Rockland Official Clarifies Why He Took Down Flyers of Hamas Hostages


ROCKLAND (VINnews) — Following backlash, a Nyack Village administrator released a statement explaining why he was seen taking down Hamas hostage flyers last week.

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Andy Stewart, the top appointed official in the Rockland village, was condemned by a Rockland politician, after pictures emerged of him removing the posters. 

Part of his response stated: “…in these times of anguish and raw emotion, when the Jewish community is understandably feeling under siege by rising anti-Semitism, I understand how easily actions like this can be misinterpreted, and I deeply regret that my actions inadvertently added to the pain so many are feeling.”

Stewart’s complete statement was posted on the Village of Nyack’s Facebook page:

“Like so many others, I was appalled and heartbroken by the brutal terrorist attack carried out by Hamas on October 7. Locally, I have worked closely with our elected officials and leaders in Rockland’s Jewish community to identify and remove anti-semitic graffiti and to hang Israeli flags on Main Street as an act of solidarity with the people of Israel and Jewish members of our community.

On Friday morning, in preparation for the Halloween parade, the Village DPW cleaned all of downtown, including removing several hundred posters from Main Street light poles, trees, and the Veterans Square Gazebo. Village code prohibits affixing any posters to public property. As a veterans’ memorial, the gazebo is a special focus of routine maintenance.
The village routinely cleans its property of all illegally posted materials, and had in fact just repainted the gazebo and light poles throughout Main St, in the process removing all posted materials.

On Friday afternoon, I noticed more posters and proceeded to remove four at the gazebo. Not being in uniform, my actions were easily mistaken for an act of individual choice, rather than a fulfillment of official duty.

Again, the removal of posters was a routine maintenance activity and not intended to target any particular poster or point of view. However, in these times of anguish and raw emotion, when the Jewish community is understandably feeling under siege by rising anti-Semitism, I understand how easily actions like this can be misinterpreted, and I deeply regret that my actions inadvertently added to the pain so many are feeling.

There are many local businesses and property owners who might welcome the opportunity to host a poster or a lawn sign in a window or on a front yard and both I and the Village government encourage placement of posters and other signs of support there.”

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6 months ago

As a government official working in high office, I understand his explanation. I know, you wont like my answer, but public officials, voted in the office or appointed, have a job to do. Not every job is to the liking of everybody. For example, if your wife parked your hatzoloh car in front of a fire hydrant and got a ticket, don’t call the judge antisemite when he tells you that the ticket is valid and you have to pay. Or, if your sticker expired in August and you blame High Holidays for not renewing it as an excuse, stop calling the parking enforcer or office staff antisemites. PLEASE STOP CALLING EVERYONE YOU DONT LIKE ANTISEMITE. I have been called antisemite for not issuing parking permit that would interrupt peace for other Jewish neighbors (and I am frum). Please calm down. Not everyone is ANTISEMITE.

Victor not Victim
Victor not Victim
6 months ago

This seems both plausible and sincere.

Respectfully Jr.
Respectfully Jr.
6 months ago

This reminds me of a story also with a NYer.
He moved to Baltimore & didn’t like the “Minhag Baltimore” is on residential side streets you can park on the opposite side of the road. He insisted it was dangerous & must stop. He put up over 100 signs on poles with this message.
There’s a law that prohibits signs on poles so someone from the community called the govt. The govt contacted this man & told him he could be issued a $500 fine FOR EVERY SIGN but they’ll only cite him for 1 sign as long as he immediately removes all of them.
Of course his response was, “Yes it’s illegal BUT I was doing it for safety. I can’t believe I’m the bad guy for trying to improve the community.”
If signs are illegal or an area is being cleaned for an event please don’t start with the “Yes it’s illegal BUT, BUT, BUT”
AS “Respectfully” said, not everything is Antisemitism & in my experience crying Antisemitism when doing something wrong cheapens the word to the point of making it meaningless.

6 months ago

He left up all the “free palestine” posters. I’m sure there’s an explanation…

6 months ago

Thank you Mr. Stewart!

A c
A c
6 months ago

Remember that the antisemits said no Israeli is a civilian. So why he say he condemneds the acts against civilians and not say Israel or Israelis???

6 months ago

What a predictable response

6 months ago

In such situations we could look at his past performance for the Jewish community. Although I try to take someone at their word unless there was reason not too.

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
6 months ago

Lawful evil

6 months ago

it’s November and he should be voted out of office

6 months ago

He vas just following zeh orders sound familiar?

Monsey Bochur
Monsey Bochur
6 months ago

I would believe him if he had also taken down other posters.

But since he was only taking down posters about Jews that were Taken, his actions proved his intentions!

Liar Liar Pants On Fire!

At the next elections: Dump the Bum.

6 months ago

hopefully in his next election people will remember and remove is signs too!

Vin acts like like 1984 in the comment section
Vin acts like like 1984 in the comment section
6 months ago

So for the record if you disagree with the article and see this guy as a Jew hater which I’m sure he is you’re going to give thumbs down to anybody who disagrees with the article brilliant..