WATCH: State Senator Dodges Questions About Antisemitic Bill She’s Sponsoring, Runs from Hamodia Reporter


QUEENS (VINnews) — Following a Town Hall meeting in Queens Tuesday, discussing the antisemitic “Not on Our Dime Act” being sponsored in the NY state legislature, Hamodia reporter Reuvain Borchardt attempted to ask NY State Senator Kristen Gonzalez some basic about the bill, which she is cosponsoring.

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“Which parts of Israel do you consider to be unoccupied?” he asked

Gonzalez first stammered and then said she would prefer to remain “off the record”. Borchardt replied, “You already said that I could ask you a question. Did you only decide to go off the record after you heard my question?”

Gonzalez dodged the question and muttered a pretty incoherent response, while she was busy scurrying away from Borchardt, refusing to stop or even turn to face him.

She made zero effort to defend her position, and in fact, did not seem to have an understanding of the bill that she herself is sponsoring.

The antisemitic “Not on Our dime” bill claims it “would prevent NY-registered charities from funding illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine.”

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Democrats support mutilating confused children.
Democrats support mutilating confused children.
1 year ago

Just a typical democratic party politician an anti Israel terrorist supporter.

Same story different time
Same story different time
1 year ago

Anti-zionism equals anti-semitism.
All one has to do is look at social media. Whenever someone makes a video with jewish content That has nothing to do with the “state of Israel “or” politics”, someone always in the comments section screams free Palestine!!! .FreePalestine!!.. and when you reply and debate,, it’s always the same you jews or Zionist are evil you’ve caused all types of problems your sneak thieves etc etc. It’s always the same story What more proof do you need .To understand the anti-Zionism It’s just an ugly veil to hide behind for the fact that they really hate Jews.

Jack Cohen
Jack Cohen
1 year ago

What a great question!
Left her speechless.

1 year ago

Run little piggy run, and look state Senater Kristen Gonzalez is also running.

1 year ago

Don’t forget to finance Ukraine , aid to the arabs ,& all the other leftist organizations

Rosalie J Lieberman
Rosalie J Lieberman
1 year ago

I read the Hamodia weekly, we have for many years, and they do have some very capable, and well informed, reporters. Good job on this one, Mr. Borchardt. This lady is another AOC, totally uninformed of the history of modern Israel, never mind ancient history altogether. The progressives unfortunately tend to like the B.D.S. crowd and those who can be staged to run for public office supporting them.

1 year ago

OK where is the companion legislation prohibiting NYS $ funding to Palestinian terrorists and there organizations?

1 year ago

We the twits that twitter who elect the ignoramuses who are self-absorbed and self-indulgent are 100% incredulous.

1 year ago

She’s an airhead

Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
1 year ago

Primary her.

1 year ago

I’m sure our askanim are on top of this

hard at work yeshiva grad
hard at work yeshiva grad
1 year ago

she is running to join ??????

1 year ago

Petite little Gonzalez, is a HUGE COWARD.

1 year ago

Deport her back to Mexico, she would be more productive as a maid

Rabbi Kolakowski
Rabbi Kolakowski
1 year ago

I am much more concerned with the anti Hasidic and anti federalism rule they are trying to make the minimum for villages much bigger to make it harder for us to form villages because that effects actual New Yorkers, not a foreign country.

Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
1 year ago

Some settlements are considered illegal by the Israeli government.

1 year ago

“This is what polite racism and antisemitism look like.@SenGonzalezNY turning her back to @HamodiaUS reporter, not even willing to say what parts of Israel she does not consider “occupied”.
— Rabbi E. Poupko. #FreeEvanGershkovich (@RabbiPoupko) August 31, 2023″

This is not antisemitism. It might be anti-Zionism, but there is nothing anti-Jewish about disliking the Zionist State of Israel, that same State which is anti-Jewish to its core of Zionism.