Gaza City – Critically Wounded Officer Went to War Day after Wedding


    IDF Combat Officer, Aharon Karov (pictured right), at his wedding, hours after leaving the Gazan front, and returned back to fight the day after his wedding -- was critically wounded last night in Northern Gaza by a Hamas explosive.Gaza City – IDF officer Aharon Karov was critically wounded Monday night in Gaza by a blast from a booby trap. Karov was married only a week and a half ago to Tzvia Mordechai, and the morning after his wedding, he was off to war.

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    Aharon, who is from the Samaria community of Karnei Shomron, is a second lieutenant in the Paratroopers Brigade. He commanded a company in ground fighting in North Gaza until being injured. Before joining the army, Aharon studied in a yeshiva (school for religious study) in Netzarim, one of the Jewish communities destroyed in the 2005 Israeli Disengagement from Gaza.

    Aharon’s family has asked that the public pray for his recovery. His Hebrew name is Aharon Yehoshua Ben Chaya Shoshanna.

    Two and a half weeks ago, before Operation Cast Lead began, Aharon received leave from his unit to attend the traditional Sabbath celebration before his wedding. On the morning of that Saturday, the air force began bombing Gaza. Aharon had just finished the Sabbath prayers and sat down to eat lunch when his commanders decided to call him back to base in case a ground offensive in Gaza began.

    The following week, Aharon was in the army preparing for the ground offensive set to begin any moment. On Tuesday evening his commanders decided to allow him to go home to prepare for his wedding on Thursday night. Aharon and Tzvia were married as planned, but the next morning the IDF already called Aharon back to base. By Saturday evening the army had begun its ground offensive, and with them, Aharon Karov in command of his Paratrooper company.

    On Monday night, Aharon was wounded critically and two other soldiers moderately from a blast within a booby trapped home in Northern Gaza. Searches of the home after the blast uncovered another explosive device and a Hamas military vest.

    Aharon’s father, Rabbi Zev Karov, explained how a newly married groom could make such a sacrifice. “According to Jewish law, in a war of self defense even a newly married groom must fight,” he explained. “More than that, [Aharon] is a commander who knows his soldiers, has prepared them, and knows what must be done. He couldn’t just leave them on their own.” Karov added that, “The bride was at first shocked, but then she understood that sometimes personal interests must be second to the common good.”

    U/D: 01:26pm.
    The condition of the IDF officer who was gravely wounded in Gaza Monday night has improved, the army said. At this time, the officer is in serious condition.

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    a yid
    a yid
    15 years ago

    It’s everyone’s responsibility to daven for him, may he have a refuah sh’liema b’korov,

    15 years ago

    They don’t hold of Sheva Brochas these tziyonim?!

    Rafuah Shlayma BKarov
    Rafuah Shlayma BKarov
    15 years ago

    I know the whole Klal Yisrael joins me in being mispalel for Aharon Yehoshua Ben Chaya Shoshanna. May he and all Cholei Am Yisrael be mrapei bimhayrah bkarov. AMEN !!! May HKBH give his wife strength. Hashem Oz Lamo Yitain, Hashem Yivarech Es Amo Yisrael Bshalom !!!

    15 years ago

    Where did they have sheva brachos?

    15 years ago

    Not to diminish the rachmonos he deserves, but: What ever happened to “yaylech veyashov levayso”?

    15 years ago

    Hashem will grant a refuah sh’liema and protect his family from any future trauma….may we also have the z’chus to quickly achieve whatever victory our generals seek in Gaza so we can withdraw these heroic men and women before we see more such injuries and deaths.

    15 years ago

    Hashem should grant him a Refuah Shleimah

    ASK B4!
    ASK B4!
    15 years ago

    I’m not so sure I think only milchemes mitzva one is allowed to leave the shonah reshoinah, in this case I don’t really consider it a milchemes mitzva bc we braught the enemy upon us. (just a humble epinion I’m sure they asked their local ruv)
    Refiah Shleme anyway!!

    to 4
    to 4
    15 years ago

    how about checking the torah before you post narishkeyt. a choson is not allowed to go for milchemes ho’rshus. but for a milchemes mitzvah he must go,

    15 years ago

    ASK B4,you are a criminally insane ignorant savage
    you are an embarrasment to the jewish people.

    15 years ago

    My dear brothers and sisters, Please lets just daven for Aharon for a complete refuah. Lets not post anymore negative comments. Bizchus of our witholding negative opinons, may Aharon return to his kallah and his family as complete and whole as he was before he was tragically injured.

    15 years ago

    This is crazy, couldn’t he just stay home a little longer, were they short of just this soldier?

    15 years ago

    oy but hes not yeshivish

    15 years ago

    his name is pronounced yehosha

    15 years ago

    May Hashem give a refuah shelaimah to Aharon Yehoshua Ben Chaya Shoshanna.

    Thank you, Aharon, for your service.

    To my fellow Yidden: Please try to understand the commentors here who question the Halachic implications of this story. Like us, they have committed their lives to Torah and Halacha. When an incident occurs that questions the Halacha, they feel a need to question and comment to ascertain a truthful understanding. Undestanding what motivates their comments and love them for their respect of Halacha.

    Refuah shelaimah, Aharon, and be of good courage, Tzvia.

    15 years ago

    These Chayalim are protecting us (Klal Yisroel). When a soldier gets hurt or rachmanah litzlan killed we have to feel like we lost a brother. Without the hishtadlus of the IDF we would not have an inch of Eretz Yisroel. Of course its hashem who controls it all.

    We are all yiddin (chasidim,litvish mizrachi,sefardim,chilonim,reform and conservative)

    15 years ago

    Stomach turning. A frum Jew who is literally moser nefesh is criticised by the cowards who do not serve anyone but themselves (yes I believe your learning excuse is just that). Pray for him and the souls of his critics. He is among our very best – frum and brave. There is no better.

    15 years ago

    “The bride was at first shocked, but then she understood that sometimes personal interests must be second to the common good.”

    One can only wonder if she still does.

    Naar Hayeesi
    Naar Hayeesi
    15 years ago

    I wonder what will happen when they come to Yerushalaim and begin to slaughter the Black Hat FRUM community. Oh! but then those Jewish soldiers will be OK for to call to protect you. Yes Hashem needs you to sit and learn Torah. But if we don’t have the Chayaim (soldiers) to protect us then we will be Zocheh to see Aushwitz once again. It seems that we don’t deserve to live in Eretz Yisroel if we Am Yisroel don’t understand that we need to have achdus first and then maybe Hashem will hear our Tefillos and bring the Geulah for ALl of Klal Yisroel.

    15 years ago

    Today at 01:46 PM
    FVNMS Says: Reply to #7
    Anonymous Says:
    “ They don’t hold of Sheva Brochas these tziyonim?! ”

    I can count on the one hand how many times I’ve said the following to a fellow yid (and meant it verbatim): go to hell.

    He tried. Hell wouldn’t take him. Even they have standards.

    15 years ago

    reply to #22 , Shame on you

    15 years ago

    Refouah Shelemah Aharon Yehoshua Ben Chaya Shoshanna! Another Jewish blood spill to spare terrorists lives. Dear leftists, thank you making this “surgical” war. But when you spray on cockroaches, how do separate them? Do you do “surgical”? Should know that to the best snake, crush its head!

    15 years ago

    Be strong and Courageous! Aharon. May Hashem help you that you recover speedily.

    15 years ago

    Let’s try to ignore the deranged among us, who despite the declarations of gedolim such as Rav Elyashiv shlita (namely, that these wars are clearly milchemes mitzvah) and the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, insist that they know better. Even the Satmar Rebbe ztl would have had no tolerance for some of the comments left here. Having met some of Israel’s bravest officers, chareidi, dati leumi and not-yet-frum, I think wasting time responding to leitzim is really ridiculous.

    Let’s focus on the fact that this courageous young fellow literally got up from his chuppah bed and went off to lead his Jewish soldiers in a fight against terrorists who aim rockets and missiles and civilians (without asking the missile guidance system to first ‘check’ to see the hashkafah of the targetted civilians, in Ofakim, Ashkelon, Sderot, Ashdod, etc).

    The goal of these Islamofascist terrorists is to kill as many Jews as possible, in as horrific a manner as possible. Indeed, the Iranian mullahs would gladly launch a nuclear missile at Israel and try to kill millions of Jews, even if hundreds of thousands of Arab Moslem lives were to be lost. (and yes, even if some Neturei Karta nuts were killed as well).

    I respectfully suggest that those of us who do not require psychiatric help focus our prayers and our mitzvos with the kavanah that they should be for the benefit of those injured, including this young chosson.

    Brisker Lamdan
    Brisker Lamdan
    15 years ago

    My heart goes out to the choson and kalah and their respective families,may the choson have a refuah sheleimah besoich shar choilei yisroel.

    As far as the halachah is concerned.

    See Rambam Hil Melachim Perek 5 it’s quite clear Milchemes Mitzva is only with a Melech, like the Rambam says Koifeh bechol eis, meaning the king can force them to wage war at any time.
    Furthermore the Ramban says Milchmes Mitzvah is only with Urim Vetoomim.
    Also the Rambam in Sefer Mitzvois says Milchamois are only with Sanhedrin Kohen Gadol etc.
    It’s quite clear there is no Milchemes Mitzvah today.

    Yeshuois far Klal Yisroel

    A proud jew
    A proud jew
    15 years ago

    I don’t understand, the torah say’s that any one in the first year of marriage shouldn’t go to the front to fight.

    Loy Bedaas Yedabru
    Loy Bedaas Yedabru
    15 years ago

    What is nogea here all this shtus-talk about “Milchemes Mitzvah”.

    All this talk is stam gehakt a chinik.

    This is simple matter of Pikuach Nefesh and Loy Saamod Al Dam Reecha that everyone is always Mechuyav 24/7 365 days a year including on Shabbos and on Yom Kipur and makes no difference if there is a Melech or not and makes no difference if you are defending a city in Israel or defending against Muslim Murderers, who are always out to kill, even right here in Brooklyn NY.

    All this Psychobabble about if it is or is not a “Milchemes Mitzvah” is 100% irrelevant here, is total shtusim, has no place here at all.

    You don’t even need any Rambam.

    Open a Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim Simen Shin Chof Tes and you will see that even if it is not in Eretz Yisroel but in Chutz Laaretz and goyim are threatening yidden even over simple money matter over and issue over Straw, you are not only permitted but MECHUYEV to be Mechalel Shabbos and fight them on even on Shabbos which applies to every single yid and includes no exception if you just got married yesterday.

    Yossi Colman
    Yossi Colman
    15 years ago

    in response to comment #7 , who do you think you are to say something negative like that, essentially doubting this great man’s devotion towards halacha? He is fighting for our country. Fighting so that our brothers and sisters in Israel can live in peace, without having to worry about the tzevah adom going off and getting to a bomb shelter in 15 seconds. I am sure you have relatives in Israel or at least know someone in Israel right now, and if they were under constant attack you would want this soldier to do the exact same thing; leave his wife of less than a week and make sure your friend can be safe. So do not go questioning this man who is so devoted to protecting our siblings.

    love ny
    love ny
    15 years ago

    any updates on his matzev??

    15 years ago

    Such a beautiful couple and so very young. He is every Jewish mother’s son right now. Lets daven and hope that the young couple can resume their lives together very soon. Let’s praise Hashem for the update that the young chosson is healing from his injuries. Let’s be grateful to the chayalim for their dedication to our land.

    15 years ago

    I read these comments and felt I must respond. My son is one of the chayalim who was injured in the same incident as Aharon Karov, may Hashem send him a refua shleima. My son is baruch hashem ok physically, was wounded very lightly and is home now with his wife recovering. The three boys who were injured were all newlweds. My son has only been married 6 weeks and the other boy has been married 2 months. These amazing boys have been fighting for their country, protecting the residents of the south who have been bombarded by enemy rocket fire daily. This is a milchemet mitzvah in every sense of the words. My son had been called out shabbat chanuka- from his brother in law’s bar mitzva, and has been on the front lines since. Since then he had not seen his wife, showered, or even changed his underwear. We got the call Tuesday morning and went straight to the hospital. His wife met us there. (I got him into the shower before she came). I will not even address the idiot who commented about “tziyonim”- he does not deserve a reply.
    Those of us who have sons on the front lines need to know that am yisrael is behind us, davening for us, learning extra hard, doing mitzvot and chesed and a little hakarat hatov to the chayalim who are fighting would be appreciated.
    Tefilot are needed for a Aharon Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana. So get off the computer, get your tehilim out and stop this narishkeit!