INSANE VIDEO: Curtis Sliwa’s Angels Apprehend Illegal Migrant During Live Hannity Show

FILE 0 Morning talk-radio host Curtis Sliwa at work in the WABC studio today. (Photo by Michael Albans/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY (VINnews) — Curtis Sliwa’s Guardian Angels apprehended an illegal migrant in the process of shoplifting–and the incident was caught on live TV, during an interview with Sean Hannity!

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Wild footage showed the vigilante group grabbing the man during a live interview with Fox News on Tuesday.

The interview first showed Sliwa surrounded by members of his Guardian Angels, and one of the Angels could be seen running off-camera.

Moments later, the rest of the group ran off, leaving only Sliwa in front of the camera.

“Our guys have just taken down one of the migrant guys right here on the corner of 42nd and 7th while all this is taking place,” Sliwa told Hannity. “They’ve taken over!”

After Hannity requested that the camera be turned to face the action, the group could be seen surrounding the man,and then forcing the man to the ground and restraining him.

Later in the show, Sliwa returned to give Hannity his account of what took place.

“He had been shoplifting,” said Sliwa. “The Guardian Angels spotted him, stopped him, he resisted, and let’s just say we gave him a little pain compliance. His mother back in Venezuela felt the vibrations. He’s sucking concrete, the cops scraped him off the asphalt, he’s on his way to jail, but they’ll cut him loose.”

He continued, “We gotta take 42nd Street back, Sean. These illegals think they own this street, they think they rule the night. This is our country, if they can’t abide by the rules, then we’re gonna kick ’em back from where they came.”

Sliwa said that while police had been told to keep “hands off,” the Guardian Angels “don’t keep our hands off.”

“You shoplift, you commit crime, you assault people, you don’t belong in our country and we’re gonna make sure you pay a price for that,” he concluded. “We gotta fight for what we know is right and you saw a little bit of this. They got a little bit of taste of what the Guardian Angels are gonna do to liberate Times Square from them.”


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Baal Habos
Baal Habos
1 year ago

Except, the man was not a migrant. “The man is not a migrant, but a New Yorker from the Bronx, police said Wednesday afternoon. Though Sliwa claimed the man had been caught shoplifting, police provided no evidence to support the allegation.”

Baal Habos
Baal Habos
1 year ago

Scary, in the article that ‘scared of him’ posted below on a comment by Dave, Sliwa is quoted as saying about us:

So he talks about us yidden just like he talks about migrants.

I don’t think Sliwa is evil, but you need to be cautious when anyone blames problems on other; be they migrants, locals, blacks, libs, Rinos, etc.

We jews are the ultimate outsiders. The ultimate scapegoats.

13th Ave BP
13th Ave BP
1 year ago

Sliwa sounds like Leo Gorcey of da Bowery Boys. For years he railed against NYC cops. Now he “loves” them. He brags about how the Mafia tried to kill him, but he brags about his ties to gangs. A real NYC goofball.

1 year ago

where is the video???

1 year ago

When we stop referring to them as “migrants” They CRIMONALS, illegal aliens who are breaking the law & should be prosecuted, denied entry & deported.Not given debit cards. The only reason this is happening is because the demorats think they will get votes. Instead of giving billions of dollars to these CRIMINALS lets’s help AMERICANS FIRST.

Self-serving idiots
Self-serving idiots
1 year ago

Clown in a red hat. Who’s to be trusted about as far as you could throw him. As for Hannity he’s another one. Not to be trusted

Jj friedman
Jj friedman
1 year ago

It will be funny when Curtis Sliwa and his gang gets arrested for vigilantism, containing a person against his will, beating up a person, possible kidnapping. Now I know someone’s gonna say citizen arrest, etc Yes that is good only on VIN.

1 year ago

He would gladly help gather us all on trains to Auschwitz as well.