The Growing Hate And What Can Be Done


By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

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The acts of hate against Klal Yisroel are reaching a proportion and dimension unheard of in decades.  Even the words of Kanye West and his ilk are reminiscent of the pronouncements of Father Coughlin during the 1940’s.

1979 was the first year that the ADL started tracking antisemitic incidents in the United States.  2021  was the year where incidents reached its highest number.  In 2021, there were 2717 different incidents of assault, harassment, and vandalism.  Essentially this means that every 3 hours, every day of the year, Jews in the United States are facing an anti-Semitic incident.

And incidents have happened recently too painful to describe.


Before we suggest what can be done about it, let’s examine why it is happening.  The Gedolei HaMussar throughout the generations have explained that we are delaying the arrival of the Geulah through our own actions.  How so?  The reason for the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash was that of Sinas Chinam – wanton internal hatred.  How can the Beis HaMikdash be rebuilt when the very reason for its destruction, this trait of Sinas Chinam is still dancing in our midst?

This is the reason why the Talmud Yerushalmi (Yuma 1:1) tells us, “Any generation in which the Beis HaMikdash is not rebuilt,” it is as if it was destroyed in THAT generation.

This is also the reason, according to one of the Gedolim of this past generation, that we are asked on the ultimate Yom HaDin, “Did you hope for Moshiach?”  He understood this as, “Did you work to undo the underlying cause of the Churban – that of Sinas Chinam?”  The juxtaposition of this question to that of did you set times for the study of Torah is both intriguing and informative because Chazal tell us, Talmidei Chachomim marbim shalom baOlam – Torah scholars increase peace in the world..”


All this leads directly to what we can do about it. There is no question that anti-Semitic acts are direct repercussions of our own Sinas Chinam and our lack of Ahavas Yisroel. What follows is a two phased idea – involving eliminating our Simas Chinam (phase 1) and implementing Ahavas Yisroel  (phase 2)/


We can all make a special effort to reduce or eliminate our sinas chinam, our name-calling, our machlokes – our infighting. We need to realize that each member of Klal Yisroel is a tzelem elokim – a reflection of the Divine.

Our Sinas Chinam manifests in numerous ways toward numerous people – in how we treat our siblings, our co-workers, our classmates, our employees, our spouses, our children, their friends whom we may disapprove of – it even manifests in how we post comments on internet articles.

To do our part, let us take upon ourselves, b”n, at least two significant changes in our interactions with our fellow brothers and sisters.  This is specifically in eliminating our Sinas Chinam. 

To help us in this area, we can place reminder sons in front of us – they can be framed signs with clues to what we should be watching out for, or even wallpaper on a phone or computer.  If possible, we should also take on bli neder two changes in our Ahavas Yisroel.


What follows are rulings of Rav Elyashiv zatzal on the Mitzvah of v’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha that were culled from a sefer put together by his grandson, Rav Israelson, and shown to him for approval. Some of the material, of course, may be obvious, but it needs to be articulated in order to get a bigger picture of this important Mitzvah.


It is a Mitzvah incumbent upon every individual to love every member of of Klal Yisroel, as it says, “v’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha.” Anything that you would want others to do for you in Torah and Mitzvos you should do for them.

Included in this are physical acts of gmilas chessed, such as visiting the sick, comforting mourners, attending a funeral, bringing joy to a chosson and Kallah and helping others in all their needs.


One who does something to his friend that he himself would not have wanted done to him is in violation of abnegating this Mitzvah. He will suffer on this account (Avos D’Rav Nosson 16 and Shabbos 31a).

Indeed, even if you personally do not care if this embarrassment was done to you, it is still forbidden to embarrass others in this manner (Chofetz Chaim Toras Kohanim Kedoshim 12)


One must rejoice in the good turns of other members of Klal Yisroel, as well as participate in their sorrow (Sefer Chareidim 9:28 in Mitzvos HaTluos B’Lev). Therefore, if one hears that there is a simcha of an individual , one must make it one’s business to be happy in his simcha. When a friend has a tragedy, chas v’shalom, one must share his pain with him.


There is an obligation to help others in all that one can. One must also daven for them to save them from their pain. One who requests mercy on his friend in front of him, does not need to mention his friend’s name. When it is done not in the presence of his friend, must mention his name (Introduction to the Chofetz Chaim’s Ahavas Chesed and Mogen Avrohom 119:1, Mishna Brurah ibid).


A person is also obligated to think thoughts of advice that one can give to his friend. These thoughts should be useful and effective. Indeed, this is one of the methods of performing Gmilus Chassadim. If he provides him with untenable advice he is in violation of “v’lifnei iver lo sitain michshol – placing a stumbling block before the blind.”


One must also speak positively about other members of Klal Yisroel. However in front of someone who has a dislike for the person, one may not sing his praises, because it may lead to negative speech about that person. Indeed, even if the positive remakrs are not actually said in front of the enemy, but there are such people that are present there, it is also forbidden to speak positively on him. Others say that even in front of his loved ones one should not over-praise him because on account of his praise negative speech may ensue (Sefer Chofetz Chaim 9:1).


Even though there is a Mitzvah to speak positively of others, it is forbidden to incorrectly state that the person is very wise and one can completely rely upon him if the truth is that this is not the case. Why? Since it may cause damage to others if they rely upon his advice and statements. One may also not state that another person is an honest person who can be relied upon if he does not necessarily know that it is true.


When the opportunity is presented to an individual to teach Torah to fellow Jews, even if they are children, and it is not possible that this be done through others – there is an obligation to teach them. Even if through this the person will miss out on his own deeper Torah learning. This is true just like any other Mitzvah.


Regarding the Mitzvah of v’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha and like in other Mitzvos that are between man and his friend – one should have in mind when doing the favor to his friend that he is doing so for the sake of a Mitzvah. For it has been established that Mitzvos require intent (See OC Siman 60). However, if this was not done – it does not negate the Mitzvah like in other Mitzvos – since the other party is benefiting from it the Mitzvah still counts (See Kovetz Teshuvos II #23).

The author can be reached at [email protected]


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1 year ago

Every “Golden Age” for Yiden since Churban Bayis Sheini has end with Anti Semitism and Golus from the comfortable place in Golus. Today we are likely in the most golden of Golden Ages. May Moshiach come soon enough to rescue us from this Golden Age.

Just thinking
Just thinking
1 year ago

The Frum community has also gotten much larger over the past few decades, which makes us more visible and noticeable. Also as we get further from the holocaust the memory of war , hate, and destruction gets less. Violence in general has also increased unrelated to frum Jews.

1 year ago

The ADL should not be used as a reference for anything. They are nakedly partisan and skew their findings accordingly.

Mr. Cohen
Mr. Cohen
1 year ago

When Orthodox Jews meet for the first time, the standard practice to ask each other many highly-invasive personal questions. This is actually Onaas Devarim [or Onaat Devarim]. If you are truly serious about avoiding Onaas Devarim, then stop asking people highly-invasive personal questions, like:
Which yeshivah did you go to?
Which country did your grandparents come from?
How old are you? Why are you not married?
Where do you work? What kind of work do you do?
Who are your parents? Who are your brothers and sisters?
How many children do you have?
These questions seem innocent to most Orthodox Jews, but they can be Onaas Devarim, if you ask them to the wrong person.
Instead of asking highly-invasive personal questions, give a quick Devar Torah, or a quick fact about current events, or say something about the weather.

1 year ago

We need an organization that can help bring peace to people with disagreements.

1 year ago

Lately there are many YouTube videos put up by frum Jews on social media sites talking about how Jews were historically, and are currently, always rich. I’m so angry when I see that! Firstly there are many medium income Jews and many poor Jews; there’s a reason we have all these tzedaka-charity organizations! But even if we were all rich, how stupid can you get to invite the jealousy from from non-Jews!

Then you have these “frum” women singing and dancing on social media, and more and more “frum” women are looking like total pritzus. Hashem is reminding Jewish daughters who they are- they need to stop their overexposure.

-There are Jews are putting down other Jews to “let the non-Jews know that they are better and more enlightened”than the rest of us…whether they are Jewish comedians or people like Moster- these people foster much hate.

hard at work yeshiva grad
hard at work yeshiva grad
1 year ago

we need to be scared of what wll be. nick moster, the hate filled unemployed founder of yaffed is planning on starting a new newspaper undoubtedly devoted to spreading hate and incitement against frum jews. there is no limit to the hate he will preach. we must all work on being mekadesh shem Shamayim to counter his awful hate!