New York, NY – Black Population Leaving the City


    New York, NY – As the city is seeing a huge influx of other racial and ethnic groups, estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau show that the number of black residents fell by more than 40,000 between 2000 and 2006. The city’s overall population was estimated to have grown by about 200,000, with the number of people identifying as Hispanic and Asian each increasing by more than 90,000.

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    “I just see the U-Haul trucks, and people coming up to me and kissing goodbye,” Council Member Letitia James said. “They just indicate to me that their dollar can go farther in the South.”

    Elected officials and demographers say that the decline in the black population is due to the rising housing costs and changing immigration patterns, causing a growing number of families to move to the South.
    Should the estimates be correct, the trend would represent something of a turnaround from patterns of the previous decade: Between 1990 and 2000, the city’s black population grew by more than 25,000. [NY Sun]

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    16 years ago

    That infamous anti-Semite & Racist, OC”M, (of cursed memory) whose name slips me at the moment, but is remembered by the infamous quote; “WHITE PEOPLE CAN’T JUMP –AND THEY CAN’T COUNT– Oh yes. Khalid Mohammed YMSHV”Z. He used to live in a building, in N.J. inhabited by Jewish Doctors &
    lawyers, who never dreamed that their
    well-mannered & wealthy neighbor, who was chauffeur driven, wearing a Toupee (shaytl belaa”z), is the worst anti-Semite around.

    16 years ago


    16 years ago

    please remove this article

    16 years ago

    There’s an old saying in the African-American community that “when white people catch a cold, black folks get pneumonia”. The message is that the black community is a bellwether for social problems afflicting others. This, by the way, has been demonstrated in a number of areas.

    I relocated a business from the NYC area several years ago that employed six frum people. Taxes were ridiculous, the state required employers to pay every time an employee had a hangnail, and the city government had its hand out at every turn.

    A generation or two ago, the only way to live Jewishly was to live in NY, but that is no longer true. There are literally dozens of communities of various sizes throughout the Northeast, Midwest, South, and Pacific Coast. No one is forced to live in NY anymore just to get kosher food, attend yeshiva, etc.

    This news report should be a wake-up call for the state and city governments of NY as well as people who still struggle to live there.

    16 years ago

    A little racism is gr8 and all, but we gotta keep it “all in the family” if you know what I mean. As per our lovely editor, nisht vin inserah read this blog too

    16 years ago

    Many came up from the SOuth and other areas to take advantage of NY liberal welfare rules. They could have a few kids, not be married and get free housing, medical, food and money. In the past 5 -7 years it has become workfare instead of welfare. Spitzer just vetoed a bill that would have spent tens of millions to train these workfare recpients into better paying jobs, (ie pay them and their tuition while they go to school). Good for Spitzer. With workfare, they cant afford to live in NYC so they go back south where they can buy a house and grow collard greens in the backyard for little money. Tzeischem lesholom.

    16 years ago

    Al Sharpton, in his heyday, lived in Teaneck, New Jersey far away from the mayhem and nighborhoods he was always assumed to live in. I assume he still lives in New Jersey.

    16 years ago

    Does this mean that we all look forward to Al Sharpton leaving the city too? Aw, we’re really gonna miss that big joke.