New York, NY – KAJ Denies Rumors It Has Removed Hechsher From Rubashkin.


    New York, NY – There have been many rumors circulating the internet lately about the KAJ [K’hal Adas Jeshurun (Breuer’s)] organization removing its hechsher from the Rubashkin kosher meat company.

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    Rabbi Zechariah Gelley, the KAJ Ba’al Machsher, has just spoken on the phone to VIN News, and he categorically denied any such charges. As of now, Rubashkin Meats is still fully certified under KAJ, in spite of what many have said.

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    16 years ago

    This sounds strange…

    This is a business one trying to kill the other one’s business, every one means the few dollars.
    And NOBODY cares about the consumer eating Glatt Kosher just how to degrade the other one and take away clients from the other one

    16 years ago

    Rubashkin’s so called bais yosef meat is all a “BLUFF”.
    The RUBASHKIN rav hamachir is of the stated opinion that
    all of RUBASHKIN meat is bais yosef & that nobody
    really knows what is or is not bais yosef meat. RUBASHKIN
    commonly send to caterers so called bais yosef meat for
    Sephardim and there will be 1 or 2 pieces marked
    accordingly bais yosef& the rest isn’tbais yosef”.
    In a recent episode, RUBASHKIN sent out a bais yosef order
    In a recent episode, RUBASHKIN sent out a bais yosef order
    that had only 1 piece marked AGRI style bais yosef, it was
    sent back by the Mashgiach for a replacement order of all
    bais yosef. RUBASHKIN sent the replacement order, all
    marked & labeled as bais yosef. The Mashgiach refused it
    ‘cause he put secret “markings” on the previous order, and
    discovered that Rubashkin sent them the same identical
    order again “relabeled”
    bais yosef “AGRI style”.
    Rubashkin’s so called bais yosef meat is a consumer bluff!

    It is a common RUBASHKIN practice to ship meat &
    poultry without the required “chosmos”. When calls are made
    to complain & question it, they say dayan Kohn will look into
    it, but you may use it. “There really is NO heter!”

    16 years ago

    PETA’s investigator witnessed egregiously cruel slaughter methods being used at an AgriProcessors kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa.

    Cattle, chickens, and turkeys suffered through prolonged consciousness after having their throats cut and being dismembered while still fully conscious. Many instances of inhumane slaughter were captured on film. The following are excerpts from the investigator’s notes:

    The cow was loaded into a machine that resembles a large metal tube. His head stuck out of the front, then a metal bar clamped under his neck and forced his head upwards and back, cocked in an awkward and painful-looking position. The entire machine rotated, turning the cow upside-down. This process seemed to terrify him—his eyes were wide with fright—I imagine because he had never been in such a helpless position. The cow’s exposed neck was scrubbed with a hose and brush, then a rabbi came out of a small room and slit the cow’s throat. Another worker followed the rabbi and gouged a chunk of flesh out of the cow’s neck and then pulled his trachea or esophagus (I’m not sure which one) outside of his throat so that it hung down. Then the machine reverted the cow into an upright position. The trap door on the side opened up and the cow was dumped onto the floor, where another worker attached a chain to the animal’s ankle so that he could be hoisted into the air and sent down the line.

    Many cows were still alive and conscious when they came out of the tube and were slammed onto the floor. Their heads often hit the concrete with a sickening crack. I watched as one cow landed on his feet and started scrambling around with a shocked look on his face. The workers simply jumped behind their barricade and waited for him to collapse.

    A cow stood up after being dumped on the floor and went into the corner. They managed to kill one or two more cows while he lay there moving around trying to stand up. He continually moved his nearly severed head around � as his legs were also making an effort to stand.

    Some birds fell after being placed into buckets—these birds flopped around on the ground violently, and once stopped, they were thrown into the garbage.

    I took footage of chickens in trailers where the vents/fans were not running. It’s August 11 and really hot. I also took footage of the dumping of chickens onto the conveyor system to be killed. I noticed that one chicken had her foot caught between the conveyor and the wall, and she was unable to pull her foot out.

    I filmed another chicken who was caught in the conveyor system of the poultry line. This time, the chicken’s head and wing were caught between the retaining wall and the conveyor. I did my best to free her, but access to the conveyor itself was blocked.

    The first time I saw a cow stagger to his feet and walk around with his trachea dangling outside of his body, I thought to myself, this can’t be happening—but after several days I knew better.

    The suffering and cruelty I witnessed didn’t phase anyone on that killing floor.

    I just wish that people who eat meat could stand where I did for a day and see cows whose eyes are wide with fright have their throats slit and tracheas gouged out.

    There is no justification for the cruelty I documented in that slaughterhouse. The presence of the USDA didn’t have any effect, nor did the presence of the rabbis. These animals were failed by both religion and regulations.

    16 years ago

    A good salami should have a little zest to its flavor and some spring to its texture. Rubashkin’s 12-ounce all-beef salami has neither. The texture is mushy and the flavor is mediocre.

    16 years ago

    I don’t consider Rubashkin kosher. Period.

    16 years ago

    Eilat in Great Neck carries ZERO Rubashkin and has a sign up noting various health hazards with Rubashkin products. He says it was brought to his attention by customers and after looking into it, he stopped carrying it.

    The Vaad Hakashrus of Atlanta is aware of the problems and does not allow any Rubashkin in town.

    The local Chabad shluchim also agree Rubashkin is bad news and they won’t eat it either.

    16 years ago

    You mean PETA doesn’t mean People Eating Tastey Animals?

    shmuel glassman
    shmuel glassman
    16 years ago

    a few points

    16 years ago

    Out of Towner.

    In response to your question, my reply is: “I did.”

    One of my best friend’s fathers is a prominent Satmar Shochet, and wanted to teach me. I am too much of a “softie” to shecht, though, and did not pursue it too long.

    Some of the first things he taught me were, “Do not EVER work for any shecht house that rushes you and makes you shecht too many gassos in one day. 40 or 50 a day is a LOT.”

    He gave many reasons:
    1) He said, “if you are a mensch, you realize these are baalei chaim. Even though we are elevating them, they are not having fun. They do feel pain, and we must not make believe that is not so. When you take the life of a baal chaim, you loose a little tiny bit of yourself. Your need time in between each shechita to ‘recover’, daven/meditate a minute, and understand the animal’s pain in leaving this world. If you fail to do this, you will become a robot, losing your very menshlechkeit or humanity. You will then not have the proper feelings and kindness towards others, including your own family. So, never let them rush you.
    Also, if you allow this to happen, you will become that robot whose shechita should be questioned, because if you loose your humanity, you should not be trusted as a shochet anymore.”

    2) Make sure the Beheima has time to pass away before anything is done to it to give it further tzar. This sometimes is only 30 seconds, but sometimes can take 3 minutes or more. If the shecht house is unwilling to wait those 3 minutes, walk out and quit…. and never eat their shechita.

    3) Take the minute and check the simonim YOURSELF alongside the mashgiach. This “checks and balances” system insures kashrush. If you shecht and walk away that second, not returning until the next animal is ready, it is very tempting for the mashgiach to be concerned with the percentages of treifos, and call something kosher that is questionable. But if you both look at it together, you are being each other’s checker, and it helps fight the temptation to please the shecht house. This is especially true on a bad day when you may have just had 3 triefos in a row. Everyone wants to make the next one kosher. But if you are looking together, you will be ready to admit it is 4 in a row. One day you may have zero trifas, the next day you may have 10 in a row! It happens, don’t be afraid of it. If the shecht house, in any way makes you feel bad about your percentages, quit immediately. First, you are working for Hashem, second for the shecht house.

    He took me to watch a few times. Though I am really too much of a softie to do it, I watched, and I can tell you, he, and they, DO practice that they preach. The animal is allowed to expire before being moved! Sometimes it was more than 3 minutes.

    You never saw a shechted animal stumbling about in obvious horrific pain, while a Mexican was trying to tie a chain to a rear leg and yank it up into the air as they do at some poor shecht houses.

    The mashgiach is there watching the shechita, not 20 feet away.

    The animals do not see each other get shechted.

    The “Next up” does not enter the area, until the one shechted has expired, and been removed.

    The Shochet returns to his place between shechitas, and checks his chalaf, slowly and carefully.

    So, there are houses that do it right.

    And… by the way, many PETA members are JEWISH and not anti semites. Just because a group is against cruelty does not make them antisemites.

    Maybe if all shecht houses would do what I wrote above, we would not have trouble with PETA. Oh, I know there would always be SOME trouble, for some PETA folks are rather fanatic and really don’t want any animals killed, but they would not see the cruelty they are seeing now.

    You COULD have kashrus without cruelty. There is no excuse for it. I would happily pay more for kosher shechita that is not cruel. and I do.

    For that one who wrould rather be a vegitarian than eat a certain Shechita, I agree with you. I now live out of the NY area, and sometimes do not have the shechita I prefer (Alle / Satmar) available. My house rule, which my Rebbetzin understands, I would rather serve Peanut Butter and Jelly for Shabbos, even to orchim, before using meat that was not killed the way I described above.

    And, yes, if my kelim were in contact with meat from a certain shect house whose work I do not approve of, I will kasher my keilim.

    Also, guys, when there is so much smoke, there must be a bit of fire; no?

    16 years ago

    And the Rubashkin chickens don’t was naigel vasser before being shechted.

    16 years ago

    These comments proudly sponsored by KJ – SAtmar & Vineland Meat Co. – Give it a break

    16 years ago

    Under how many names can Yudel and his 2-3 gullible or retarded (or both) followers post their ongoing hotzas shem ra and oither “facts” and “hashkafos” which deny the basic halachos in Shulchan Aruch

    16 years ago

    As long as I lived in NY I ate Satmar Shechita but since the Satmar shechita is NOT available where I live now (not in NY) I mainly eat Vineland or Meal Mart. NEVER NEVER Rubashkin.

    16 years ago

    Rabbi Gelley is the RAV of KAJ – notstam a mashgiach or a spokesman for KAJ.

    16 years ago

    Rubashkin is the best

    yummy yummy and kosher kosher

    out of towner
    out of towner
    16 years ago

    Did you ever see the schita process at vineland or stamar or any other sluughter house for that matter. You are making a judgement based on PETA – antisemites. When it comes to Kosherus you can’t and shouldn’t trust anybody. Unless you know and can trust the individual behind the hechsher and/or the company.

    16 years ago

    I do not eat any Rubashkin. Buy Satmar meat. It’s taste better and is kosher.

    Yudel Shain
    Yudel Shain
    16 years ago

    From when Rabbi Weismandel had Rubashkin ban Rabbi Kohn (KAJ) from all of their plans, KAJ left Rubashkin. It’s odd that don’t even know about it.

    16 years ago

    After watching the PETA video and seeing the way how these animals are being tortured I COULD NEVER EAT RUBASHKIN PRODUCTS AGAIN.

    Besides kashrus reasons there are OTHER reasons which I no longer eat Rubashkin products.

    Like 5:38 PM mentioned it’s better to eat vegetarian food than eating any product from Rubashkin.

    16 years ago

    6:04 PM
    My husband and I NEVER Ever eat Rubashkin products.We live in a place where most of the Jewish stores only carry Rubaskin. We have to drive at least 45 minutes to the stores that carry the Hashgacha that we ONLY use which is the VINELAND Shechita. Vineland Shechita is the VERY BEST Shechita I’ve ever eaten. Yes, they’re more costly than Rubashkin but it’s worth every penny. We have no problem whatsoever in spending the extra money per pound and eating tastier, leaner, healthier products.

    Out of curiousity what brand chicken do you buy?

    16 years ago

    6:04 PM

    I did not know that the chicken was green. It didn’t show any signs of being green on the surface. It was only when I wanted to prepare the chicken for Shabbos, after I took out the fourth quarter, which was a top did I notice that the whole quarter was green.

    BTW I forgot to mention that they leave SO MUCH FAT on the chicken.

    16 years ago

    How treif can Rubashkin be? He has the OU, Breurs, Lubavitch, Weissmandel, Zelingold, and others. Do you really believe that they all are in a conspiracy?

    In case you haven’t noticed, or you’ve been asleep for the past 16 months, the kashrut industry has grown into an out of control multi-million dollar industry. I recommend that you read this week’s Jewish Press article by Rabbi Bunyamin Epstein titled “Kashrut”. Rabbi Epstein discusses in detail the many problems with so-called “mashgichim” today. The bottom line is if we close our eyes and place blind trust in the kashrut agencies, then we are asking for more scandals a-la Shevach in Monsey. The problem with Rubashkin is the lack of accountability, vis-a-vis the labeling (they also sell treife meat),shochtim and mashgichim. This is all in spite of the long list of agencies that are on their payroll. Wake up and smell the coffee, but more importantly, ask for and demand accountability.

    16 years ago

    How treif can Rubashkin be? He has the OU, Breurs, Lubavitch, Weissmandel, Zelingold, and others. Do you really believe that they all are in a conspiracy?

    Mark Levin is The Great One
    Mark Levin is The Great One
    16 years ago

    Anon 538,

    If you bought green chicken you are the one at fault!

    If you want to rip them, lets start with the fact that they leave SO MUCH FAT on the chicken! Its mamesh disgusting which is why I buy more expensive chicken (about 10-15 cents more per pound) and I save money b/c I dont cut off all that shmaltz!

    16 years ago

    Better eat vegetarian food than eating any product from Rubashkin.

    Many of their products are nasty. I’ve had many experiences when buying Rubashkin’s poultry that it was very green and had a very foul odor.

    16 years ago

    Is the union behind this stunt like they have tried in the past?

    Yudel Shain
    Yudel Shain
    16 years ago

    It is rumored that Rabbi Hatchaul who took care of the KAJ at Rubashkin doesn’t anymore-That is one of the changes- If not Rabbi Hatchual anymore then it’s back to no-one again.

    We know MMW’s opinions & statements … re: above (we know you can’t rely on his statements, but thought maybe this one time only)