Passing of Rabbi Avi Shulman zt”l and Levaya Information


by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

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We are sad to inform readers of the passing of one of the most inspiring individuals of this past generation.  He was a man who changed the landscape of Torah observant Judaism in America.  He eschewed the title of Rabbi, calling himself Mr. Avi Shulman.

He was one of the founders of Torah uMesorah’s project SEED, which led tens of thousands of people to becoming true Bnei Torah.

His sole focus and passion was to help others – to help mechanchim, to help students, to help marriages.  He had remarkably unique skills and insights in which he accomplished these goals.

He was an observer.  He saw what the qualities were that created success, and what led to failures.  he took that wisdom and gave them over to others in remarkable ways.

He was a speaker, an educator, an invaluable life coach. He encouraged people to be the best that they can be.  In this author’s view, he was that one in a million individual who for decades, created facts on the ground. Ask your Rav, but in this author’s view – if it is at all possible one should try to make it for the levaya.

The levaya information is as follows:

Today, Tuesday, November 8 at 10:00 am, in Beis Medrash Mikdash Dovid, 2 Hilltop Lane, in Monsey, NY.

Boruch Dayan HaEmes.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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1 year ago

OOPS. Sorry for the error. Please withdraw and replace with the following

Many unfortunately did not realize his greatness. He, and his parents, were a big part that made Monsey a great place for frum people to live.

By the way, refused to be called “Rabbi”. He insisted on being called “Mister”.

1 year ago


Boruch Dayan Emes! So many of my sefarim – mainly biographies – were written by him. In his derech, he was similar in madregas to Rabbi Noach Weinberg, A”H, and Rabbi Yehosha Leiman, A”H for reaching and influencing Yidden – including ba’alei teshuvah. I’m disappointed in myself that I just accepted there was this influential mechaber without reaching out to him. Before reading this hesped and learning of Reb (compromise Rabbi and Mr.?) Avi’s petirah, I thought that poverty was a financial concept; however, with this loss, I’m makayim the true meaning of ‘impoverished.’ May his memory be a brocha, as his life here was to so many, IY”H.

1 year ago

As somone close to the familiy he was adiment in his tzava to have no publication please take down and respect his kavod acharon

1 year ago

Boruch dayan ha’emes. May he have a lichtige Gan Eden.

Perhaps, too, now is the time – l’ilui nishmaso – for articles to be published on what Project SEED has accomplished. Individual installments, focusing on one place or one group at a time, akin to the weekly articles about the Chabad shluchim.

1 year ago

A true gadol, more important. an emeser ehriche yid.! He should be a meilitz yoisher for Klal Yisroe. We need all the help we can get especially in these times.

1 year ago

Many unfortunately realize his greatness. He, and his parents, were a big part that made Monsey a great place for frum people to live.
By the way, refused to be called “Rabbi”. He insisted on being called “Mister”.