What Makes Pressed Juices Healthy?

Healthy family breakfast at home. Mother and kids eating tropical fruit, toast bread, cheese and sausage. Children drink fresh pressed juice on sunny morning. Mom, boy, girl and baby eat breakfast.

If you are interested in improving your overall health and performance throughout the day, then maybe it’s time to take a look at the wonderful world of pressed juice. The juice world isn’t just about delicious flavors and enjoying your favorite berries, fruits, veggies and nuts but it’s about building a strong, healthy lifestyle. 

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The right nutritional benefit of drinking fresh, organic and natural juices is impressive and it makes getting these much needed vitamins and minerals very convenient. You don’t have to be constrained to a dinner table in order to benefit from leafy greens or the powerful antioxidants found in roots, you can grab a bottle of our pressed juice to enjoy it on the go! 

But that being said, it’s a very valid question to wonder what makes our delicious juices so healthy? 

A Response to Overly Processed Foods

One thing we noticed at pressed is that there is too much access to overly processed foods and not enough access to whole, nutrient rich food sources. We weren’t okay with that so we decided to create our pressed juices as a response. 

Focusing on premium ingredients that promote whole body wellness, we go to great lengths to ensure our products are fresh and nutritious. We go to great lengths to avoid added sugars for sweetness and unhealthy preservatives. This allows us to think creatively about how we can deliver the most nutrient rich product possible to the world. 

We believe in making sure that we aren’t just creating recipes that have nutritionally rich ingredients, but ones that actually taste good as well! Too much of the time the stigma of health being bland, boring or unpleasant permeates our culture. Our pressed juices are created from recipes that specifically focus on flavor combinations that will have you craving pressed juice after your first try! 

We also believe in sourcing locally which is an incredible way to empower farmers who can produce the healthy ingredients we need! This looks like California’s Central Valley farmers supplying us with the literal freshest supplies grown in conditions we approve of. 

Healthy World – Healthy Bodies

Our pressed juice isn’t just a powerhouse of health benefits for your body however, we also care deeply about our planet. By placing our processing plant in the same area as our farmers we reduce our carbon footprint significantly to produce this incredible product. 

Not only that but we commit to using imperfect as well as perfect fruits and vegetables. What is the difference? You may not know this, but millions of fruits and vegetables that are perfectly healthy but aesthetically displeasing, are labeled as ‘imperfect’. These fruits and vegetables are not considered as desirable for retail as ‘perfect’ fruits and vegetables and so are typically thrown out and become part of landfills. By utilizing these vegetables we have helped prevent waste on a massive scale and never once compromised on the quality of our juice. 

With an emphasis on sustainable shipping and handling we also ensure that as much plastic that can be converted to environmentally friendly recycled rPET as possible. 

Farm the Farm to Your Hand

It’s our desire to make sustainable, healthy pressed juice as accessible to you as possible without compromising on the incredible health benefits of our product. That only happens by our continued efforts to source our resources directly from the farmers that grow and harvest them.

Cutting out the middleman we are able to bring you the direct result of organic, safe ingredients with no preservatives. This allows our recipes to be as robust and healthy as they are satisfyingly delicious. 

Cold Pressed Benefits

Our cold pressed method for creating our juice also speaks to our commitment to bring true nutrition to the market. By using the cold-press method, we are able to sustain more powerful substances in our juice then normal methods of juicing. Minerals, antioxidants and vitamins are all more sustained in cold pressed juice than in traditional juicing methods. 

Another benefit to cold pressed juice is how it can help to deliver the powerful nutrients of the juice more quickly to your bloodstream. This increased rate of absorption is something that you can experience when you try out our half or whole day juice cleanses and power shots. 

Try it Out!

The best way to find out if pressed juice can really make a difference in your life is to simply try it out! Without powerful ingredients and delicious recipes we are sure that you’ll not only be satisfied but come back for more! 

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