The Z’chus of the Nefesh HaChaim and Support of a Kollel


by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

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Imagine, having the zchus of the Nefesh HaChaim – with you to answer your tefilos.

Rav Reuvain Tzadok shlita, whose family descends from Rav Chaim Volozhin zt”l, is in the United States to raise funds for both the Kollel and needy families throughout Eretz Yisroel.

Rav Chaim Volozhin was the author of the Nefesh HaChaim and was the very first Rosh Yeshiva of the first contemporary Yeshiva – Volozhin.

Rav Tzadok is a Talmid of Moreinu HaGaon HaRav Don Segal shlita, the Rosh Kollel of Ohalei Torah in Ramat Beit Shemesh The Kollel attracts avreichim who are dedicated to a life of harbatzas HaTorah and Rav Tzadok encourages this with Mussar Vaadim and special sessions dedicated to the ideal that teaching Torah to Klal Yisroel is the highest aspiration that can be achieved.

The Kollel makes sure to finish every mesechta they study from beginning to end, b’iyun – in great depth.  Avreichim must pass monthly in-depth tests..

Aside from the depth of study, however, Rav Tzadok emphasizes to his avreichim the words of the Nefesh HaChaim that we are here on earth in order to help others.  To be a giver is the ultimate fulfillment of v’halachta b’drachav.  The Kollel has a Beis HaMussar and a haskamah from Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita.

Rav Tzadok learned under Rav Segal’s Choshain Mishpat Kollel in Sanhedria (Mishkan Esther) and was close to Rav Yehudah Jacobs zatzal, the Mashgiach of Beis Medrash Gavoha in Lakewood, NJ.

Rav Don Segal shlita is pictured above with the Rosh Kollel at a siyum Mesechta. Rav Moshe Mordechai Farbstein Shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Chevron Yeshiva,  Rav Chanoch Albeck shlita, a Moreh D’Asra in Ramat Beit Shemesh are all quite close with Rav Tzadok and hold of the Kollel very highly.

The Kollel has a unique matching funds program in which every dollar that is given is matched 300 percent by one of the leading askanim in Eretz Yisroel.  A donation of $1000, essentially means acausing this remarkable Kollel to receive $4000.  Whatever assistance you can provide the Kollel will help create facts on the ground in Torah, mussar, and Gmilus Chassadim.

Your fully tax-deductible donation can be zelled to [email protected] Anyone in need of a yeshuah who wishes tefilos and Tehillim to be recited on their behalf, please email your full name and your mother’s name to [email protected]

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