Family Receives Calls From Landline Buried In Rubble Of Surfside Tower
NEW YORK (VINnews) — During the three days which have passed since the collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Miami, there have been a number of signs of life from the...
For Jewish Burial Societies, Surfside Building Collapse Presents A Grim And Complex Task
SURFSIDE, FL (JTA) - Among Rabbi Mayer Berger’s first thoughts on seeing the 12 stories of the Champlain Tower South pancaked upon themselves: This is like Sept. 11.
Then as now...
Ancient Persian Manuscript From Times of Gaonim Explains Why Bilaam Tried Cursing Us
by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
Why did Bilaam try to curse us?
There is a fascinating Midrash that was held by the Persian Jewish community which was published in 1978 by...
Jewish Community Prays For Miracles After Condo Collapse
SURFSIDE, Fla. (AP) — Numerous members of an Orthodox synagogue are among those missing after the collapse of a seaside condominium tower near Miami.
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar, th...
Israeli Supreme Court Overturns Rabbinical Court Ruling: Adulteress Can Receive Half Of Joint Possessions
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In a landmark decision taken by a nine-judge panel in Israel's Supreme Court, the court overturned an opinion rendered by the Higher Rabbinical Court and forc...
Brief Overview of 17th of Tammuz and the Three Weeks
by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
Sunday is a Fast Day! It starts the 3 Weeks. Let's get some background.
But first, some crucial times: In New York City, the Fast begins...
NYC Republican Mayoral Candidate Curtis Sliwa Said Orthodox Jews Are Trying To ‘Take Over Your Community’ In 2018 Video
NEW YORK (JTA) - Video from 2018 surfaced this week of Curtis Sliwa, the Republican candidate for mayor of New York City, describing Orthodox Jews as a drag on the tax system.
In Historic Move, Honduras Inaugurates Its Embassy In Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In a first major foreign policy success for the new Bennett-Lapid government, the new embassy of Honduras was inaugurated in Jerusalem Thursday at a historic ...
Third Victim Of Karlin Bleacher Collapse Passes Away Five Weeks After Event
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — 39-year-old Eliyahu Karpel is the third victim of the Karlin bleacher collapse which occurred on the eve of Shavuos, nearly six weeks ago. Karpel, who was fou...
Mass Fatalities Feared In Building Collapse In Heavily Orthodox Area Near Miami
SURFSIDE (JTA) - Jewish emergency response services are participating in a search-and-rescue mission after a 12-story apartment building collapsed in Surfside, Florida, a heavily O...
Open Letter To ‘Proudly Jewish’ Rep. Andy Levin, Married To Gentile, Who Thinks Judaism Is A Culture
NEW YORK (VINnews) — In 1958, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, sent a letter to 51 Jewish intellectuals asking their opinion on how to identify who is a Jew.
Haaretz Publishes Anti-Chareidi Cartoon Regarding COVID-19 Spike: ‘We Need To Organize A Tish’
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In the wake of the coronavirus spike in Israel over the last few days, the Haaretz newspaper published a vitriolic anti-chareidi cartoon depicting chareidi MK...
Holocaust Survivor Participates In Emotional Semicha Of Great-Grandson With Chief Rabbi Lau
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — 94-year-old Holocaust survivor Binyamin Wurzberger had an emotional meeting today with Israeli chief rabbi David Lau, himself the son of a survivor. Rabbi Lau...
Personality Tests: A Halachic Analysis
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
They are used all over and their use is growing.
Personality tests have become so ubiquitous that it is now a two billion dollar industry i...
Group That Removed Israeli Food Truck From Event Apologizes: ‘Our Actions Were Ignorant And Inexcusable’
PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Three days after igniting a social media firestorm by removing an Israeli food truck from a festival, a Philadelphia group has apologized — and vowed to “make ...
WATCH: Kingsborough Community College Professor Alleges Widespread Union Anti-Semitism At CUNY
NEW YORK (VINnews) — On June 18, Professor Jeffrey Lax, resigned from the CUNY’s professor’s union over the passage by an overwhelmingly number of colleagues on an anti-Israel reso...
Israel Suffers Spike In COVID-19 Cases Of Delta Variant Particularly Among Schoolchildren
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Israel is suffering a steep rise in cases of Covid-19 , particularly among schoolchildren, with the main affected areas being the towns of Binyamina and Modii...
Former Iranian President Ahmedinjad Claims Supreme Leader Khamenei’s Brother-In-Law Contacted Israel
NEW YORK (VINnews) — Ousted former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed Sunday that a high-ranking Iranian official and brother-in-law of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah A...
Eda Chareidis Leader Travels To Gush Etzion Protest Against Archaeologists Digging Burial Caves
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The head of the Eda Chareidis, Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss(95) travelled to the Gush Etzion region Wednesday to demonstrate against an archaeological dig which...
Religious Affairs Minister Kahane Aims To Control Committee For Appointing Rabbinical Judges
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Religious Affairs minister Matan Kahane intends on bringing a new bill to the Knesset which will lead to a change in the composition of the committee for appo...