Borough Park, Brooklyn NY – Noach Dear To Run for Civil Court Bench.


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    Borough Park, Brooklyn NY – Former City Councilmember Noach Dear, who is currently a commissioner for the Taxi and Limousine Commission, filed petitions last week to run for a Civil Court seat in Brooklyn’s 5th District which represents most of Borough Park, where Dear still has a following.

    He’s running against former Civil Court Judge Karen Yellen.

    His constant bucking for office, most recently a failed attempt to unseat State Senator Kevin Parker, has led some – mostly political enemies — to think that Dear continues to run because he enjoys the extra capital that the campaign coffers provide him.

    “Look into his past campaign filings and you’ll see why he does this,” said one insider, who wished not to be named. “He uses the money from his campaign to pay off his car, his car insurance and his cell phone.”

    Dear has also mended fences with Assemblymember Dov Hikind, a longtime rival who has sway over voters in Borough Park.

    “I’m supporting his run,” Hikind said Tuesday. “Whatever differences we had in the past have been exaggerated to a great extent.”

    “As time passes, we all get older,” he said. “Noach reached out to me. We’ve had some very lengthy conversations and fixed our past differences.”[courierlife]

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    16 years ago

    Mazel-Tov; Tina Bas Noach, according to some posters. Anyway, very few people (I must be very oooold.)
    remember what was one of Noach Dear’s
    first public accomplishments. To have
    street-lights installed on Old New Utrecht. Furthermore, during the Crown Heights Riots, (when blacks rioted against [and killed, injured and maimed] Jews, as a result of an accident, that was caused by a car driven by a black driver, anyway. Yes by a black driver, who pushed MR. lifsh’s (the Jewish driver who ended up on the sidewalk) car through the intersection. Like Warner Wolf of ABC News likes to say, “Let’s Go To the Video”. The early editions of the news reports from that bitter day, in August, ’91 clearly showed an Olive Green car, (medium sized Oldsmobile) driven by a black driver, that caused the sta. wagon to land on the sidewalk. It was edited out, of course, in later editions, that showed, over and over again the black cop lifting the bicycle off the children)Noach Dear went to a press conference where he did the best he could answering those anti-Semitic murderers, in defense of the (unfortunate) Jewish driver.
    That low-life scoundrel, (of tAWANA
    bRAWLEY infamy)led a procession of his ilk through the streets of Crown Heights advocating arson and murder. BTW, the powlice chief lEE bRown (rhymes with CLOWN) was in Texas, at that time. Anyway, enough.

    16 years ago

    Dov also endorses Hillary for Pres. How chilling a thought.

    16 years ago

    Since Noah has been in court so oftem he can undertands the process from both sides of the bench.

    16 years ago

    The only way to get rid of Dear as a candidate, is to get rid of Hikind. Hikind is now guilty by association. Backing a crooked politician for Judge- that’s pretty bad.

    16 years ago

    Evil gossip! No, the truth. He stole money from a charity to pay for his own luxuries. The New York Times article for proof:

    And he misused campaign funds. More proof…

    16 years ago

    Only those that can afford to buy favors from Dear want him elected, for obvious reasons. Everyone else doesn’t want a Judge that will result in slander of Jewish Judges, specifically Disgusting Dear , for good reason!

    Hikind, you let us all down!

    16 years ago


    16 years ago

    Noach got caught with his pants down too many times to be worthy of consideration for Judicial candidate. C’mon Dov, you should have known better.

    16 years ago

    Dov’s backing “Noah” Noach, is proof positive of how far Dovi will go to meet his needs.

    Anti-semitism is only noteworthy and harmful, when it’s others that are the cause of it. Fake, phony fraud.

    Noach’s nature, inclinations and lack of concern for impropriety have been proven many times over.

    Civil Court Judge? Ha.

    16 years ago

    Yeah, I have nothing against him personally, I just wish he’d stay out of the public eye. I feel embarrassed by him.

    16 years ago

    worst of all Noach dear .
    supported David Dinkins for reelection against Giuliani
    after the crown heights riots
    Korean boycott as Yiddish blood was being spilled on the streets of new york because he was given to be chairman of the city council trans. committee
    and this dummy is busy
    with loshen hura.
    and before i forget he also supported the garbage incinerator in wilamsburg against the pleas of the whole community
    so everybody knows how Noach is loyal too
    so let him go ask for votes from All Sharpton Sonny Carson Maddox and Mason.
    and all the other antisemits who side he is on

    16 years ago


    16 years ago

    Dear Editor,
    Please remove post “Anon 4:29pm” It is totally uncalled for for someone to write “Ymsh” on another frum yid. In my opinion it doesn’t belong on such a respectable blog such as yours. Thank you.

    16 years ago

    Are you a mind reader? Which comments are based on peoples “prior invested interests”?

    16 years ago

    with your comments (good or bad) please state your affiliation and what do you really stand for. As an outsider to all the issues it seems that peoples comments have prior invested interests and I find thease comments disingenuous
    disclose your biases.

    Expatriate Owl
    Expatriate Owl
    16 years ago

    Anonymous 3:09 said…
    “Noach does not come to any decision without consulting daas torah; namely Rabbi Dovid Feinstein.”

    When Gidone Busch was murdered by the NYPD, did Rabbi Dovid Feinstein pasken that Noach and the Jewish community should support the NYPD?

    When he used money from his private charitable foundation to pay for his kids’ personal travel and for his $8,000 home telephone system, did he get Rabbi Dovid Feinstein’s hechscher on that one too?

    16 years ago

    I’m certain that Noah cares about Noach and sees that his bills are paid through campaign funds. I wonder if he realizes that as a sitting judge his access to campaign and other funds is severly limited.

    16 years ago

    No – this is not noach nor am I related to or work for him. Im just a simple jew who will stand up for whats right. I am saddened that you so easily whitewash slander

    16 years ago

    well to bad you’re saddened were ware you when Yiddish blood was being spilled
    in crown heights and Noach was busy sucking up to dinkins!!! and company.
    well if you or you’re buss Noach( your probably Noach himself )
    think by crying wolf
    (loshen hora) you’re going to shut every body up you’ve got something else coming.
    we are going to expose all the rishes that Noach did.
    how he always sold out his fellow Jews for his own interests.
    by the way this was all in public so there is no loshen hora.
    and he is still proud of his record.
    maybe all whats happening this week is because people like you don’t give a dam about Yiddish blood in crown heights and other places
    maybe that’s Wye hashem is
    punishing us
    because people like you and Noach don’t give a dam about there
    fellow Jews !!!

    16 years ago

    I am saddened by all these posts here. If you dont like a public official then dont vote for him. No need for all this slander. Elul is coming. Did we not suffer emough from bad news this past week?

    still wonderin'
    still wonderin'
    16 years ago

    “Sometimes Rabbonim are busy learning and they don’t realize when someone like Noach tries to use them.”

    But, of course, you believe that every dopey utterance attributed to Rav Elayahiv and Rav Shteinman is sacred.

    still wonderin'
    still wonderin'
    16 years ago

    The biggest BOOSHA associated with Noach Dear is that, despite his assistance to untold THOUSANDS of heimishe Jews over his decades in public service, the apathetic, ungrateful Jews living in his district could not be bothered to vote for him when he ran against Kevin Parker for State Senate.

    Noach is Noach — anyone who has dealt with him, as I have for many years, knows that he’s rough around the edges and can be very difficult to deal with personally.

    Yet, he uses these same “bad” traits to bully and fight his opponents for the sake and benefit of his constituents.

    There is no doubt that he can be an absolute jerk (as are most politicians), but he is one jerk who gets things done and nearly always has his heart in the right place.

    And for anyone’s information, Noach rarely makes a move without consulting rabbonim and then follows their advice and guidance.

    On the other hand, Kevin Parker, the current State Senator who represents MOST of Borough Park and surrounding neighborhoods is a vile, violent, selfish incompetent who uses his “bad” traits for yelling obscenities, physically assaulting citizens, and demonstrating an utter inaction when it comes to doing things for any of his constituents

    To Parker’s credit, however, he doesn’t discriminate. Despite his complete disinterest in the needs of his Jewish constituents, he rarely does anything for black voters either.

    Yet, this piece of garbage is the very person the frum community was too busy to vote down when the alternative was Noach Dear. The further embarrassment is that Dear lost by just a few hundred votes — BOTH TIMES he ran against Parker.

    This means that Noach received support, not just form those Jewish voters who came out for him, but a large number of black voters, too.

    Predictably, many of Noach’s black supporters were incredulous that his own “kind” didn’t vote for him and were stunned at the lack of gratitude within Noach’s own community. In other words, his loss was a terrible Chillul Hashem, too.

    Even worse, a number of other political appointees realized, and this is a direct quote from a prominent political strategist, that “no matter what [you] do for [religious] Jews, they won’t vote [for you] … why bother?”

    It’s no coincidence that over the last five years, the degree of services and political favors once easily obtained for Orthodox Jews in New York has noticeably declined.

    Now, incredibly, after allowing a candidate like Noach to fade away in such a humiliating way — despite the wealth of contact he has in City and State government, and in spite of the scores of gemilus chassodim he did, over his years in office — people here have the chutzpah to level baseless insults and accusations. It defies logic.

    The word “disgrace” barely covers the injustice this community has perpetrated. And being so totally clueless about what they have done is unconscionable.

    16 years ago

    campaign money… funding his ……

    welcome to the world of politics – it’s ALL about money nothing new;

    so the question is – why are they picking on him!?!?

    I think we know the answer?!

    16 years ago

    Chazal tell us to beware of politicians. That goes for ‘frum’ ones too, like Noah Dear. If he goes to talk to Rav Dovid Feinstein that doesn’t mean he follows him in everything. Rav Dovid didn’t give him semicha and is busy learning and I doubt that he knows Noach’s whole record. In the past Noach was doing similar with R. Epstein from Queens. Sometimes Rabbonim are busy learning and they don’t realize when someone like Noach tries to use them.

    16 years ago

    how he got this far I don’t know. remember the failed restaurant on Ave M which was funded with campaign money? He is a horrible public speaker

    16 years ago

    what does simcha felder plan on doing? Do we have enough votes for a frum brooklyn borough president?

    16 years ago

    Speaking of elections, who is going to run for Simcha Felders seat in 09 when he is term limited out? I have heard a few names.
    One from Hitech 2000
    two more from private frum consulting firms (initials are E.F. & J.L.)

    16 years ago

    Pat:you forgot Hikind as governor

    16 years ago

    It is extremely sad to see how unzerer heimishe yidden can slander a very well intentioned individual who is out to help the klal at every turn. Noach does not come to any decision without consulting daas torah; namely Rabbi Dovid Feinstein. They are extremely close. At Noach’s daughter’s wedding about a year ago R’ Dovid was the Mesader Kiddushin. Vote for a man that is always voting for you!!!!!!!!!!

    16 years ago

    How many people reading this post are registered voters? Thats the issue why he cant win. The frumma do not vote enough. Very shameful

    16 years ago

    How about Simcha for Controller and Noach for Mayor!

    16 years ago

    I’ve known Noah nee Noach since 1970 or so when he was in a band. I assure that by electing him we’ll get the best judge than money can buy.

    16 years ago

    Noach Dear would make a fine Mayor. His Judgeship should be the first step towards this endeavor.

    16 years ago

    I mean this in earnest; how did he support the riots in CH?

    16 years ago

    The really big chillul hashem, is how a person like noach dear is actualy qualified to be A JUDGE. It is a pure mockery of the system, and a real chillul hashem for the frum judge to be NOACH DEAR. This is someone who has major major ethical issues, almost was indicted on corruption matters, and now wants to be a judge!!

    If he wants to be another crooked politician, thats his deal, and if what the community wants, well thats their choice, and they rejected this path the last few elections, but to have noach dear deciding what is EMES, and DIN, its really laughable.

    16 years ago

    Noah Dear’s daughter’s name is tina?

    To his credit, he does go to MTJ to speak with Reb’ Dovid Feinstein, shlit”a, about various klal matters. I can give personal adus that I’ve seen him in the B”M talking to Reb Dovid many times…

    16 years ago

    chalila – noach ish tzadik – I will support him and he can get my vote

    16 years ago

    P L E A S E — P L E A S E — I beg u do not vote for noach or the name he calls himself “noah” dear…he is a shame for klal yisroel…he voted (the only councelman,then) to build an incinerator in williamsburg..he allways is against the heimeshe community…let him get out of politics & don’t support him…by not voting for dear “tit men zeech aleins a tova” ……

    16 years ago

    don’t forget Noch Dear is the one who supported the riots in crown heights that killed yankle rosnbaum

    16 years ago

    I somehow doubt he will win. i think he’s a very well intentioned guy who does good work sometimes. I do think he’s a pushover & am very disappointed of how he handled the gideon busch affair. I was on scene immediately after gideon was shot. I saw him being raced down the block on a stretcher because the ambulance was stuck on 16th ave traffic. Noach arrived on scene & told everyone it was a chillul hashem to be there. He immediately took sides with the police without having any idea of what actually occurred. I suspect the police asked him to do it & he wanted to curry favor with them. A chant was then started by someone I won’t name chanting “noach dear go to hell” It was pretty funny hearing hundreds of chassidim chanting or rather murmuring quietly in unison “noach dear go to gehennom”
    Noach dear quickly disappeared. Dov Hikind & cronies dominated the rest of the evening.

    Also, this isn’t the first time Noach Dear was endorsed by Hikind. Hikind it seems has no problem endorsing Dear so long as he’s not challenging Hikind or Felder.

    16 years ago

    Noach Dear is someone we should all be proud of. Hes done countless services and deeds for the klal. Why are some of you so bitter? I see nothing wrong with what hes doing – Im sure he will win too – where can I donate money?

    16 years ago

    what a mockery of the system

    16 years ago

    “Look into his past…said one insider, who wished not to be named

    An unnamed “source” speaking Loshon Hora. I remember when the sources information was verified. Has this information been verified?
    Just plain slander.

    16 years ago

    P L E A S E, Noach Dear, get a regular job and stay out of the lime light.

    16 years ago
