Israel – Jerusalem Charedi Man Suspected of Strangling Infant Daughter to Death


    Photo of the father posted by Bechadrei HaredimIsrael – The Jerusalem Police arrested a local city resident on suspicion that he beat and strangled his two-year-old daughter to death Thursday night, following a heated argument with his wife.

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    The woman left the house after the two argued, leaving the toddler with her father. A neighbor who reportedly heard cries for help coming form the apartment called the police and emergency services.

    Police forces broke down the door and arrested the man, who tried to assault the officers. It was later ascertained that he is mentally unstable.

    The officers found the toddler in respiratory distress and severely bruised. She was rushed to Bikur Cholim Hospital in the capital, where doctors made a desperate attempt to save her life, but to no avail.

    Once of the first EMTs a United Hatzalah volunteer called to the scene told VIN News the sight of the little girl was horrific and the father was found next to the girl with blood all over him.

    The police will have the man arraigned on Friday morning.

    VIN News has also confirmed that the father is a Breslov Chasid.

    Infant being carried out by rescue workers

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    14 years ago

    how sad a person like that has no right to get married or have children!

    14 years ago

    truly tragic, but I would not be surprised in there was warning sins and every just egnored or jaust wanted to keep it quiet.

    I hope people learn from this, and do not go out and protest for the mans release

    14 years ago

    wow how sad i wonder how old the father is 15 or 16

    14 years ago

    Why would a mother leave her child alone with a mentally unstable man?

    14 years ago

    why does hashem give children to people like this when there are pletny of childless couples who would take proper care?

    Bee kay
    Bee kay
    14 years ago

    Omg….. How can someone kill his own blood and flesh?????

    14 years ago

    I feel bad for the guy. He does not even realize what he did. As soon as he does, he will want to commit suicide.


    14 years ago

    Too late. The morons are already demonstrating. We are becoming more and more a community of reshoim.

    14 years ago

    This story makes me sick to my stomach. My heart goes out to the mother of this child. I hope they won’t protest for his release.

    this kills me
    this kills me
    14 years ago

    I don’t have anything to say, i’m just crying

    14 years ago

    not only are people are going to out and protest to have the man released… but the chassidim are going to yell and scream anti seimitism.. in jail he is going to try and cry about how he is being “mistreated” because he cannot wear his tzitis or eat the “right” kind of glatt kosher, people are going to go, raise absurd amounts of money to pay for his legal defense, then, his wife is going to divorce him, she is going to be villified, and be called all sorts of horrible names in the “frum” press, have a hard time remarrying.. he is going to remarry, have more kids, beat his wife and kids…. again… and the cycle is going to happen again and again. In the meantime, there are wondeful people who have never done a thing wrong who cannot pay their bills, feed their children or pay their tuition, they go to shul, do not pretend to be what they are not, but no one raises money for them. Yes, and we wonder why Moshiach as not yet come.

    14 years ago

    No he’s no chassid at all.

    14 years ago

    i heard that the husband was fighting with his wife and she ran away

    14 years ago

    Just leaving the scene of the hospital where thousands gathered to stop the body from having an autopsy. After an hour bh zaka managed to release the body. This was due to the tremendous pressure the police had from the crowds arriving ready to create havoc. May we only hear simchas!

    14 years ago

    how very sad. there is nothing to say. Baruch Dayan Hames for the little innocent girl who did nothing to deserve this. May she find peace in Olam haemes.

    Very Disturbing
    Very Disturbing
    14 years ago

    Shame and disturbing is my reaction to all your comments, where is the pain that you all should be feeling for this family, for this individual? it is clearly obvious that something happen to him, he is our brother, isn’t he? Hashem creation isn’t he?
    why all this negative judgements, YES he needs help. and this is where everyones
    energy should be spent not H’VS the opposite. Are we one family? Why aren’t we acting like one. This is the real “TRAGEDY”. Wake up before it is to late.
    We should be zoiche to hear only good news from now on. Omen

    Loshon Hora
    Loshon Hora
    14 years ago

    So far all we know is what the news says. See what happened in UK when they believed the SUN [newspaper] who claimed to take info from a blog, & the journalist was the anonymous blogger. Who got arrested I guess for being a public nussience & costing MI5 & police time & money.
    If the story is true I assure you all chareidim want him locked up in jail or a mental institution. If he was Breslover, it could mean, a lost soul chiloni, who used Breslov as therapy, and it didn’t work.
    As for hafganot they are about the autopsy, and i am not a posek on these halochos nor are the other bloggers.
    These stories are a wake up call to all of us. We must notice when someone is either lost out of place or acting bizzare & try to help.

    14 years ago

    There are unfortunately mentally ill people all over . This happened a few times in the secular israeli world recently . The only difference was that the Headlines did no read ” SECULAR NOT FRUM MAN KILLS CHILD ” it just said that so and so kileed a child . Why when it is some guy dressed in charedi clothing ,( who very likely is a very disturbed baal tshuva hanging around Breslov ) all of a sudden it screams out CHAREDI MAN KILLS ?

    moshe mulva
    moshe mulva
    14 years ago

    seems like the story is blaming the wife…and why do we need to know that he is a chosid?…what purpose does that serve exactly??…# 15, how do you know the child did nothing?…it was time for that child to leave this world…why can’t you leave it at that?….you don’t know anything…

    chaim ber
    chaim ber
    14 years ago

    again and again! this mental health issue has to stop! by getting married does not stop mental issues, it brings more problems! We all hide the fact of a sibling or a child who has mental issues, marry them off and then things like this happened! H-shem puts people in this world with issues! we need to figure what is safe for that person!!!!

    14 years ago

    poor little karbon….cant imagine how much she suffered in this world…

    cool masmid
    cool masmid
    14 years ago

    This has to be one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read on VIN. One cannot imagine what this pure little girl went through, and most probably she suffered from the hands of her sick father before what happened tonight. This is a tragedy beyond comprehension.

    14 years ago

    I know the couple very well they were from the happiest couples around they both loved and cared for the child he amazingly looked after and cared for her child from previous marriage he must have lo ulaynu got a sudden mental illness how can we judge a man nebech in such a situation hopefully he will get the right treatment he needs to be helped true it will be painful for him once he gets back to his right mind that he lost a daughter but I’m sure there is lots of help out there as this is not an abnormal case by the goyim and chilonem hashem should prevent any such stories happen again

    14 years ago

    I do not think this is the time to vilify the charedi community, this sounds like one individual lost it, and committed a horrific crime. This happens in every community, I feel for the baby and the mother, who for the rest of her life will blame herself for the demise of her baby, and she will ask herself, “if I hadn’t walked out would my baby be still alive”, that is a burden I don’t wish on even my enemy.

    14 years ago

    Like I said before, we need to have school psychologists in our yeshivos, so we can pick up mental illness, when it’s still worth it to intervene.

    14 years ago

    I’m afraid of Chasidic lifestyle. It is no better than Muslim Arabs who interbreed. What normal or sane community would protest in front of the police to prevent a criminal investigation and medical examination of a potentially murdered child? Have these people no shame or fear of The God? Are they willing to have their children murdered and prevent proper investigation with authorities just to cover up the shameful act from one of their own by using the excuse of halaha? I’m pretty sure that any sane rabbi will permit an autopsy in such a case. Not only can it prove but disprove the allegations against the father.

    I would not be surprised if the guy had prolonged mental problems but was still forced into marriage because all they care about is pumping out kids at any cost.

    14 years ago

    That poor little girl. How horrific. I bet the mother will always regret not having taken the girl with her. I hope he’s not too “unstable” to give a get so she can try to move on despite this tragedy.

    14 years ago

    It’s time for Israel to intrduce the death sentance, I can’t imagine
    a more worthy candidate.

    14 years ago

    #11 grow up

    14 years ago

    I am affraid that the girl just died from something else and the israeli reshoim left a chashad on the father for no reason its something they are muchzik on

    14 years ago

    The average heimishe upbringing offers scant tools to the average frummeh yungerleit for coping with strong emotions such as frustration and anger and other aspects of real life outside of the shtiebel.
    Tragically the heimishe olom has not caught up with advances in the prevention of physical, emotional, sexual, and substance abuse through education, anger-management and other therapies.
    This is largely due to fear of “treif thinking” contaminating the community.
    The women are discouraged from standing up for themselves for fear of bringing shame to themselves and their families.
    Rabbonim, mechanchim, parents are obligated to change this matsav through early intervention and education. It is truly a matter of Pekuach Nefesh, as we once again are tragically witness to tonight.
    May the death achieve an aliyah by inspiring leaders to introduce prevention measures NOW
    Refuah Shlaimah to the father, and may the wife and mother, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and the entire community find strength.

    14 years ago

    this so called “chassid” should be in jail until he rots in the jail cell..he killed an innocent child who was niftar Al Kiddish Hashem..we feel bad for this poor mother..and i don’t think that this man should be around any human beings..he is a danger to any human that is in his way..i bet there will be riots to release this so called “chassid”..but you know what, it’s about time the israeli’s put there foot down..anyone that has a stone or anything in there hands on Shobbos,should be the way, if you look at his picture, he looks drugged and messed up..

    14 years ago

    In a way, this little girl has been redeemed from a life of anguish and suffering. Too many children are abused on this earth. Hashem is protecting her and is the Ultimate Father in heaven.

    Brooklyn resident
    Brooklyn resident
    14 years ago

    All I can say is that I agree with #19 & totaly disagree with #29
    (probably not too frum).

    May the new (goyisha) year bring us only good news & lots of brucha & hatzlacha 4 all of klal yisrael amain.

    14 years ago

    Physically, this father appears to have some sort of injury.

    doc from lawrence
    doc from lawrence
    14 years ago

    what an unbelievably sad story. although we can try and blame everyone and anyone, unfortunately the individual had to be mentally ill and there is no way to have prevented that. my problem is with the immediate Hafgana, surrounding the ambulance with Chareidm as reported by the Jerusalem Post and the organized and expected reaction by the Chareidi community. the leaders of the Chareidi world are responsible for having created a monster that they cannot control any longer.

    14 years ago

    I can’t even get myself to respond to this tragedy, as I personally know this father, He was a special boy when he came to NY before his weeding to help raise some money for his wedding, [as many other boys come] I helped him out a little (I live in NY) he was an real “eidele” neshuma, when all of the sudden while still in ny nebech his nerves snapped an attack.. then they got him on medical treatments where he was stabilized, he married & nebach got divorced, he married again & was her in NY about 2 weeks ago, he sounded perfect, although it seems like he was still taking medication, as this story sounds that he was hit with an attack again, & while our hearts go out for him & his family, you got to realize that such a person in this condition is not acting himself, nebech, Should hashem give strength to his wife & parents to overcome this situation, & we should never hear any kind of these stories again.

    14 years ago

    There is so much sickness in our generation. There are so many people out there who would never do such a thing as this man did, but there is unhappiness, depression, stress, etc. The question is over what? How many people cannot even give a smile? The gedolim today say our main avoda is to be b’simcha. I can only guess why and that’s because so many of us are not.

    All of our behaviors have a chemical basis and they an be modified by the sleep we get, the food we eat, and our outlook on life. Tests are given by Hashem to bring us closer to Him, not to become depressed and run to a mental health person right away. The test in life is to be frum and normal! Be healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Sleep 7 hours, drink lots of water, and excercise! Excercise is great for the brain and the brain is the master control of the whole body. Daven with kavanna, not by rote. Daven and learn like you mean it!

    This incident is a tremendous tragedy which probably could have been avoided. May that little girl’s neshama have an aliyah and may the parents get the help they need.

    14 years ago

    This is clearly an outlier, something so tragic and so sad that it doesn’t truly represent us. So, some posters are defending the demonstrators. Well, I have news for you. Read the following quote, and ask yourself whom it was directed against:
    שִׁמְעוּ דְבַר יְקֹוָק קְצִינֵי סְדֹם הַאֲזִינוּ תּוֹרַת אֱלֹ־הֵינוּ עַם עֲמֹרָה: לָמָּה לִּי רֹב זִבְחֵיכֶם … כִּי תָבֹאוּ לֵרָאוֹת פָּנָי מִי בִקֵּשׁ זֹאת מִיֶּדְכֶם רְמֹס חֲצֵרָי: לֹא תוֹסִיפוּ הָבִיא מִנְחַת שָׁוְא קְטֹרֶת תּוֹעֵבָה הִיא לִי חֹדֶשׁ וְשַׁבָּת קְרֹא מִקְרָא לֹא אוּכַל אָוֶן וַעֲצָרָה: חָדְשֵׁיכֶם וּמוֹעֲדֵיכֶם שָׂנְאָה נַפְשִׁי הָיוּ עָלַי לָטֹרַח נִלְאֵיתִי נְשֹׂא: וּבְפָרִשְׂכֶם כַּפֵּיכֶם אַעְלִים עֵינַי מִכֶּם גַּם כִּי תַרְבּוּ תְפִלָּה אֵינֶנִּי שֹׁמֵעַ יְדֵיכֶם דָּמִים מָלֵאוּ: רַחֲצוּ הִזַּכּוּ הָסִירוּ רֹעַ מַעַלְלֵיכֶם מִנֶּגֶד עֵינָי חִדְלוּ הָרֵעַ: לִמְדוּ הֵיטֵב דִּרְשׁוּ מִשְׁפָּט אַשְּׁרוּ חָמוֹץ שִׁפְטוּ יָתוֹם רִיבוּ אַלְמָנָה:

    So who is Yeshayohu talking about? If you read carefully, he is talking to one of the frummest generations of the entire period of bayis rishon (Chizkiyohu). It is to them he speaks.

    14 years ago

    Hold on a minute everybody! He hasn’t been convicted yet. Isn’t there some rule both in jewish and secular law about innocent until proven guilty? Are we now having trial by press? Or maybe since there is so much emphasis on Chareidi and Breslov etc. maybe the article was copied from Der Sturmer?

    too bad theres no Senhedrin
    too bad theres no Senhedrin
    14 years ago

    Because this man deserves the DEATH penalty. It doesn’t matter if he is our brother, and one of ours. I don’t think he can be rehabilitated or do teshuva. While he’ll most likely be behind bars till the day he dies, he deserves not to be alive. In the US I’m confident it would happen. What a chillul Hashem. My only hope is that his life is hell for the rest of his life for murdering his daughter. I hope the mother can go on and moves forward in life and I hope that she has resources available to her to get the proper help. It would be good to know if this “father” had a Rav and he should be consulted. It’s unreal how some crazies are protected. Rachmonos to everyone involved. So So sad.

    We all know how it "works"
    We all know how it "works"
    14 years ago

    The article says clearly that this was the young woman’s second marriage – she already had a child – so she couldn’t be too “picky” – BETTER TO LIVE OUT YOUR YEARS ALONE THAN WITH A SERIOUSLY UNSTABLE PERSON – don’t ever make such a huge decision ( or let it be made for you ) because you are “desperate” !!

    14 years ago

    The answer to no. 19 is that when it happans by a CHILOYNI it is just an unusual episode that deserve a write up in the paper. But when it happens to a CHAREDI it is so very unusual that they feel it is important to mention CHAREDI

    A doctor
    A doctor
    14 years ago

    A few comments:

    1) The posters for #20 and #37 may need psychiatric help. The sort of paranoia which assumes someone else murdered the baby and then the terrible Zionist police planted the body there is clearly not reality-based. Was the mother also part of the plot? The neighbors who heard the screams of the infant? Real help fast.

    2) ‘Mental illness’ is often due to a combination of genetic factors (how the brain is wired, so to speak) and how the person has been treated (ie, a combination of nature and nurture). The kind of mental illness which prompts a person to become rageful and murderous is often due to schizophrenia, the mania of bipolar disorder, drug abuse, etc.

    3) The fact that the person was already on psychiatric medication is consistent with the notion that he had a serious form of mental illness, as it is relatively uncommon for chareidim to seek psychiatric attention, let alone be on medication for same—due to the fear of stigma and the all-important ‘shidduchim’ paranoia.

    4) The label of his being a “Brezlov Hasid’ is irrelevant. Seriously mental ill people can be found in any and all sectors of Jewish society and non-Jewish society.

    A doctor
    A doctor
    14 years ago

    Autopsies are often done in homicide guides to legally establish the cause of death.
    Whether authorities could do an MRI or some similar, non-invasive procedures has apparently not even been considered.

    Given the fact that the chief pathologist in Jerusalem has admitted stealing cornea and other body parts, and given that there are cases wherein tissue samples, etc are taken without consent, and never returned for kevura, there is some legitimate halachic concern.

    The greater concern, however, should be in publicizing the danger of serious mental illness and the risk it poses in some cases. This was clearly an exceptional case, but we as a communtiy have to do more to better acknowledge such problems and be more proactive.

    14 years ago

    its time that all communities educate their people as to what mental illness is, and what to do about it. HaShem Yishmor. After the Shoah, we’ve had enough. We are responsible to help our own people know what to do! There are many (r”l) childless people who could take this child as a foster child….or whatever….but that it had to come to this, with nothing done to prevent it???
    G-t in Himmel, please tell your people that THEY have to take the action to get help when needed. Each person has his or her hishtadlus, if there is mental illness, it should not be overlooked because it will wreck a shidduch or its embarassing. AND qualified mental health professionals should be made available in a very user-friendly way. This is not Yiddishkeit for a guy to live with this and nobody takes action.

    14 years ago

    I actually know personally the couple very well and know a lot of true inner details to the story. This couple absolutely shared a happy marriage. She did well enough research and dated him for quite a while. They where building a loving, warm home, with lot of care and devotion. His wife never saw anything suspicious in her husband. Few days ago, she recognized that there was some change in him yet not dreaming of what hit her husband. At that point, they scheduled an appointment with a specialist to help him out. It was yesterday night, that he came home at 11pm, his wife as usual was nice and friendly and wouldn’t thing of what awaits her. He started behaving very strange she realized that he was struck with a severe nervous breakdown that triggered that worst of the worst. They were not fighting like others assumed. It was him screaming and yelling as his mind lost control. His wife detected the danger and ran out to call for help. Then, when police arrived at the scene, he had already done the irreversible to the child. People, open your eyes and don’t believe everything that you read. No one has a guarantee so just pray to Hashem that it shouldn’t happen in your family.

    14 years ago

    This story is tragic. After reading the comments it is clear that many people are very sheltered and uneducated. I hope this wakes the haredi world up to show them they too need to address serious issues and not be so self righteous like wp many of them pretend to be

    14 years ago

    Why are people blaming the mother? Who would suspect that a father would do such a thing to his own infant child? Even by non-religious and non-Jews such an act is not common. And how many chareidim who throw rocks at the police go home and are violent to their own relatives?

    If he was, as posted above, shouting at his hallucinations, why still should she think he would become violent to the child during the time she was out getting help?

    This is a terrible tragedy for all concerned, and we should not try to put blame on anyone.

    14 years ago

    This story saddens and sickens me to no end. However, for all those who posted and wrote that he deserves the death penalty, just stop and consider for a moment. Could any sane individual commit such a horrific crime against his own child? This man was obviously completely out of his mind when he murdered his child. There is no other feasible option. A sane and functioning person could not have possibly done such a thing, regardless of the emotions that he was experiencing For those of you judging the father, I understand your anger and disgust, I feel it too. However, you must understand that he is not a functioning human being.
    For those of you judging the mother, SHAME ON YOU! you have no right to judge her decision to run out and try to get help. many people cannot and don not consider all possible endings in a serious emergency. They just try to get help as fast as possible.
    For those of you judging the poor child and wondering if she could have done something to deserve this terrible end…or I cannot justify your ignorance and stupidity.
    The families of both the mother and father are certainly anguished and at this point need support, not speculation and blame placing.