WATCH: NY AG Letitia James Was “Proud” To Get Abortion, Makes “No Aplogies To Anyone”


NEW YPRK (VINnews) — New York AG Letitia James held a raucous rally Tuesday in New York City in response to the leaked report that the Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade.

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During her speech, James unabashedly revealed that she herself underwent an abortion. But not only that, she went so far as to say that she “walked proudly into Planned Parenthood.” As the crowd wildly cheered her on, she continued, “And I make no aplogies to anyone!”

James went on to address the glaringly obvious contradiction of her considering herself a religious woman yet still supporting the killing of the unborn.

“My god teaches me all about love and acceptance!” she yelled. “And my god teaches me about privacy! And my god says that you’ve gotta make the best decision for your body and your life!”

James did not address what her god might teach about the separate life that she killed.

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2 years ago

Her mother should have done the same.

Yankel in crown heights
Yankel in crown heights
2 years ago

AG Letitia James’s father, Robert, was a maintenance man, and her mother Nellie scrubbed floors before working her way up to customer service. The couple had enough morals and faith to have eight children.
James, however, was proud to have aborted a human life she could easily support. And proudly announce it to be politically correct. No busha?
Now in 10 years at age 73 ms James may one day regret the sin against Heaven and man . That son she aborted could have been President of the US or even just a maintenance man like her father, but a life is a life.
Reminds me, they say, of a lecture R. Avigdor Miller ah gave expounding faith and trust that Hashem would bless large families. To a woman who disagreed vociferously his response was
” Mrs ……… You are one of the supporters of our shuel , where would we be if your parents had stopped at 2 kids?”. It’s a sensitive issue but ultimately a life is a life.

A yid
A yid
2 years ago

She is proud to have committed murder

The One
The One
2 years ago

She should apologize to G-d for taking a life.

2 years ago

best decision for YOUR body, unless its a vaccine where bill aguda de blasio and eric aguda adams fire you for not taking this toxin into your body.

2 years ago

Don’t worry come this November they all be crying !!!

2 years ago

What a מנוולת but thank goodness this is so occupying her, that it is taking her away from being available to terrorize President Donald Trump on trumped up false charges.

2 years ago

Her body her choice? Then she should have chosen to take care of her body so that she wouldn’t have to use abortion as birth control.

Anyway all those people spouting off about my body my choice I am in charge etc. in reality they are not in charge of their body Hashem is in charge. The only thing anybody controls is the choice of being morally correct or the opposite.

2 years ago

It’s stupidity like this that makes the anti abortion people go berserk. This comes off as if putting out a potential life is nothing at all and you should be proud to be in control of your body and you bear zero responsibility for the life inside of you. The reality is that this issue is extremely complex and it’s quite obvious that a baby that is inside of you that could live completely independent of you if it was taken out of you right now is not something that a rational person should be proud of killing just because it’s my body my choice. I would understand if the baby was actively killing you but other than that to deny that this completely viable child is just a part of you and it’s no different than clipping your toenails is not really anything that makes sense in the realm of logic. The issue becomes much more complex when the embryo is 1 day old up to 40 days old and again up to the point where it is a viable entity along with the extentuiating circumstance. This individual presents the issue with zero gray area and that of course is ludicrous.

Fahood in Yemen
Fahood in Yemen
2 years ago

Remember when she aborted her gubernatorial run after 15 minutes ?
Strange lady.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fahood in Yemen
S w
S w
2 years ago

These people are nuts. Think about it. For the last few years we have been hearing these retarded issues, such as genderless or binary. How we are not allowed to call someone a woman we can be insulting them. All of a sudden now, they are screaming “woman’s rights”. These liberals are so confusing, can I say woman or not

Learn the sheva mitzvos
Learn the sheva mitzvos
2 years ago

One who hits a pregnant woman and kills her embryo, or a doctor who performs an abortion – by which process the embryo cannot possibly live,[10] or a doctor who gives the mother medicine for the purpose of aborting the embryo or killing it in place, or a pregnant woman who took this action herself, are all liable for murder as a capital sin.
embryo is not considered to be a human life until 40 days after conception. Prior to this, its substance is considered like mere water. However, during this time, it is still forbidden within the prohibition of murder to cause an abortion, and G-d will seek justice for the destruction of the embryo.[11] Nevertheless, within 40 days after the egg is fertilized (the moment of conception), a killer of the embryo is not liable to capital punishment from a court of law.

Even if the mother has emotional justification for not wanting the pregnancy (for example, in cases of rape or incest), aborting the fetus is forbidden according to the severity of the prohibition of murder.[12]

If it is known that the child she is carrying will be born with a fatal illness or defect, it is nevertheless forbidden to abort the fetus, and one who does so is a murderer.[13]

It would appear that if it is medically proven that the fetus will be miscarried or not born alive, or that it will be born but will die within 30 days, then one who transgresses and aborts such a fetus is not liable for a capital sin.

A pregnant woman whose own life is at risk because of her pregnancy is permitted to have an abortion.

All of the above concerns abortion; however, use of methods that prevent conception from happening is permissible for Gentiles.

7One who kills a born child that could not have lived for 30 days after birth, due to a serious illness or defect, is exempt from liability for a capital sin.[14] If, however, the child could live at least 30 days after birth, even if only through medical intervention, it is considered viable, and one who kills it is liable to capital punishment.

2 years ago

Is it particularly important to try to stop her from encouraging her sisters in faith and culture to electively abort their own babies on demand?

2 years ago

After watching this mashugana מנוולת and all these other pro abortion advocates, I have even more כוונה every morning when I say שלא עשני גוי.

2 years ago

The Rabbi of shule i once belong too.
Invited this darling of a woman. To speak about hate.. she blamed every witeman she could think essentially Trump. But never mentioned one word about black people attacking Jew and Chinese. After that I never went back to that shule again..
For some Rabbi Judaism is about how much money and political power i can get..

2 years ago

I doubt she was a proud as she claims to have been.

2 years ago

I understand that she felt the need for abortion , but I don’t know why that’s a reason to be proud

S w
S w
2 years ago

Just shows how low the AG of NYS is

Keepin’ it Real
Keepin’ it Real
2 years ago

The rest of us are happy too.

Shawanda obuka
Shawanda obuka
2 years ago

Who cares about het abortion. Let’s look ahead – Her end will be same as her predecesor , the Trump hating Scheissterman. He’s guzzling beer , unshaven , in a basement.

2 years ago

Kudos to the editor of this story for not capitalizing her reference to a deity. She clearly is not using the term as meaning “our master, whose commands outweigh our personal needs and desires.” Her god is self realization.