Jerusalem – Yishai: Extremism Bad, But So Is Incitement Against Charedim


    Jerusalem – Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) on Sunday condemned violence perpetrated by ultra-Orthodox extremists but said that he believes their is “wild incitement” against all haredim.

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    “Everyone knows that we are talking about a small group within haredi society, but their is incitement against all of the haredim,” Yishai stated in an Army Radio interview.

    “Haredi women and children are being attacked and cursed away from the cameras,” the interior minister contended. “I don’t want my words being interpreted as support for wild and extremist behavior. The legal authorities must deal with this small, extremist group.

    Yishai distanced himself from haredi demonstrators that invoked the Holocaust in describing the “oppression and “incitement” against them by pinning yellow stars to their chests in a Saturday night protest in Jerusalem. “I don’t support the use of any symbol from the Holocaust in demonstrations,” he stated.

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    12 years ago

    First Sensible comment ,this is what a real Yidishe Shtatsman should say

    12 years ago

    Yes he is right but…………….what is happeneing is the world is finally fed up witha group that has forced their imterpretation of religion down our throat, a group that has not shared their burden of society, a group that does not serve in the army, a group whose leaders can sign evey cheirem and ban against every stupidity, concerts, mishpacha magazine etc, but no where can we find their writings against the manny incident and this one. Nope. Im sorry. This is and should be an indictment against all chareidim. YOU CREATED THIS PHENOMENA.

    12 years ago

    ” Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) on Sunday condemned violence perpetrated by ultra-Orthodox extremists but said that he believes their is ‘wild incitement’ against all haredim.”

    A classical example of political fence-sitting.

    Eli Yishai, of all Israeli politicians, should have the guts to come out strongly either on one side or another. This wishy-washy, middle of the road, trying to keep everybody happy whitewash will simply not work!

    12 years ago

    Finally they start talking sensible words…..

    12 years ago

    I, actually like the idea of the hollocaust symbol at demo, as it is trying to bring home that hareidim are not the violent ones, but the victims.
    Someone told me it’s a sensitive idea that is not good to use too often. But whilst (anti-hareidi) incitement is high, i think might be a time…. to do it once but well. I mean, in THIS case. It might prevent a few hareidi people getting beaten up! Even a woman was hiting a maggid shiur in Bnei b’rak and wouldn’t stop for several minutes andkept following him, and he was only trying to get away. And there has been much more too.

    12 years ago

    Who is making wild accusations about ALL Charedim?! I’m sorry, but I think this Rabbi has got it all wrong! Nobody (from what I can tell) is decrying ALL Charedim or saying they are ALL like this, etc!

    All I see, are the decent, proper Jews, calling out the small faction w\in them, that is making trouble in the communities! And good for them! They should call out anybody who is making this big of a stink & causing trouble for everyone!

    Now they’ve shown up wearing Holocaust garb! As if they are somehow “victims of a Holocaust”, because people are asking them to STOP assaulting women! *hmph*

    They have a lot of nerve pulling a stunt like this & then turning around expecting people to respect their viewpoints! Of course people are outraged that they behave this way! And rightfully so!

    I can appreciate that this Rabbi is nervous that people might lump ALL Charedim in w\these whacko zealots, but… that’s not at all what I am seeing happening! I think most people realize it is just a small faction of people making the biggest stink.

    As the saying goes, “The squeaky wheel gets the most grease”.

    Well, they’ve been plenty squeaky enough! Now it’s time for the grease! (lol)

    12 years ago

    The problem is that EVERYTHING seems to incite the ultra-chareidim. So, until the chareidim learn to get along with society at large, the media is correct in pointing out the violence that the violence committed against non-chareidim.

    12 years ago

    I think that what is needed now is a clear Statement by the Chareidi Rabbanim a Kol Kore to clarify and esducate the non frum public where they stand on these issues it should be something along these lines
    1) we categorically condem anyone using any form of verbal or physical abuse against anyone.
    2) It is Halachically forbidden to raise a hand or spit on or scream like a deranged person at another human being
    3) at the same time it is to be understood by the non religious that Halacha and Hilchos Tzniut remain in force forever under all circumstances, and general incitment against Hareidim will not be tolerated. Only a small percentage of Hareidim are involved in physical violence and the vast majority of Hareidim whilst upholding the ideals of Tzniut would never hurt or harm another human being.

    12 years ago

    what is he talking about??? in this case the charadim are wrong….no leader or rav stood up to condemn it which is wrong…what does one expect from the media or greater population to think of charaidim??? primitive arrogant uneducated people!!

    12 years ago

    Its always the “minority” that performs these evil acts. However, look at the pictures and videos! In addition to a lack of action by the Rabbonim, it appears this “minority” has the support of a silent majority.

    12 years ago

    The Chareidim make themselves legitimate objects of scorn and mockery as long as they insist on isolating themselves from the mainstream of Israeli society and refuse to participate in the normal educational and economic activities of the country. As long as they retain a privileged status in terms of exemption from national service and entitlements to charity while they sit and do nothing while most normal Israelis work long hours to survive, this hatred and marginalizaiton will continue although it should never deteriorate to the physical violence the Chareidim have used against women and children in recent weeks.

    12 years ago

    Would the baal shem tov, reb levi yitzchak berditchover, reb nachman, the chafetz chaim, the chazon ish, rav chaim kaievsky… any giant of the torah in history ever act like these chayes (lehavdil) when reacting to antisemitism or antireligious zionism? Chas veshalom! so dont feed me this (feh!) about anti-chareidi incitement as an explanation for this hooliganism, even if you claim you condemn it.

    12 years ago

    “Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) on Sunday condemned violence perpetrated by ultra-Orthodox extremists but said that he believes their is “wild incitement” against all haredim.”

    The minister needs to provide concrete examples of this sort of thing happening. Name names, organizations and specific incidents. Otherwise, I am apt to think that Yishai is just making up accusations, like my 5 year old screaming “he did it first!”

    12 years ago

    We need a reality show, like “All American Muslim,” that shows a completely normal and productive Haredi family. Call it “All Israeli Hasid” or something like that. Of course the show would feature a Breslover or a Chabad family.

    12 years ago

    “Dear Avreich1, how about giving just a peek on any of the Chareidi Israeli websites? If you will, you will see the video of the Maggid Shuir speaking about his experience”


    Would you please enlighten me by giving me the name of “any of the Chareidi Israel websites” that you allege to carry this story?

    I find it odd that THIS website ( has made no mention of this alleged event. VIN may not be Israeli, but it definitely portrays the Chareidi news.

    12 years ago

    Do we have any examples of Charedim being attacked and beaten up by seculars? I seem to remember last year or the year before, a woman pepper-sprayed a man who yelled at her to go to the back of the bus.

    Yes there is tremendous incitement in the media but some of it is well-deserved. That we have not yet had a Breivik incident speaks volumes about the restraint of the seculars.

    12 years ago

    Sorry to say, but lehavid, one can’t help but draw parallels between the reaction of the haradi press and leadership to that of Islamic world in the aftermath of 9/11… instead of focusing on cleaning house and casting out fanatics and their supporters… they turned victim and focused on Islamaphobia ….. the haradi community is doing the same… minimizing the scope of the problem and focusing on victimhood… unfortunately this is symptomatic of the true influence of the extreme elements…. at least the Muslim leaders have some real terrorists to be afraid of, people really can get killed and stuff… at the end of the day the Jewish fanatics are mostly bluffing, it’s a merit to the Jewish people that even the violent fugs among us are not all that violent relative to other nations and ethnic groups, but it’s embarrassing that we can’t deal with them…

    12 years ago

    I think we should give up all rabonim and start asking shaalos from the bloggers they seem to know better.
    The next thing we should do is stop going do doctors for medical opinions and use some blogger with a lot of time for our medical opinion.
    Then if we need Musar we can use some of those op-eds from those that instead of learning all day to become rabbis give rabinical opinions on the internet.