After Intense Backlash, David Greenfield Tweets Screenshots of VIN News


BROOKLYN (VINnews) — Former Councilman David Greenfield responded to backlash over his position on gun control, using screenshots from VIN News. In a tweet Thursday, Mr. Greenfield posted screenshots of commenters from this website, who were critical of his position to tighten gun control restrictions.

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His tweet said: “Some of my former constituents are angry at me for calling for ‘sensible gun control.’ Here’s a sampling of comments from a popular news blog. I am literally speaking out so that we can save lives. If that’s not a good reason to annoy people, I don’t know what is.”

Although he did not refer to VIN News by name, the comments he quoted from a “popular news blog” appeared below our recent article about Mr. Greenfield’s tweets, following the horrific Uvalde school shooting.

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1 year ago

Shem omroy?

S w
S w
1 year ago

There are laws in the books and we can add more laws. But all laws are worthless when you have DAs like Alvin Bragg who allows shooters and other criminals back out onto the street. When children grow up that there is no punishment for doing the wrong thing bad things happen. I agree we may need to make better gun laws. But let’s call out the enablers like Alvin Bragg and Many of your fellow Democrats like AOC and her fellow squad members, etc

ah yid
ah yid
1 year ago

Another quick comment How in the world didn’t any pickup on the fact that you have an 18 year old kid purchasing these guns, ammunition and body armor and no red flag went up. Like its totally normal. This is something that has to change. Every gun that’s purchased should be registered with the local law enforcement agencies. I know some will say “do we want a police state” and I answer back do I want armed guards by my shul or my children’s yeshiva?

1 year ago

Why does anyone care what this private citizen has to say? He sounds a little offended that people don’t take his views as toras lukshen so he’s looking for comfort from his liberal twiter followers. Get over yourself!

1 year ago

Most of the thumbs down on most of these comments are put there by David himself and his few Democrat / liberal followers. Brought to you by the folks that don’t give a damn that you’re left defenseless on the train or the city street by thugs that want to beat the daylights out of you and rob you and carjack you at gunpoint. Never hear any of these Democrats proposing the God given right and the importance of self defense against someone that’s trying to harm or kill you or a loved one. He is the reason why low life criminals feel so emboldened to do what they do. Because they know that they probably won’t meet any resistance. Wake up and smell the innocent blood being spilled, David. In today’s day and age, (and going back a little while already) prison to a certain culture responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes in our nation, means NOTHING. Your party left us at the mercy of these dangerous animals with no way to at least level the playing field. With all due respect, you and your party needs to zip it when it comes to anything regarding gun control. The same party that called for defunding the police and degrading them at every opportunity It is what it is because of what YOUR PARTY HAS DONE!

Sam Gold
Sam Gold
1 year ago

Who Cares, sensible gun control means only 18 in military and non criminals over 25 should own guns in US, 99% of killing are done buy angry kids

1 year ago

How does he know they all live in boro park/ midwood? As he says their former constituents. maybe they’re in Monsey where he is or in Lakewood, 5 towns etc. He is actually doubling down and attacking people for having an opinion not in line with AOC. But not actually proposing anything himself just attacking all others like AOC

1 year ago

i only wish that “sensible gun control” could fix what is wrong. but a country with more guns than people is probably beyond help. and simplistic answers are not the answer.

so long as americans *believe* in the gun, as a quasi-religious icon, nothing “sensible” will work. because “belief” defies facts and reason.

but at least he realizes that there’s a problem that needs fixing. that’s a start.

1 year ago

We might not be able to remove ALL guns from society but we NEED TO START somewhere, sometime, nothing like the present. Otherwise, we’ll have these type of school attacks once a week, once a day, there are enough schools, around the country for these types of onslaught’s, to go around !!!

Noble Member
1 year ago

Does he believe he strengthens his position by posting thoughtful comments like this? As one commenter mentioned in the imaged post comments: “guns don’t kill people, people do”.

Sensible gun controls are good, but not those that infringe on the right to bear arms. New York City does not currently allow arms to be opened carried in public as is allowed in most other states. This needs to be overturned and reintroduced as it was historically. It is unfortunately not likely that Rep. Greenfield has this in mind as ‘sensible gun control’.

Take away the pig-headed theoretically-safe vaccines and other manipulative, false and profit-based ‘covid’ mandates, and people generally will feel more trusting and safe with authority, aside for the need to create ‘sensible enforcement’ for criminals, which would certainly project responsible strength and authority where it is needed.

Tired of Politicians
Tired of Politicians
1 year ago

I don’t think anyone who commented on that original article thought Greenfield would read that – so it’s nice they were easily able to let him see what they think. Also, publicly bashing his would-be voters with tweets is not smart. Without Jewish support he’ll never be elected.

I am tired of his supposed logic in his retort. “If it just saves 1 life…” It isn’t true. You can say — “If no one would ever drive, many lives would be saved. If no one ever ate unhealthy foods, many lives would be saved. If there were no malls, theaters, or schools, many lives would be saved.” It isn’t a valid argument and in a longer discussion we can talk about why it doesn’t work. They did that with the school closures during COVID. And the suicide, depression, drug overdoses, and alcohol abuses sky rocketed.

He runs as a Democrat for a reason.

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
1 year ago

Hey David, can I be in the screenshot next time?

I was a Democrat until I saw the light
I was a Democrat until I saw the light
1 year ago

Sensible there’s nothing sensible from a democrat. To them Party loyalty is more important then the people they are suppose to represent

1 year ago

Everyone should be able to Express themselves. We should encourage people to be able to communicate their feelings and thoughts, and hopefully people who are going through deep rooted emotional pain wont feel the need to shoot up schools and kill people. Be nice to others because you never know what they’re going through.

A yid
A yid
1 year ago

We DO NEED gun control! Why are frum yidden getting caught up the conservative narrative? Use your own brains! Yes, we MUST be on te conservative side when it comes to halacha! Not GUN RIGHTS! Guns DO KILL!

The gun doesn't hurt it is the shooter who hurts
The gun doesn't hurt it is the shooter who hurts
1 year ago

David Greenfield: It is stupidity to say that gun permit controls will prevent a criminal or any biased person to commit the crimes he intends to do.
Maybe the stupid movie simulators which encourage killing or any other violent activity should be outlawed.

ah yid
ah yid
1 year ago

This is sickening. Mr. Greenfeld is 1,000,000% correct. YES we do need sensible gun laws. I know the arguments It’s not the guns that kill it’s the criminals that kill. But how can anyone justify anyone owning an AK47 or other such type weapons. Second, its one thing to support conservative values and even the second amendment But when did the second amendment become an Halacha Lemoshe MiSinai. These amendments were written by 1776 not by G-D. Its 2022 and its time to amend this amendment.

1 year ago

It’s all the Democrats fault! If every citizen would be encouraged to carry an AK47 we could stop 90% of the murders in this country! (One second, does that make sense?)

1 year ago

Let’s first start with common sense laws to prosecute criminals to the full extent of the law and then some. And also red flag individuals who make post about shooting up school and murdering fellow students. Those things sound like common sense to me. But then as you get older you realize common sense is not so common.

1 year ago

What a stupid coward.

1 year ago

Gun cotrols don’t help much – GUNS DON”T SHOOT – People shoot and those who want to shoot will always get their hands on a gun. the DemocRATS, the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security need to follow up on every tweet with a threat and STOP these people

1 year ago


1 year ago

Couldn’t agree more with David!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Non connected people, when they stick their foot in their mouth get called on it and can’t go to the media-crity for sympathy. Do the mea culpa and boogie back to your Met Council work. Why would you look for sympathy as a public figure?

1 year ago

Thank you David for keeping your head screwed on straight. So shameful that yidden have taken up Eisav’s way Al Charbucho Techiya

We need to be able to determine every single policy as whatever makes more sense without letting big mouths ruin our thinking processes. We shouldnt fall into any stupid party line/ both of them extremely far from the Torah way. We dont belong to any party. If we support every politician according to how well they work for our community’s needs instead of letting ourselves be owned our power will be much more. Way things are going one party will take us for granted regardless and the other as enemies no matter what they do for us. Dumb way of doing business here in the USA

1 year ago

David keep up the good fight to save lives!!