be chalked up to paranoia, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

So, can weed kill you? The CDC’s answer to that question is no. Marijuana overdose cannot kill a user. Among the reported deaths from drug abuse, there hasn’t been a single one attributed to marijuana use. 

Though that earns a sigh of relief, it doesn’t mean that there are no effects after overusing the drug. If the question is, can you overdose on marijuana, then the answer is a yes. Despite the numerous claims of safety, there are risks to overusing marijuana. 

What’s the Over in Overdosing Marijuana

Determining the point that weed stops being normal and starts being tagged as an overdose on weed is not easy. The most typical dose for any individual stands at 10mg, referring to the THC level. Frequent users have taken to upping their doses which is attributable to tolerance levels. 

Some strains contain up to 29% THC levels reflecting a higher mg count. Taking the edibles or smoking such strains in massive amounts could lead to a build-up of THC in the body. The effect of the same is a disruption of normal body functions. 

Before dosing on any amount, it is always recommendable to consult an expert. Buying from shops will impart you with all the information concerning the strains and their potency. 

Symptoms of a Marijuana Overdose

For the symptoms to get bad with weed, the situation will have to be dire. A weed overdose often occurs when individuals abuse the drug to the point that it is more than twenty times the typical 10mg level. Users with results of  over 300mg levels report intense confusion that can manifest itself in the following signs;

  • Psychotic thoughts and behaviors;

  • Intense anxiety with the possibility of panic attacks;

  • Coordination problems;

  • Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure;

  • Visual or auditory hallucinations.

To register these signs, the overdose will have to be extremely high. Most of the symptoms start abating after two to three days. It is better to visit a hospital and have them wean you off the overdose if such symptoms show up. 

Signs of Marijuana Abuse

The abuse of marijuana is a matter that has comprehensive coverage. Even the Diagnosis Statistics Manual-5 (DSM-5) ascents that there is a condition such as Cannabis abuse disorder. This labeling institutes regular use of weed and abuse of the same. 

With weed and many other drugs, it is hard to decipher when use becomes abuse. Its diagnosis list can help determine whether or not a user is abusing the drug. The list below covers the main pointers therapists and health care professionals use to identify the distinction;

  • Participating in dangerous activities to access or use marijuana;

  • An inability to stop using even when one wants to;

  • Continued use even when it poses a problem to relationships, legal issues, family relations, and more;

  • The feeling of abnormality whenever one has not used. 

Though these are not specific indicators of abuse, they give a general picture of what to look for in your weed use. 

Practice Safe Using

Anything can be detrimental if used in massive amounts. Even sugar causes a sugar rush if one takes in too many sweet things. With moderation, one can enjoy their items of choice and keep their general physical and mental health in order. 

Weed use is not fatal, even with massive doses of the plant. This fact has sufficient backing from the CDC and other relevant research institutions. However, the lack of a fatal adverse effect is not reason enough to abuse the drug.

The possibility of intense confusion and hardship in conducting day-to-day activities is a significant reason to watch one’s use of marijuana. With proper use, it is possible to enjoy weed’s health and relaxation benefits. It is always advisable to visit a licensed dispensary for all your weed needs and weed websites for helpful general information. 

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